A New Group?

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As soon as the man said 'New Arrivals ' , Woody, Jessie and Buz stood up and began to walk out. 
I glanced over at Jack and Merida .  They looked at me before getting up themselves. 
We walked toward the front gates of the town.  There was already a crowd of people surrounding the entrance. 
I let out a deep breath and began to walk through the crowd. 
"Excuse me...  Pardon me. ..  Can I get through please?.... "
At last after about 5 minutes I was able to get a good look at these 'new arrivals' they seemed nice.  Woody was already bombarding them with questions.  I looked at their wrist.  No sun tattoo. 
There was only four of them.

The first girl was a bit shorter than the other people.  She was a ginger.  Freckled were splatteres across the bridge of her nose.  She had beautiful blue eyes and big eyelashes.  Her hair was down, but it was only up to her shoulders and she wore big winter clothing.  She seemed nice. 

There was a guy beside her

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There was a guy beside her.  He was tall and had shaggy blind hair.  He had a big nose,  small mouth and brown eyes.  He was also dressed in winter clothes.  He looked at me and smiled.

  He looked at me and smiled

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I smiled back.  And glanced at the girl beside him. 
She had platinum blonde hair in a braid  and beautiful icy blue eyes .  Her skin was pale. She only wore a T-shirt and a cardigan with jeans.  Weird.  It's freezing right now.  

She girl beside her was a little shorter than her

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She girl beside her was a little shorter than her.  She had blond hair and blue eyes.  Her nose and her mouth were small.  She was really pretty. 


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"Hello.. "The platinum blonde greeted, " We saw your gates and wondered if maybe would would get some help. "
"What kind of help? " Woody asked. 
"Maybe with supplies"
" If that's all you want fine.  We'll each of you a bag then go on your way" I heard Merida say. 
I looked at her in shock. 
So did Jack. 
They all nodded. 
"Come with me, " Woody said. 
The four individuals did as they were told and disappeared into Woody's house. 

urns out the "supplies" they needed was a place to stay.  Woody gave them the house beside us. 
Their names were Anna, Kristoff,  Elsa and Astrid. 
They seemed nice,  but we'll see. 
Sweat dripped down my forehead as I worked on the bottom of Buzz's truck. 
I'm sure my body oder was bad. 
Note to self ask Jack to find me some deodorant next time he was scavenging.
Suddenly I heard the sound of someone clearing their throat.  I looked towards my foot and was surprised to see another pair of boots. Wheeling my self out,  I began to wonder who was here.  Nobody would ever visit me while I worked besides Merida,  but I knew those were not her boots. 
Astrid stood there with her arms crossed while looking at me. 
Her blue eyes met my forest green ones. 
"Hiccup right? " She asked me. 
I nodded. 
"Woody sent me here thinking I could help"
" Well there really isn't much to do" I replied and began to wheel back under the truck. 
"Look... I just want to make myself useful, " She said.  She pulled me back toward her. 
Again our eyes met. 
"I'm done with the truck, " I said.  I really was I was just lookin to see if there was anything else wrong with it. 
She let out a deep breath. 
I began to stand up.  She offered her hand.  I took it. 
I walked away from her and started to put all my supplies away. 
"What happend to your leg? "
I stiffened.
I hated remembering that day. 
" I got bit. "
"So you just chopped it off?"
"My friend, Rapunzel did. "
"Rapunzel?  I don't think I've heard of a Rapunzel since I got here. "
Pain started to form in my chest.  Rapunzel was like a sister to me..
"She died before we could make it to this camp, " I answered coldly, giving her a hint that I didn't want to talk about it. 
"Oh" Was all she said, " Well I guess I'll go then... "
"Arnt you going to help? "
" I thought you said there wasn't anything to do.  "
I chuckled, " I lied"
She punched my arm harshly. 
"Ow!! " I yelped. 
"That's for lying to me. " She said while smiling. 
I shooked my head. 
"C 'mon let's start working" 
Astrid turned out to be a lot of fun. 
She was tough kind of like Merida. 
With everyday that passed by Astrid and I got closer and closer.  Before I knew it we were best friends.  She'd often come to our house and chill.  Jack liked her, but Meri was a totally different story.  Everytime she'd come over,  she'd go hide in her room. She stopped coming to visit me at work and slowly was started to drift apart.  It was sad for me to watch since I had always had a thing for Merida.  It started in kinder when these boys were making fun of me for being the shortest guy in my class.  Big bad Merida came and blew them away.  Literally.  She threw blows at those boys and since then I've always had a crush on her.  It didn't matter though since she never saw me that way,  but I decided to keep it a secret from her. When I told Jack about it in fifth grade he laughed and said I didn't have a chance with her. I didn't talk to him for 6 months. He later apologized and he then started supporting me AND of course.... He told Rapunzel.
Just something to post for now.  I'll try to post something tomorrow <3
~ Punzel

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