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I followed the tracks for what seemed like forever. I heard an infected nearby which made me shift my attention from the ground. I quickly dashed for a nearby tree then peered toward the sound of the infected.
Sure enough a walker was kneeling down beside a red head guy. The guy was tall and had a build. His green eyes were open in shock and his face was dotted with his blood. A bat was a good distant from him.
I looked beside him and that when I noticed his foot prints beside Meri's.
He was the one following her!! Part of me was glad that he was in his current situation but the other part of me knew that nobody deserved a death like his. I decided to creep up on the walker.
I emerged from the side of the tree before crouching down and making my way to the walker. I grabbed the infected and threw him on the ground before I stomped on his head making my foot sink into his rotten flesh and sending dark brown blood flying everywhere. The smell of rotting flesh suddenly filled my nostrils. I hunched over and began to vomit. I looked at the dead red headed man when I noticed something familiar poking out of a satchel hung around his shoulders. I walked over to the dead man and reached for the item. As soon as my eyes met the object anger flashed through my body.
Rapunzel's shoes ..
Now I knew she was definitely involved in the scene from earlier. I was just hoping she wasn't the one that fell in the river. A groan snapped me out of my thoughts. I picked up my head just in time to see the dead ginger look toward me before reaching for my hand.
I let out a shout as I pushed my self back on my hands and feet before turning away. I then felt the corpse's dead fingers curl on my foot and pull towards him. I panicked and looked around for anything useful. My eyes met the wooden bat laying on the ground. I reached toward it and as soon as my fingers made contact with the handle I swung toward the walker with all the force I had. I heard a loud crack as I looked down at the walker and saw the bat make contact with his head, making it turn violently. My breath became shaky as the walker turned his head toward me again. I once again swung at the infected redhead before it finally became limp once again. I let out a long breath as I let myself roll on my back. I brought my hands up to my face.
The sun was beginning to hide behind the horizon and before I knew it, it was completely dark.
I had started walking again after my little incident with the walkers.
The whole walk all I could think about was Rapunzel and hoping that she was okay.
The trees and wind were dancing. Everything was quiet. Branches crunched under my feet. The moonlight crept passed the leaves above be and gave me just a bit of light. It was starting to get cold. I slipped on my blue hoodie that was tied around my waist over my flannel. While making my way throught the trees.
I began to hear a crackle.
The further I walked toward it the louder it sounded and I began to see a fizzle red or and light. FIRE!!
I almost leaped in the air knowing I wasn't the it human alive. I quietly made my way toward the light thinking wondering who the person with the burning fore could be. My heart began to bang against my rib cage and be off I knew it I was just a few feet away from the fire hiding behind a tree. I peered out the side to try and get a look at the person when I heard a loud bark.
I jumped and sank towards the ground trying to disappear.
" What is it?" I heard a voice say it sounded like a female.
"Dont know... watch it it could be a walker." A second voice said this time a male. It occured to me that there wasn't just one person beside the flame there were two as far as I knew. I slid my back up the tree quietly and raised my bat up to my shoulder in a swinging position.
"Should we check it out?" The female said.
"I don't know it could be anything. We don't know if it's dangerous. "
" Well we can't wait for something or someone to get us first."
I heard a step and as soon as I heard it I let out a shout and jumped out of from behind the tree in my fighting stance.
A pair of green and blue eyes met mine.
"JACK!!" Both Merida and Hiccup shouted in shock. They both embraced me before I had time to react.
I just stood there don't get me wrong I was so relived to be able to find Meri and Hic ,but there was no blond to greet me along with them.
Hiccup must've noticed how tence I was because he pulled away from our small group hug.
"Jack..you alright buddy? " Hic asked . Both him and Mer looked at me with a look of concern.

 Both him and Mer looked at me with a look of concern

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I looked down avoiding their gaze.
"Where's Rapunzel? " I choked out afraid the would say what I was scared of.
They didn't answer me.
I looked up. Merida's eyes were glassy. I could tell she was trying not to cry. Hiccup had his jaw clenched.
Meri took a step toward me before placing her hand on my shoulder.
"Jack.." she croaked out as a tear left her left eye," she's gone..."

I felt my face fall in disappointment as my heart sank and a felt a slight bit of pain on my chest

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I felt my face fall in disappointment as my heart sank and a felt a slight bit of pain on my chest.
"Jack.. buddy.. she's gone,"Hiccup finally spoke up," she fell in the river.."
I suddenly felt a rush of anger.
"YOU'RE LYING!!" I yelled.
"No Jack we're no-"
"THEN WHY DIDNT YOU PROTECT HER?!?" I shouted while pointing a finger at Meri.
I had no idea what was wrong with me. All I felt was anger .
Merida covered her mouth and walked away from me.
"Jack calm d-"
" Don't you tell me to calm down!" I said shifting my anger at Hiccup.
I didnt let him finish. I ran . I ran as fast as I could. I had no idea where I was going I just knew is that I didn't want to accept the fact she was gone. I heard Hiccup and Merida's shouts for me to come back but my legs kept going. I needed to be alone. When I was far from their yells, I climbed a tree while years threatened to fall. When I got to high branch I sat on it and pulled on my hood. I couldn't hold it anymore. I let all my tears fall. All the ones I had held in for so long. I cried for everyone. I was angry. I was so angry that everything and everyone I held dear to my heart was teared down when I was so close to being someone... to starting my future and my life. I was going to ask Rapunzel to be my girlfriend again before this stupid shit storm started. When it did start I thought she needed space and time but I guess I waited too long. I dont know how long i was up there but then I heard a whistle. I looked down toward the root of the tree and there stood Hiccup.
" come here bud," he said.
I began to climb down the scaly tree before I got to Hic.
He gave me a pat on the back and started to lead me back to the fire.

Alone...Again(sequal to.The Night The Dead Started Walking)Where stories live. Discover now