Chapter 5.

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Kuro stood up from her warm bed and stretched, a bright smile on her face. Today was a new, refreshing day. She wasn't going to let anyone piss her off, or annoy her. She was going to relax, go to the beach and tan. Anything to get her mind off this silly little situation. Kuro chuckled under her breath as she examined her messy hair that reminded her of a birds nest- definitely not pretty at all. She chuckled quietly to herself and strode into the bathroom where she cleaned herself up with a nice warm shower, of course not without brushing her teeth.

Kuro skipped down the stairs and into the kitchen where she made herself some toast with a cup of orange juice before sitting down and digging in, trying not to get any crumbs on her favourite dress; it had a lovely floral design and was a nice green with a brown belt just below the breasts with a matching pair of black flats. Her hair was braided and rested on her shoulder, dangling down to her breasts but not moving unless jolted. Kuro finished up and stood up, giving her dress a slight brush over before placing her plate and cup into the sink and picking up her phone.

'I'm ready Hinata, I'll meet you at the ice-cream pallor in 10 minutes, bring Neji too! xoxo -Kuro.' She quickly typed to Hinata before jumping out of her seat and rushing out the door, making a run for it before stopping not far away and reading Hinata's text.


I sat down at a table and frowned as I looked around before pulling my phone out of my purse; Hinata had texted saying she would be here in 5 minutes but it's been 10, now I'm normally not the type to worry but I feel as if something has gone wrong, very very wrong. I groaned and tilted my head to the side to see Itachi and Sasuke, I gulped and turned my attention to my phone until someone interrupted by wrapping their arms around my waist and kissing my temple causing my face to heat up. I turned my head to meet the gaze of light Grey eyes; the ones that belonged to Neji Hyuga. Hinata sat next to me with a giggle as she looked behind us where Naruto had joined the two brothers.

I smiled as Neji took a seat next to me and caressed my delicate hands in his rough ones. I found a blush creeping up to my cheeks as he smiled at me before glaring at the small group behind me. I winked at Hinata's whose face went bright red before she turned her face away, looking angered. I frowned in confusion before turning my head around to see Sakura sitting between Naruto and Itachi, which angered me quite a bit. Why can't she leave me alone!?

"I hate her so much," I grumbled, leaning onto Neji who wrapped his arms around me, giving me a smile as he stared down at me; I didn't know if it was to make Itachi jealous or if it was really him smiling down at me- it seemed like he was in love and I couldn't stand that. Neji would get hurt in the end because in all honesty, I'm not the most perfect person ever- he's just going to get hurt. I like Itachi, a little, although Hinata claimed it was love.

"Kuro babe!" Tenten called from a distance, causing me to stand up and open my arms wide, "Come to mama baby!" I screamed, as she sprinted towards me and hugged me tight with a laugh as she buried her face in my neck. Neji watched with a sly smile while Hinata blushed and giggled at how Tenten had introduced herself to the conversation. Tenten pulled away and smiled at the two, "Yo Neji, hey Hinata," She greeted, giving me a playful wink although I noticed how her eyes went to Sasuke after a second before she ripped her attention away, obviously due to Sakura.

"Oh look it's the lesbian!" Sakura laughed, standing up and folding her arms across her chest, glaring at me and Tenten. I grimaced and tore my attention away, looking at Neji- if looks could kill. Tenten growled and turned around, "Well look, it's the whore Sakura," Tenten mimicked, a smirk on her face. Sakura's mouth fell open before she snickered, "Whatever you say but," Sakura pulled out a picture which was obviously photo-shopped of me and Tenten in bed together.

"Oh that's it bitch!" Tenten spat, slapping Sakura across the face and then punching her in the gut, causing Sakura to fall over. I watched with wide eyes, not knowing how to react with this situation. I've always wanted to do that to Sakura but I never had enough guts too and this amazed me. Neji stood up and grabbed Tenten, pulling her off Sakura while Hinata stood with her mouth hanging open in shock. Itachi grabbed Sakura and held her back while Sasuke stood there, holding the picture in his hands. Naruto peeked over and fell back with a nose bleed- are those guys stupid or what!

"Let's go," I said turning around to face my trio of friends. They looked at me before nodding, of course Tenten was reluctant and tried to attack Sakura once again after we turned away and started to walk. I immediately grabbed Tenten and dragged her away, wishing that the fight had lasted just a tad bit longer, of course that would never happen. "Why didn't you let me finish her off," Tenten whined once we reached our new destination; a deserted park.

"Because Tenten, you gave her the reaction she wanted which would only prove as proof that we had actually slept together which of course, we hadn't!" I hissed, sitting down on the slide and burying my face into my hands. I can't believe this is happening- I can't believe Itachi did this to me! Neji got down on his knees in front of me and placed a single finger under my chin and lifted my face up, leaning forward and placing a soft kiss upon my lips. "Calm down Kuro, you'll be fine, Itachi is just being a selfish prick right now. He should understand how you would feel about this but of course, it seems he doesn't," Neji whispered, pulling me forward and hugging me. "No matter what, I'll be here for you," He added, tightening his grip.

"I hope you are Neji, I can't exactly take this, you know? I've known him for so long, so god damn long. And now this happens? God, I can't take this!" I whispered, letting a single tear fall before wiping it away and smiling at Neji before I stood up due to seeing Sasuke walk over. He looked guilty, incredibly guilty. "Kuro, I am so sorry about Sakura! God, my brother is so stupid," Sasuke cursed, looking away before returning his attention. "Please forgive him."


Itachi sat down next to Sakura under a lovely cherry blossom tree- Sakura kept rambling on about some random crap but Itachi wasn't listening, oh no. His mind was on Kuro, she looked happy with Neji and that made him mad. He always thought him and Kuro were perfect for each other but now, well he has no chance. He ruined everything and he regrets it, of course he regrets it. He lost his friend! Itachi sighed and looked up at the sky, smiling as he remembered all those times you spent together.

"Babe, are you even listening to me!" She squawked into his ear, obviously trying to be seductive. Itachi turned his attention to her, a blank expression on his face. "Huh? Oh yeah, yeah," Itachi mumbled, looking away and staring up at the sky. Sakura's mouth dropped open as she realized, he hadn't been listening to a damn thing! Why doesn't he love her like that blonde idiot Naruto!? It just isn't fair, she huffed to herself, glaring at the distant Itachi.

After a few minutes of silence, a light bulb went off in Sakura's head. She pulled herself onto Itachi's lap and started to play with his long black locks. Itachi didn't seem to notice until she touched an area, that made him shove her off, anger clear in his eyes. "Don't touch me!" He yelled, glaring at her. Sakura's eyes widened as she crawled back, whispering things to herself. "That usually works, why doesn't it work on him!?" She whispered harshly to herself before Itachi stomped over and slapped her hard across the face. Itachi immediately apologized- and Sakura being the 'smart' one, she accepted it. The only reason being to torture Kuro some more.

Itachi sat down and buried his face into his hands, wishing he could erase everything that just happened. "I'm such an idiot," Itachi muttered as he walked up to his door, stopping as he saw his younger brother with his beloved Kuro. That made Itachi even more jealous, so jealous that Sasuke got a huge surprised once he entered the door...

"What's happened to you Itachi!? I missed the old you," Sasuke yelled in Itachi's face before whispering, "The ghost of you still lingers in my mind."

The Ghost of You. [Modern Itachi Love Story].Where stories live. Discover now