The Fight.

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I froze.  My brain was telling me to get the hell away from the walkers,  but my body just couldn't respond. 
Even if I wanted to,  I couldn't.  My body felt too weak.  I looked at the crowd again.  My eyes searched a way out when I met eyes with Flynn.  His eyes we're full of worry. 
I looked away quickly. 
The walkers were now a few feet away from me. 
I started to crawl back slowly and tried to push myself up on my feet. 
After attempting to get on my feet for the hundredth time,  I succeeded and started to limp away.  My eyes darted back and forth when suddenly my eyes landed on a loose board. My brain clicked and automatically I started to limp faster.  I gripped the board and started to pull on it with all the streghth I had.  The board started to squeak and slowly it was coming off.  I looked behind me to see the walkers maybe 5 feet away from me.  I panicked.  I think my animal instincts kicked because somehow  when I pulled on the board again it came loose,  but unfortunately not all of it came off.  A small chuck of the board stayed intact to the wall causing the board to have a sharp edge.  Even better :)
I heard the moan behind me get closer.  I turned around a faced all the walkers. 
I got the chance to count them now. 
There were six.   
I let out a breath. 
The Walker closet to me lunged at me.  I moved out of its way rather awkwardly and swung at its head.  It fell on the ground.  I took advantage of the situation by sinking the sharp end of the board deep in the walker's rotten skull.  The crowd gasped and cheered.  
Another walker made its way to me.  I kicked at its legs causing it to trip.   I repeated the same step with the board.
Suddenly I felt some weight on my side.  It caught me off guard and sent me to the ground, loosing the board.  I was met with the face of a walker. The crowd screamed.    It's teeth snapped open and closed dangerously close to my face. I felt around for the board while trying my best to push the walker away.  My fingers met something hard on the ground.
The board. 
I grabbed it and then pushed it up the chin of the walker.  Causeing it to sink deeply in and killing it.
I pushed the dead walker off me and squealed when I saw I walker starting to kneel in front of me to take a bite. 
I shut my eyes tightly and swung in a downward motion. 
I felt impact.  When I opened my eyes the walker was flat on the ground with his skull carved in and oozing blood. 
I got on m feet the best I could.  Two more walkers to go.. 
Suddenly I heard 2 gunshots. 
I jumped and turned around.  The other two walkers were now on the ground. 
I looked up and saw Hans with a small pistol aimed at the ground where the dead walkers were.  The crowd silenced.  I saw Hans snap.  A few seconds passed when two different guards came to get me.  I threw the board on the ground and just let them take me.  I didn't want to take another beating. 
They led me out of the small arena where I could hear the crowd start talking  and questioning Hans. .

I  was again taken to one of the cells,  but took no beating this time which was good.  However this cell was different.  It had a sink and a mirror on top of it.  It also had a small bed.  I smiled to myself when I saw the bed.  I got up and checked myself in the mirror first.  What I saw made me want to cry.  My face was badly bruised along my eye,  forehead,  lip, nose and the side of my jawline. 

I looked away and began to make my way to my bed

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I looked away and began to make my way to my bed. 
I felt the mattress squeak underneath me as I layed down.  It completely reaked but I knew that this was the best I was going to get.  Slowly I felt sleep take over me. 
I know..  This chapie isn't so long.  I'll post another tonight I promise  :)  . 

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