Chapter 2

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"If you're gonna be hunting for buddies do it elsewhere," said the man, the rest of his body was covered by the sleeping bag, leaving only his face open. "This," He says, "is the department of heroics."
'Who the hell is this guy,' everyone thought
He steps out of his sleeping bag. "Hmm, it took you lot 8 seconds to quiet down," he continues, "life is short kids, you're all lacking in common sense."
"I'm you're homeroom teacher, Shouta Aizawa, pleasure meeting you."
'HE'S OUR HOMEROOM TEACHER!?' everyone silently questioned him.
He pulls out an item of clothing from his sleeping bag and says, "Wear these immediately and shove off to the P.E grounds."

I headed into the changing rooms and quickly change into the training clothes and head to the P.E grounds. After we are all ready Aizawa-sensei tells us we are going to have a quirk apprehension test. "But what about orientation," everyone started murmuring, "and the other activities?" Aizawa-sensei shrugged, "We don't have time for these little things."

"We are all going to do activities you know from middle school," Says Aizawa-sensei, "Seated toe-touch, upper body excercises, sustained sideways jumps, grip strength test, endurance running, standing long jump and softball pitch." He concludes
"Bakugou," He asks, "how far could you pitch a soft ball in middle school?" He asks. "67 meters." He replies. "Okay, this time try using your quirk," Bakugou nods, "Don't hold back."

"DIIIIEE," Bakugou yells at the top of his voice as he throws the ball with all his strength, adding his quirk, making the soft ball launch into the air leaving trails of smoke in the air.
"Die!?" Everybody shouted.
"705.2 meters," declares Aizawl-Sensei. "Before anything we must know what we are capable of."
"Woah, 705 meters?! Awesome!"
"Awesome! This looks so fun!"
"It looks fun you say," Says Aizawa-Sensei in a slow, cold voice, "Well then, in this test, the student who ranks lowest in total points will be considered 'hopeless' and instantly expelled.
Everybody's expression changed to that of concern, especially Midoriya.
We start out trials, first being the 50 meter dash. First Iida and Asui go against each other.
Iida uses his engine-like legs and finishes in 3.04 seconds and Asui finishes in 5.58 seconds.
Everyone's finished their runs till it's finally your turn. You are going to be going against Denki Kaminari. You think about what you are going to do and the countdown begins "3, 2, 1," Aizawa-Sensi count down, "GO." I start by covering my part of the track with ice, I use my Kagune to launch me forward as far as it can get me and manipulate the wind to push me ahead as quick as possible. "3.20 seconds," He says.
"Woah, she's amazing" I hear people whispering.
I blush in embarrassment at the compliments.
We continue through the rest of the activities, In the grip-strength test I wrapped my arms with my Kagune and covered it with rocks and metals, making it as heavy as possible, I ended up getting 4 tons. In sustained side jumps I shot my Kagune downwards and used it to keep me jumping side to side without losing energy, I ended up getting second. In Soft Ball pitching
Uraraka manages to get infinity since the soft-ball floated to god-knows where. Midoriya goes after Uraraka, he takes the ball and launches it in the air, making it land only a few meters away. Aizawa-Sensei grabs Midoriya with his tape and whispers something to him, he lets Midoriya go and says "Try again, you got 2 more chances and time is running out." Midoriya grabs the ball again and throws the ball but this time, right before his middle finger left the ball, a string power that emitted from his one finger pushed the ball, making it go very far. "705.3 meters," Aizawa-Sensei looked pleased.  I go next. I stand in the circle, and debate my strategy. I finally get ready to throw the ball. I launch the ball into the air with all my might, I manipulate the air to carry the ball as far as I can. I take it as far as I can but obviously cannot make it infinity so I settle for second. At the end
We review our scores and I was surprised when I saw I was first, Momo, second and Todoroki, third. Midoriya had come last and I kinda felt bad for him. Buuuuttt... I didn't need to worry because Aizawa-Sensei was bluffing about being expelled.

(A/N) Thanks for reading, sorry Todoroki hasn't been much in this chapter but I just wanted to get this chapter out for you guys. I promise he will be included a lot more in the upcoming chapters, thank you for reading, PLUS ULTRA!

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