A Familar Face

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I've been wondering through the forest for hours. Toothless wandered in front of me sniffing at the ground.
We had gotten lost trying to find the river after our town was attacked. I still couldn't believe I had separated from my friends. Jack.. Rapunzel.. but the person I missed most was Merida. I could not stop thinking about her. I really hope she made it out alive. A fallen tree caught my eye. I instantly made my way to it.
"Toothless, come here boy," I called.
Toothless lifted his head and gracefully made his way to my side.
He sat down. I pet his dirty coat of black fur while he licked my... "leg".
Memories of getting bit and getting my leg cut off flashed through my mind. I let out a deep breath. That's when I heard it. The soft sound of a river.
"Toothless come on"
The black Labrador got up and together we walked toward the sound of running water.
I could hear the water banging against rocks much clearer now.
"We're almost there boy," I reassured Toothless.
He whined as he lowered his head then suddenly he stopped and lifted his head and faced the trees.
"What is it boy? Walker?"
Toothless lifted his ears.
He barked twice loudly and began to wag his tail.
I didn't understand what he was trying to tell me.
"Boy what are yo-"
Something large and heavy knocked the air out of me as I fell towards the earth rapidly.
I began to panick when I hit the floor.I had no idea what just tackled me it could be a walker!
As soon as my body hit the ground, I kicked up and elbowed the object off me.
My eyes widened I knew that voice anywhere.
I finally looked at the person on the ground. Her red curls were hanging around her face. Small cuts and bruises decorated her pale freckled skin and her beautiful blue eyes were glassy and red. Her eyes widened when she finally looked to see who had hit her.
"HICCUP!!" she practically shouted while she smiled and wrapped me in a bear hug. I didn't hesitate to hug her back.
She pulled away and looked at me smiling . I started to realize bruises around her face. They were clearly man made.
"Meri, who did this to you?" I asked sternly while pointing to her cuts.
"I'm fine Hic." She assured while looking down.
"No. Meri. Who did this to you?" I asked again with a serious voice.
"Hey.." she said while gently holding my chin in her hands so I could meet her eyes," I'm okay."
She pulled me in for a hug.
"I'm glad you're okay," I whispered into her curls.
Toothless eagerly popped up and started licking Merida's face.
"Hey boy!" She said while rubbing him under his ears.
I got up as best as I could and dusted myself off. Meri did the same.
"Where is everyone?" I asked.
Immediately Merida looked down.
"What?" I asked.
" Mulan and Pocahontas ran off. I don't know where to..I didn't even see Belle and Adam after we were ambushed.. Shane fell into a herd of walkers... Peter ..didn't make it.. Jack was in a bed of a truck last time I saw him in the town and .. Rapunzel.. She was alone .. by the river and these men suddenly showed up, pulled a gun on her..I tried to help her but this guy grabbed me and another guy started to threaten Punze and then...," her voice began to break," she fell in the river..."
I tried to grasp what she was telling me.
" I don't even know if Jack's alive.. but if he is and we find him he'll be devistated ... " she started weeping now.
" Hey it's okay.." I said but I think I was trying to tell myself that. There was no way Rapunzel could survive the river. No way and Jack.. we just had to hope and pray that he was okay. I hugged Meri as her sobs got a bit louder. I couldn't help but let out a tear too. As strong as I wanted to be, I had lost all my friends and my new home in a matter of minutes. All I had now was Meri and my black lab that started to lick Merida's tears away.

Short and wack sorry :( I'll try something better in the next chappie

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Short and wack sorry :( I'll try something better in the next chappie. ♡♡ -punxie_18

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