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" You never told us any of your names, " I said while following the trio in front of us.
"Sorry, " The tall skinny man in front of said while turning back to face us, " My name is William, but my friends call me Woody. " I nodded slowly and looked at the lady beside him.
" My name is Jessie."
The military man looked my way.
" And my name is Buz "
" Well it's nice to meet you guys, " Hiccup said, " If you don't mind us asking why we're you guys out here? "
"We were looking for one of our scavengers. Her name is Jane. She headed out yesterday but she never came back. She was suppose to check a gas station, but we haven't found her in the ones nearby. " Woody answered.
I thought back to the gas station we were at the night before. There had been a lady there.

"Did she happen to wear a yellow shirt? " With brown boots? And a messy bun? " I asked hoping they'd say no. I always hate bad news like this.
" Yeah, actually she did. Did you happen to see her somewhere? " Jessie asked. She suddenly stopped walking and completely faced me.
Hiccup and Jack looked at me.
"I'm so sorry, " Jack said while putting his pale hand on Jessie's shoulder.
Jessie looked down.
"It's okay.. It's telling her husband that will be the problem. "
Jack nodded, "I understand".
Jessie turned around and we continued our walk towards this camp.

I could see the camp waaay before we even got close it it. It looked so big!

Hope started bubbling in my body, but I knew I couldn't get my hopes up.

As soon as we finally arrived to the front door, I inspected the place. It had huge walls almost like our last camp but these were taller and looked more secure.

Guards were walking along the tops of the walls gazing upon the horizon, but they quickly noticed us and just stared until we got to the front doors.

"THEY'RE BACK!!" a male voice shouted and the door suddenly began to slide open.

" Come on guys," Woody said and motioned for us to follow them inside.

As soon as I stepped foot in the place, I felt pairs of curious eyes on Jack, Hiccup and I.

I tried to ignore the nervousness starting to push up on my stomach and looked around. The inside of the camp looked exactly like the outside except it was cleaner and had actual thousands of living people. I could see a school and an armory from where I was walking.

" Ok... Who wants to tell Tarzan about Jane," Woody asked.

" I'll tell him," Jessie replied.

"Alright go ahead we'll take care of it from here"

Jessie nodded before turning towards us," Don't try anything stupid"

" We will only if you make us." i heard Jack answered from behind me.

She nodded tilted her hat and walked away.

" Okay lets get started," Buzz ordered.


Buzz and Woody had stuffed us in Woody's house and there they began to question us one at a time.

Buzz was watching Hiccup and I while Woody was" interviewing" Jack in his office.

I was really nervous. I tried not to show it, but I think Hiccup sensed it because he suddenly grabbed my hand and gave it a little squeeze.

My eyes widened involuntarily and my face began to heat up. i looked at him while trying to have the calmest face I could, but in reality i was COMPLETELY FREAKING OUT!! WHAT EVEN AM I SUPPOSE TO DO IN THIS SITUATION?!? I tried to smile at him but i think i looked little too freaked out because he looked at me and gave me one of his nervous laughs and a toothy grins before quickly looking down and letting go off my hand.

i opened my mouth to say something, but was interrupted by the office door opening.

Jack came out with a smirk. Woody poked his head out of his office.

" Merida you're next," he said simply and disappeared behind the wall.

" ah shit" i mumbled quietly under my breath and got up slowly.

" good luck," Jack whispered over at me.

I stepped into Woody's office and closed the door behind me.

" You can take a seat," Woody said while gesturing to a fold up chair in front of his office. i made my way to it and sat down.

" Okay now let's see if you got what it takes to qualify and stay."


Alone...Again(sequal to.The Night The Dead Started Walking)Where stories live. Discover now