Chapter 19.

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As Kuro woke up a few mornings, snuggled up into Itachi's arms. She smiled, she felt truly at peace, even after everything that had happened. Itachi looked so peaceful sleeping. Kuro sat up slightly, pushing his hair out of his face and leaning forward, softly kissing him. She felt like nothing could go wrong in that moment. Everything just felt right and safe. It was perfect. Itachi started twitching in his sleep, his beautiful onyx eyes fluttering open. He smiled as he gazed up at Kuro. "Morning beautiful," He murmured. Kuro giggled and smiled at Itachi, "Good morning my love," Kuro giggled.

Itachi tightened his grip on Kuro, while using his other hand to rub the sleep from his eyes. "What's the time?" He asked and Kuro leaned over him, looking at his alarm clock. "It's.. 11 o'clock," Kuro said, leaning down and kissing Itachi. He pulled her on top of him, being careful of her stomach. Itachi gently licked Kuro's lower lip, begging for her to let his tongue in. He heard her giggle before she let him in. As the kiss got deeper they seemed unaware of the presence outside their window - watching with an intent to kill.

Within minutes, Itachi and Kuro were making love gently, being careful to not harm the child growing inside her. When they finished, Kuro laid next to Itachi. Both were breathing deeply. "..That.. was amazing," Kuro blushed, gazing at her lover. Itachi was smiling as he looked at her, "Yes, it was. You are perfect," Itachi had such a loving expression on his face. Kuro smiled before sitting up, holding her stomach. "Lets go have a bath, I'm so sweaty," Kuro stood up and Itachi reluctantly followed suit, yawning. "I could go for another sleep," Itachi admitted. Kuro rolled her eyes and walked into the bathroom.

Kuro tuned the water to the way she liked it - nice and warm. She put in her bath salts and bath bombs before sliding in to the bath, slowly. Itachi plopped in next to her, wrapping his arms around her. Kuro rested her head on his shoulder with a content smile on her face as the bath filled up - the water a beautiful pink color. "You really like the color pink, don't you?" Itachi joked. Kuro smiled at that, "Not as much as I like you," Kuro purred. Itachi laughed and gave her a swift kiss.


Obito watched Kuro and Itachi from the mirror with disgust on his face. "Kuro is mine," He growled, "I am the only one allowed to touch her.. to love her.. she is only allowed to love me," He moved from the bedroom window to the bathroom, following their movement. He watched as Itachi held Kuro, touched Kuro. His stomach churned as they shared another kiss. Obito felt so much rage watching them. "That should be me.." He growled. He climbed down from where he was perched and made his way back to his apartment. He needed to plan it all out.

Kuro would be his, one way or another.


Kakuzu and Hidan had been taken into the police after what had happened. They had been interviewed, briefed and then let go - thanks to Itachi's family for bailing them out. They might have killed Kuro's real mother and brother, but they did it to protect Kuro. And that's what matters. "Damn.. that was a pain. How does it feel to have your "future wife's" boyfriend and his family bail you out of jail?" Hidan smirked when Kakuzu grimaced. "Shut up asshole, I didn't ask for you opinion," Kakuzu replied.

Hidan rolled his eyes as they got into his car. "Damn, lighten up. You never stood a chance against that Uchiha bastard," Hidan said. Kakuzu glared at Hidan, "Hidan. I said. Shut. Up. I am not in the mood. It doesn't matter if I stood a chance, there's nothing wrong with having hope. She is a very fine woman," Kakuzu grumbled, looking out the window as they drove off. As they continued down the road, they drove past Itachi's house.

Kakuzu bolted upright as he saw the familiar man climbing down the house. "Is that.. Obito?" Kakuzu said, looking mortified. Hidan braked the car and looked out the window, "Shit dude.. the's the guy that got her pregnant isn't it?" Hidan whispered. Kakuzu grunted in reply. "Follow him," Kakuzu commanded. Hidan huffed as he turned the car around, watching as Obito got into a small black car and drove off. Hidan slowly trailed behind him, trying not to be too noticeable. They followed him all the way the apartment and watched as Obito walked up the stairs and into a room. "I see.." Kakuzu mumbled, "That's where he's staying." Kakuzu could feel so much rage in his chest.

"Should we do something?" Hidan asked, shutting off his car. "Yes.. Maybe we should teach that bastard a lesson?" Kakuzu replied. Hidan grinned, "Now we are talking!" Hidan grinned as he got out of the car, Kakuzu following suit. They slammed the car doors and locked it. They made their way up the stairs to where Obito was staying. They kicked the door down, startling Obito. "What the f*ck are you guys doing here?" Obito said, holding up a knife. Kakuzu chuckled and pulled out his gun, "Getting revenge, that's what asshole," And with that, he shot Obito right in the stomach.

"I won't let you harm Kuro again."


That night as Kuro laid in bed with Itachi, the news came on. Kuro sat upright as she saw what was on it. "A local man named Obito Uchiha was shot dead today. We are still trying to find the intruders." Kuro stared dumb-founded at the TV. She felt relieved and happy. The man that reaped her was gone. Itachi pulled Kuro close. "My god.." Itachi whispered. He already had an idea who had done it, and he hadn't heard anything from them since they were released. What idiots, he thought.

"Itachi.. He's gone. That rapist is gone," Kuro breathed. Itachi smiled softly and turned off the TV. "Yes. He is. I'm relieved," Itachi leaned down and kissed Kuro.. then kissed her bulging stomach. Kuro giggled before Itachi saw her face change. He felt the bed get wet. "Kuro..?" Itachi asked before quickly lifting the blanket up and seeing the bed soaked.

"Itachi.. my water broke."

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