A Weird Feeling

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I looked at him blankly.
Hans wore a white button up long sleeve and black dress pants and shoes. I could see a silver watch glistening on his wrist. He had red hair and side burns.
Immediately I wondered why this man looked like he was going to a business trip instead of being in the middle of the apocalypse.

He offered his hand at me.
"Nice to meet you.. Rapunzel, " He said eyeing me suspiciously.
I looked at his hand and shook it.
As soon as my hand made contact with his, I got chills down my spine. I tried to shake it off and smile at him, but I knew something wasn't right.
" I found her in the woods. She was hurt and I thought maybe she could stay until winter is over. " I heard Flynn explain.
My eyes never left Hans and his eyes never left me.
"Well she'll have to be checked, branded and prove her worth here, " Hans replied.
" Oh trust me Hans she gots what it takes. " Flynn said while letting out a little chuckle.
"Well see, " Hans said while smirking and turning away slowly. His guards followed him and we followed them.
" Flynn" I whispered.
" What does he mean 'prove my worth'? "
" You just have to fight off a walker or two"
I furrowed my eyebrows.
"What's that gonna prove? "
" That you won't hold anyone back if we take you out to scavage or something. "
I nodded.
As soon as I walked through the door, I was met with a poor looking town. There were houses but they looked terrible. They had no doors just curtains. The houses were decorated with Grafetti.
People were begging Hans for food as he walked by in front of us .
What stood out to me the most was that every single person begging or standing in the crowd watching had a tattoo of a black sun on their right wrist. I looked over at Flynn and noticed that he also had a tattoo but it was different. His sun was just the out line and not filled in with black ink.
I tried to look at Hans's.  His wrist was blank.
Glancing at the guards, I noticed that their tattoos looked like Flynn's.
" Flynn what do the tattoos symbolize? " I whispered.
"It just means you're part of our camp. " He answered simply.
"But why is yours different than theirs? " I asked motioning toward the people eyeing me curiously while others begged Hans to take them with him.
Flynn let out a deep breath. 
"The sun represents the status you hold here."
I was already not liking this place.
"Flynn take Rapunzel, " I heard Hans order.
Flynn grabbed my hand and began to lead me through a crowd of people. I pulled my hand away. The only person that had ever held my hand was Jack.
I felt my stomach drop when I remembered him.
Would I ever see him again?
Will I ever see any of my friends alive?
Every one kept bumping into me. All the people were dirty. They looked starved.
Strong looking men suddenly came out and began to shout and whip people.
"GET BACK TO WORK!! " I heard one shout. The townspeople began to scream and push them selves away from the men whipping at them.
Tears filled my eyes.
These poor people.
I had only been here a few minutes but I pretty much understood the system of what was going on.
I needed to get out of here!!
That's when I felt Flynn's strong hand gripping my wrist.
I let out a squeal and began to pull away as hard as I could.
"Hey calm down! " Flynn barked. However I kept pulling away.
"Hey stop!! " Flynn gripped my shoulders and shook me.
I stopped and looked at him.
"Stop.. I'm not with them okay?" Flynn said.
Yeah right!!
I fought the urge to rolly eyes.
"Here let's talk somewhere private. okay? "

"Do I have a choice?" I snapped while pushing him away.
" I know.. Ok? It looks bad-"
"Looks bad?! Flynn it's awful!! These poor people are starving and you and Hans and the guards are abusive and keep everything for themselves. " I scoffed.
We were in his "man cave".

" Look I wanted to leave. That's why I was far from the camp I was on my way North away from this place.. But then I saw you and I figured you'd have a better chance of surviving here. "
I could not believe what this man was saying.
"Look I'll make sure you have a high status-"
" What?! You think I care about status?! " I shrieked.
" Look. Just stay here, cause no trouble and as soon as winter is over we'll leave and find your friends. "Flynn said.
I stared at my feet and let out a deep breath.
" Fine."
As promised, Flynn made sure I was high status and I absolutely hated it.
I didn't like knowing I got plates of food while most of the townspeople got none.
I layed in my bed. And stared at my wrist.
There was the outlined sun tattoo.

Alone...Again(sequal to.The Night The Dead Started Walking)Where stories live. Discover now