An Old Friend.

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Finally Flynn said we'd go find Meri Hic and Jack!!!! 
We spent the rest of the day hiding in a near by store.  Luckily it  had very a very small amount of walkers. 
We found a few cans of food and a pack of batteries. It was like finding treasure.  Flynn napped quietly a few feet away from me while I looked through the bag Nemo had given me. 
1 blanket. 
1 flashlight.
3 cans of food. 
1 handgun. 
2 boxes of ammo
And my pocket knife.  I stuffed everything back in my bag except for my pocket knife and grabbed a can of food that I had just found.  I held on to it firmly and stabbed the knife into the can.  I wiggled it around,  cutting the outer edge of the lid until finally I could bend the lid back and see the contents inside.  It was corn.  I dumped a handful in the palm of my hand and stuffed it into my mouth.  It was sweet but cold and very juicy.  I stuffed another handful in my mouth but saved the rest for Flynn. 
I wiped my mouth off with the outside of my hand when I heard the door open and a small bell ring.  Someone just entered the store!!
I heard footsteps.  I pulled the handgun out of my bag and crawled towards Flynn.  I tapped him lightly on the shoulder.  His brown eyes fluttered open. 
I covered his mouth with my hand interrupting him and put my finger up to my mouth tellin him to be quiet.  He caught on and got onto his feet while grabbing his rifle. 
I really hoped we didn't have to use it. 
Flynn and I stood together.  He covered my back while I covered his. 
Finally,  I was able to hear voices.  I aimed my gun at the direction and so did Flynn. 
We waiting for a body to show up on the other side of the aisle.  Finally  we saw a blond teenager. 
"Hands up! " Flynn shouted. 
The blond put her hands up in defense. 
"Who are you with? " I asked. 
" I'm alone"
" I heard voices.  Not just you. "
I suddenly felt someone grab my from behind.  I tried to elbow the person but I couldn't. 
I was lifted off the ground now as I struggled to loosen the grip of whoever was holding me.  I looked over at Flynn and saw him on the floor passed out. 
I was suddenly dropped and before I new it ropes were around my bruised wrists. 
"Ow cut that out!! " I snapped. 
"Check them " A deep voice said above me.  I then saw the feet of the blond girl walk towards Flynn and check his wrist. 
"This one is a Taiyo high status."
My eyes widened they were looking at our tattoos.  I felt aa rush of pain as my arms we're lifted up. 
" Taiyo, " the deep voice said .
"Should we kill them? "
" I don't know Woody has been wanting some alive.  "
Who the heck was Woody? 
"This one's all beat up.  I thought the Taiyo people took better care of their high status men.  "
I hated being called that. 
" Let's take them and see what Woody had to say. " The blond said.  
I then I heard a weird noise.  I looked up.  A tall dark man with long brown hair was got out duct tape and ripped a small piece. 
"N-" I didn't get to say anything because before I knew it I had a piece of duct taped over my mouth.  He then put a sack on my head and I was dragged up to my feet. 
I found out the man's name was Tarzan and the girls name was Alice.  Flynn had woken up about a few minutes after these people had captured us.  He also was tied up and had a potato sack over his head.  It was incredibly itchy. 
We walked for what seemed like hours. 
I had no idea where I was being taken to.  I was scared out of my mind and I knew Flynn was also. 
Tarzan and Alice had mentioned that a man named Woody had wanted us for something but I had no idea what.  Maybe he wanted to kill us. 
I grew more and more anxious with every step I took until finally.  I heard the sound of doors opening and the sound of people. 
Right then and there I knew that this was going to get ugly fast.  My tattooed was clearly visible to all who could see me and it didn't take a genius to figure out these people didn't like Hans or his people and I didn't blame them. 
Some people we're booing and others where screaming.  I felt objects making contact with my body.  I felt terrible.
I was lead up what felt like some steps and then I felt Tarzan and Alice stop moving.  I knew we were on some time of platform so we could be seen  properly. 
I silently prayed. 

Alone...Again(sequal to.The Night The Dead Started Walking)Where stories live. Discover now