Chapter 16.

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  Kuro got off the bus, her thoughts a mess. She couldn't believe she was actually doing this; she was leaving everything behind. She went over to the park and set her things down next to the swings and immediately sat on the swing, letting herself go. She shut her eyes and swung her legs back and forth so she would glide through the air. She needed this; it would calm her down. Kuro found herself giggling after a while, she hadn't done something so 'child-ish' in a very long time.

She let her eyes open and found herself blushing when she saw a man in his 20's who looked like a mix of her real mother and father. And then, right next to him, stood her mother. They shared the same pink hair. Kuro stopped herself and got off, picking her things up and running over, quickly embracing her mother, Rina. "Kuro.. You're so beautiful!" The woman cried and Kuro grinned, blushing. She couldn't stop the tears that ran down her cheeks so she held the embrace, sobbing into her mothers neck. Kuro quickly pulled away when she remembered her brother, who happily embraced her afterwards. "Kichiro, Rina... No, brother, mother.. I'm so happy!"

Rina laughed at that and quickly wiped her eyes, she had started crying too. This was truly a dream come true. Kichiro rubbed Kuro's back, smiling softly. His sister.. She was so... soft... and.. warm. Kichiro's breath got heavy as he realised he could feel just how much she had developed since she was younger. Rina's expression darkened slightly as she noticed Kichiro's grip tighten on Kuro. Kuro hadn't noticed, too caught up in her world. Rina pulled Kuro away, "We should head home now. It's dark and cold, it's not safe," Rina shot a glare at her son.

He rolled his eyes and nodded, "I'll drive," He smiled at Kuro who grinned. Kuro followed them to their car and set her things in the trunk, climbing into the back seat. Kichiro was driving and Rina sat in the seat next to them. "So, Kuro.. I couldn't help but notice this but that bump.. It's not from weight gain, is it?" Kuro's expression saddened at that.

"I truly wish it was but no.. I was raped and I.. He got away and now I.. Well I don't know what to do. I have a limited amount of time to.. To kill the child.. Once it starts growing in size then the only choice I have is to put it up for adoption.." Rina turned around and smiled softly at Kuro, "Don't worry sweetheart. Mummy will help you out and Kichiro is a doctor so he's quite handy," Rina smiled and Kuro found herself smiling happily. "Okay.. Mum.." Kuro blushed and turned her gaze to out the window. She gazed at the houses as she drove and gasped when she saw her new home.. It was most likely this big due to Kichiro but it was... huge!

Rina laughed when she saw Kuro's expression, "It's thanks to my job and my sons that we got this house. A lot of hard work was put into it," She smiled and Kuro found herself looking up to her mother and brother. They were amazing! Kuro got out of the car and watched as Kichiro got her things out and smiled, "Your room isn't ready yet but I'm sure you wouldn't mind bunking with your brother for a while, right?"Kuro blushed lightly but smiled, "We are related, nothing wrong with it. Just wear clothes when you sleep," Kuro laughed and Rina chuckled at that. "Come on, let's get her inside. She's pregnant, she needs as much sleep as she can get!" Rina chuckled and Kuro smiled. She honestly felt like she was home, at last. Now she was with her true family.

When Kuro got into Kichiro's room she gasped and looked at his room; a massive bed, walk in closet, a bathroom attached (with expensive furniture!). "This is truly amazing. You two really afforded this all by yourselves?" Kichiro laughed and nodded, "Yes and the house will be put in your name so if we pass away, it'll be yours," Kichiro smiled but there was something.. different about it. Kuro felt her stomach churn. Something wasn't right. Kichiro took a step forward and Kuro took a step backwards. She was terrified- this reminded her of the encounter with Obito. Kuro turned to run but Kichiro grabbed her,

"You aren't going anywhere."


"Aito!" Aki screamed when she finally realised Kuro was gone. Aito rushed in, "What?" He asked before he looked at her room, things were missing and.. Kuro was gone. "She's gone!" Aki screeched, turning around and glaring at Aito. "You called Rina, didn't you? I told you what would happen if you dared call her! Do I mean nothing to you?" Aki fumed and Aito flinched. "You mean everything to me Aki.. I haven't contacted her. I honestly don't know what happened," Aito tried consoling Aki who pushed him back. "Rina always gets what she wants," Aki whimpered.

Aito looked away and grimaced. He knew this was coming. "She got every guy she wanted, she had her dream kids, she has money... Everything I ever wanted.. It isn't fair," Aki whimpered and Aito sighed, "Aki, Rina is your younger sister.. Things like this tend to happen but think of the positives love.. You have me," He leaned forward and kissed her and placed a hand on her stomach, "And our son," Aki smiled at that. "Yes.. You are right.. Thank you Aito.." Aki smiled softly and looked at her lover lovingly before she kissed him roughly, pulling him towards Kuro's bed.

She let herself fall back with Aito on top, clothes being thrown everywhere....


Itachi played with his phone, he was in his own world. He didn't know what to do. He had been trying to contact Kuro for days. She ignored him, she wouldn't even look at him! He felt like crying. He loves her more than anything and yet it seemed like she only wanted Neji now. Life just didn't seem fair. He sighed and went on Facebook, clicking on her profile he saw who she recently added. His eyes widened at the name: Kichiro Kazumi.

His heart clenched as he looked at the male; he was.. attractive for a man, Itachi would admit that. He actually looked similar to Kuro and Aito. Relatives he hoped. He couldn't compete with a man that looks like that. Itachi groaned and threw his head back with a groan, "Why can't you just be mine Kuro?"  

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