Random Attack

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We walked together. His hand held mine as he guided me through the thousand of trees surrounding us.
Twigs snapped beneath our feet. The warm sun was covered and blocked by the leaves above us but it's heat was still there. Toothless walked ahead of us quickly while we tried to stay with him.
"So.. what now? "I asked suddenly, interrupting the long silence we shared.
"Well we still have to find Jack. I know he has to be around here somewhere" Hiccup answered without looking at me.
"Poor Jack.." I said quietly.
"Yeah.. he'll be totally devastated.."
Even though it had been almost 2 years since Jack and Rapunzel broke up, I couldn't help and feel bad. Well they were my best friends after all,but I knew they still loved eachother.
I let out a long sigh.
" We should keep it from him," I said suddenly.
Hiccup immediately stopped walking and looked at me in the eyes.
" What do you mean?"
I looked down before answering," we both know Rapunzel was the only one keeping him straight. She's the only one that could talk sense into him. "
Hiccup thought about it for a second.
" I can't do that Meri."
"I know, but I don't want to see him look for her everywhere. Plus, he's not dumb. He'll figuar it out sooner or later."
I looked down again. Ashamed that I had even thought about that as a possibility. You're right. Sorry."
" it's ok," he said while lifting my chin. I smiled. He returned the smile before he grabbed my hand again and pulled me through the trees.
"He's got to be around here somewhere," I groaned.
"Merida be patient. He'll turn up"
" Well that snow cone better turn up soon."
I heard him chuckle. I looked up at him. He was slightly looking down. He was beginning to sprout small facial hair. His built had gotten a bit more muscle although he was skinner. We all were. His forest green eyes were facing away from me which disappointed me slightly. I loved his eyes. I love how his eyes were so focused every time he thought of something or drew. As soon as I saw him shift his gaze to me. I looked away quickly. I felt myself redden a bit. He chuckled again before I saw him lower his head again from the corner of my eye.
It was night time now. Our surroundings were completely invisible.I could hear a cricket in the distant. Mosquitos were bad.
I kept swatting at them. Small bumps had already began to sprout on my skin from their bites.
" Let's rest for the night and build a fire. The smoke will keep them away." Hiccup said. I nodded even though I knew he couldn't see. All we had to rely on was our hearing. It was dangerous to be out in the dark. We both knew it. All I could hear was Toothless walking beside me.
Hiccup let go of my hand suddenly and I felt him crouch down. I heard a small tap several times before I began to see tiny hot orange and yellow sparks.
Before I knew it, Hiccup had started a small fire.
We sat down against a tree while I hugged my knees close to me and Toothless laid on Hiccup's lap while he slowly stroked his black fur.
I felt weight on my shoulders and when I looked back to see what it was I was surprised to see Hiccup's arm wrapped around me. I felt him pull me closer. My face suddenly felt very hot and I was sure it wasn't because of the fire. I guess he felt how tense I was because he then pulled away from me. I was a little disappointed but I tried my best to hide it.
"Umm... sorry.." I heard Hiccup say.
I looked at him with wide eyes while choking on my words.
"Noo! It's okay! I mean... I-I- um.... "
I mentally face palmed myself for being so akward. Guys hardly ever touch me ..well when they were all alive. They always found me intimidating.
Hiccup looked down.
" You don't have to say anything," he replied quietly while standing up slowly.
When he was up on his feet, he started to walk away causing Toothless to lift his head and trail off after him.
"Hiccup.. where are you going?" I asked him.
"Um.. I'm just going to get more fire wood.. "
Before I could respond he disappeared in the variety of trees and branches.
I let out a long breath and brought my knees up to my chest while wrapping my hands around them and resting my face on my knees. After a while, my eyebrows seemed to get droopy. I fought the sleepiness knowing that I couldn't and shouldn't sleep especially now that Hiccup had walked off. In an attempt to keep myself awake I stood up and placed my hands behind my head while pacing around the fire.
I suddenly heard a small ziip and felt a sharp pain behind my neck.
I let out a groan in pain before reaching toward my neck and feeling a small cold object. I ripped it out and brought it up to my eyes to see it better. The object was a small silver and metal dart looking thing. Oh no... it's a tranquilizer!! I felt myself feel really heavy. I wanted to run. Someone was trying to make me going to sleep. I took a step or two but within second I felt the sleep begin to take over my body. My vision blurred slightly. I looked around in panick.
"Hiccup!," I yelled but it sounded like a whisper.
I looked at the ground. It was as if I was zooming into the earth. That's when I noticed I was falling but I never felt the ground because before I could I felt my eyes close slowly and let darkness take over.

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