The River

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I roamed through trees and shrubs. I had luckily escaped the collapsed town safely,except for the bullet wound on my shoulder. Others weren't so lucky.
I still couldn't believe what happened.
Our town was taken down in a matter of minutes . Infected broke in. Wendy and John were murdered. I lost Merida Hiccup and Jack... I lost everything.

I shivered. My tanktop and spandex werent doing so good for me as the soft chilly breeze brushed against my skin. My messy bun kept collapsing and covering my face. My hair had grown a lot. It was now beneath my butt. I'm in desperate need for a haircut. I'm too easy to grab.
The sound of splashing water relaxed and called me.
I started to smile. I walked a little further until I finally saw the reflection of the silver stars and full moon on the fast moving water.
I let my shoulders drop as I slithered to the ground. I laid on my back and put my hands behind my head. I stared at the moon above me.
It was a full moon.. silver with white and very shiny. I smiled. The moon reminded me of Jack. Jack .. My smile turned into a frown and warm tears threatens to slide down my bloody face.
I hope he's ok.. I hope everyone is.
The moon appeared to shine brighter as my eyes slowly shut and the world around me turned into darkness.
I woke up suddenly. I sat up quickly and looked around. Even though my eyes were still trying to focus, I tried to see every surrounding that could be dangerous or cause any type of harm.
I let out my held breath, as I relaxed my neck and looked up at the sky.
It was still dark, but the sun was beginning to peek out the surface of the earth.
It was hot pink while the colors right above it were bright red, orange and yellow. It looked as if someone had smuged oil paint all over the sky. I took my focus awake from the sky and started to slowly lift myself from the earth. Pain shot up my arm and shoulder as I suddenly remembered my bullet wound.
As soon as I stood up, I pulled my tank top to the side a bit. The wound was dark red and brown with dried blood. I still needed to get the bullet out.
I let my arms down to the side of my body as I walked closer to the river. I looked towards both side but I saw no sigh of anyone.
I walked close to the edge of a small dirt platform that dropped down to the river. I sat down on it. Maybe my friends were still walking this way.
Not five minutes passed when I felt something hard press against the back of my head.
Not this again!!
I put my hands up in surrender. I was already shaking.
My mouth felt as if I had cotton stuffed in it.
" Dont move. Don't yell. Got it ? "
I nodded as I let out a shaky breath.
"Okay..Get up,"
As I got up, my legs wobbled as if they were made from jello. Not once did his gun leave my head.
"Turn around slowly," the man commanded.
I gulped before starting to turn around.
I forced my eyes shut quickly just before I could see the faces of this man.
"She's pretty," another man said.
Then it occurred to me that this man was not alone.
I opened my eyes.
There were three of them but only one of them had a gun. The other two had silent weapons.
The one holding the gun was very tall. He was broad shouldered and muscular. He was blond and had blue eyes.
Another one of the men stared directly at me.. a part gentlemen shouldn't be looking at. I didn't blame him specifically.. people were starting to get hard to come across if you were in the outside of a survival camp, but come on..
I crossed my arms making sure to cover his view.
He was a bit shorter than the man beside me holding a gun. He was not as built. He had long red hair and green eyes.
He held a bat in one hand while leaning on it.
The man next to him had a hammer. He was probably my height. He had brown hair and a mustage and beard. He was simply smiling at me.

" where are your people?" Then man with the gun said.
" I'm alone," I replied.
"Quit the crap lady. Nobody survives out here on their own. Especially if you're that small. " he pointed at my small frame.
My hands went back to a surrender position.
" I'm alone," I repeated.
Suddenly something caught my eye. I looked up.
A set of bright red curls peeked through some bushes.
I was confused at first until finally a pair of beautiful blue eyes glanced at my olive green ones.
I almost jumped and ran to her to embrace her in a bear hug and tell her how much I missed her, but I kept my gaze towards the men and try to avoid looking excited or happy.
The brunette noticed I was a little to happy having a gun held against my head.
" What the fuck is so fu-"
He didn't get to finish his sentence. He stumbled around for a bit before finally falling over face first. A shiny pocket knife was carved right into his skull.
Of course the man with the gun suddenly glanced at the bushes and saw Merida with her hand outstreatched in a throwing motion. He shot towards her,but she had just enough time to hide behind a tree. He tried to shoot again, but his gun just clicked. I sprinted towards Merida, but the red head dude grabbed me by my waist and pulled me back. I panicked and elbowed him right in the nose. He let go and fell back. I tried running again, but something held on to both of my feet and I fell face first onto the earth. As I hit the ground, pain shot up my wounded shoulder. I looked down at my feet in time to see the red headed guy holding on to my feet. I started kicking away desperatly.
His grip was tight. I started to grow more desperate. His hands then slipped to my vans.
I kicked off my shoes and rapidly crawled away before standing up. When I turned my focus to Meri, she was fighting off the tall blond guy.
Suddenly the red head got in front of me.
" Get back you little sketchy bitch" he threatened.
He was holding his bat.
" I'm going to break every bone in your body," he said as he stepped towards me. He positioned his bat for the first swing. I backed away.
"PLEASE ... JUST STOP..." I said loudly.
The man kept walking towards me. I could hear Merida and the man fighting in the background, but I couldn't see them due to the stupid man in front of me.
" please.. " I said still backing away.
"No you're one dead son-of-a-bi--"
I suddenly slipped and felted my body fall down. I rolled and hit various parts of my body with rocks and sticks. Before I had time to realize what was happening, my body was swallowed up by water . My lungs filled with the river as I felt the current take me away. I paddled up to the surface in time to get a small breath of air and to hear Merida yelling at the top of her lungs.
I was engulfed in the water again. Rocks began to best me from under water and scrape against me. I came up again. This time I couldn't see or here Merida I was already far from where I was. I knew it.
I let the that submerge me again. The pattern went on and on for what seemed like hours until my body gave out and I let darkness take over.

So here is the first chappie. Much love for the ones who support me :) s/o to
mEr1Da and xXThe-Big-4Xx who have been here from the start.
Love you guys so much ♡

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