New Arrivals

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Hiccup, Jack and I made our way to the meeting room located across Woody's house. 
We had finally convinced Jack to get out of his room.
The ground was now covered in white sparkling snow.  Children were heard playing in it while their moms scolded them saying they'd get a cold. 
Jack was happily kicking he snow making it dash up and land on us. 
I would normally yell at him to stop,  but he's been so depressed since we got here and if kicking the snow kept him happy for a little bit then it's was ok with me.  Suddenly Jack bent down and scooped snow in his hands and began to waddle it into a sphere. 
"Hey kids! " He shouted. 
A group of nearby children turned around and Jack launched his snowball hitting a young boy right in the chest. 
The boy stumbled back a little bit but caught his balance and instantly laughed while crouching down and picking up snow in his hands.  His other friends began to join in on the fun and before I knew it Hiccup,  Jack and the group of kids we're having a full on snowball fight. 
I just stood there cheering   the kids on( it was Hiccup and Jack vs. The kids)when suddenly I turned to face the guys and I saw a snowball headed right at me.  It hit my chest. 
I looked at the guys.  Hiccup automatically pointed at Jack. 
"Oh you're dead Frost! " I challenged and began to scoop up snow. 
"Well that was fun.  Wasn't it? " Jack asked as we continued to make our way towards the meeting room.
"Yeah just hope we didn't keep them waiting so much, "Hiccup responded. 
We finally reached the meeting room after walking a little further. 
Hiccup knocked. 
After a few seconds Jessie opened the door. 
" Took you long enough"
"We ran into an army of children, " Hiccup said while smiling at Jack. 
"Well glad to see you're finally out of bed.  I thought we'd never be able to get you out of there, " Jessie said to Jack. 
He shrugged and Jessie then allowed us to go in. 
The meeting room was comfy.  It was a red color with a huge table in the center if the room.  Fold up chairs were around the table for us to sit on a discuss what we needed to do. 
Did we need more food?
Did we need to attack? 
Everything was discussed here.
The thing I discussed more in this room was the opposing camp that was established across the town, Taiyó.
Taiyó was the name given to the camp after the tattoo they get.  It ment sun in Japanese(or so I heard). 
There were many around the room.  Many I didn't regonize.
We all sat down beside each other and soon the meeting began. 
"Ok winter will be over soon. Maybe a month or two left. I have been thinking about what we talked about last time, " Woody said rising from his chair, "Guys in know this is going to be hard especially since the Taiyó people move fast,  but we need to capture some.  Then maybe we can make a trade.  They took Jim and Esmeralda with them this week and many more weeks before.  We are not sure if they are still alive,  but please..  If they are let's make a trade. "
"What if they're dead? " I heard Jack ask. 
Woody shook his head,"I don't know. "
Buzz stood up,"then maybe we can make him let go off some of the people or give us supplies"
"That's true" Hiccup said. 
" Well I don't think it will work with his 'common people' ", I spoke up. 
" Which is why you'll need high status men. " A man with long hair said.  He had on a black shirt and tan colored jeans. I think his name was Tarzan. 
I nodded. 
" Well they barely come out, " Jessie said. 
"So we wait, " Buzz said. 
" I just want our people back, " Woody said, " And I'll make that happen at all costs. "
A knock suddenly was heard.  Jessie once again opened the door. 
A skinny man poked his head in, "excuse me sir. ..  We got new arrivals"
As night time came I got ready. 
I put on my lavish sweater with lights blue jeans and white boots and a red bandana tied around my neck.   I grabbed my backpack and headed towards my bedroom door.  I opened it slightly.  A small creak was heard but that's it.  I poked my head out and looked both ways down the Hall.  No guards.  I let out a sigh of relief before running down the hall as quietly as I could.  I made my way to the kitchen and when I finally got there I locked the door and began to stuff my bag with food as much as I could. 
I ran out the kitchen and ran to the main doors outside Han's house .  Guards stood in front of me protecting the doors. 
I grabbed a nearby pebble and trusted it into the air. 
I heard a small  tap. 
"Did you hear that? " One of the guards said. 
" Yeah.  Go check it out. "
One of the guards then nodded and walked away. 
I crept towards the guard that stayed. 
Ok..  You got this Punze. 
I raised my bandana up to my nose and mouth then raised my hood. 
I took out my silver handgun I had stolen from the armory about 2 weeks ago. 
I snuck up behind him making sure I made no noise.  I then grabbed the man and throw him on the ground with all my strength.  Then guard fell with grunt.  I pounced on him and hit the guard in the back of the head knocking him out. 
I let out a breath I was holding and put up my gun quickly. 
I ran towards the town and knocked on a nearby window. 
The curtain was suddenly opened and a young boy poked his head out. 
"In here!  " He whispered. 
I ran in. 
There were 3 people inside. 
There was a man with an orange shirt and black jeans and had back hair that was turning white. There was also a women with a blue shirt and black jeans she had beautiful blind hair and freckles.  The boy that opened the curtain was dressed like the dad but what caught my attention was the little boy.  One of his arms was missing.  I shifted my attention to the man. 
"Here, " I said and dumped the contents of my bag on a nearby table. 
" Oh thank you so much!! " The man said. 
" No problem, " I replied. 
"Where did you get all this stuff?" He asked. 
I pulled up my sleeve to reveal the sun outlined tattoo. 
He gasped. 
"Aren't you scared? Do you know what they'll do if the find out you're stealing and giving food to us? "
I flinched.
I had been sneaking food to the 'common people' for a few weeks now. 
" I'm just trying to so the right thing" I responded. 
I was about to leave.
"Wait! "
I turned back. 
"What's your name? " The little boy asked. 
" Rapunzel " I said smiling, "yours? "
He smiled at me. 
I smiled back at him. 
"Bye Nemo"
I ran back outside the small house and ran back toward Han's house. 
I hope they don't find out.

Alone...Again(sequal to.The Night The Dead Started Walking)Where stories live. Discover now