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Ok...  So before I begin I would like to remind you guys that this is Jackunzel and Merricup.  Don't panick if there's Jelsa or Hiccstrid.  Please.  :)  It'll change. 
  A bag of our monthly supplies was swinging from my forearm as I walked home.  People greeted me left and right. 
I'd wave at them with a smile on my face.   When I met my front door I opened it and was shocked to see our neighbor ,Elsa,  sitting on the couch. 
She was wearing a cheerleader uniform shirt with her hair braided on the sides and a small bun on the back of her head.  She had on a red leathermen jacket and a pair of dark blue jeans and white converse. 
"Hey.. " She greeted. 
" H-hey" I managed to choke out.  She smiled warmly at me. 
"What are you doing here... " I said trying not to sound rude. 
" Everyone was out of the house.  I got a little lonely so I thought maybe I could come over and make a new friend, " She said. 
I glanced at my door. 
She just let herself in? 
Well alright then. 
I went over to the kitchen and set the supplies on the counter.
" Need some help with that? " I heard her ask. 
" Yeah sure.  "
I heard her footsteps make her way over to me.  She took a Ramen noodle cup from the small stack. 
" Oh I love these! " She exclaimed. 
I chuckled. 
" Me too"
We continued like this for a while.  In a few minutes,  I knew all her favorite snacks, which included all kinds of chocolates  and ice creams. 
When we were done putting everything away, we went back to the couch. 
" So how old are you? " I asked her while opening a small pack of crackers and handing her some. 
She took the crackers and crossed her legs like a kindergartner. 
"Uummm... I think I'm 21"
" Sweet you can drink alcohol now, " I joked. 
She laughed. 
" Weell...  I'm not an alcohol person " She said. 
" Oh? "
" What about you?  How old are you, " She questioned while taking a nibble of the cracker. 
It took me a moment to think about it. 
"I think I'm 19.. Maybe 20" I responded. 
" Oh " She said. 
" I was 18 when this whole thing started.  " I said remembering the Halloween night when everything changed. 
We stayed quiet for a little just enjoying each other's company. 
" Soo...  You were lonely? " I asked breaking the silence. 
"Yeah just a little... "
"Out of everyone in town..  Why'd you come talk to me?  " I asked suddenly curious. 
" She took a second to answerand shook her head.
" I don't know..  you were nearby I guess.. "
I nodded and looked away. 
"And...  I guess you're ..kinda cute" I stiffened instantly at her last sentence and gulped.   I could feel the heat rushing to my face. 
I didn't know how to react. 
I turned to her and scratched the back of my neck. 
How would I even answer this?!
"Well...  You're not so bad yourself " I said while laughing nervously. 
I was being honest she was very pretty but I was still mourning Rapunzel.  It's been a few months now, but I couldn't help but feel a slight hint of hope that she was alive somewhere. 
" Look Elsa.. "
She looked at me with big eyes. 
" Um you're a very amazing girl.  I know I've only known you for a few hours,  but I don't feel like I'm ready to talk to someone..  Like that...  We're friends,  but umm..  Maybe in the future. "
She seemed content with my answer. 
"Alright Jack"
She nodded and began to stand.  I let out a sigh of relief. 
"See you around? " I asked. 
"Definitely" She answered. 
I nodded.  She opened the door walked out an closed it behind her. 
When night came,  I slept in my warm bed tossing and turning. 
Elsa was great,  but I wasn't so sure if  I should talk to her like she wanted to. 
Well...  Rapunzel is...  Dead...
I just needed to get over that.  I layed on my bed and turned towards my window.  The moon brightly poured its light into my room.  I got up and walked over to the window.  It was a bit chilly since all I was wearing was a pair of sweats,  but I managed. 
I looked up at the moon and let out a deep breath.  I looked away and shut the curtains to block it out. 
I'm talking to Elsa tomorrow. 

Alone...Again(sequal to.The Night The Dead Started Walking)Where stories live. Discover now