Chapter 13

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After talking for a bit with Shouto, we both decided it was time to return to our homes. Shouto offers to drop me home and I accepted after a lot of insistence from Shouto. We walk side by side down the road, talking every now and then. "Have you started training Shouto?" I ask him, "Not really, what about you?" He responds. "Me neither, I'm going to start tomorrow. Today I'm just going to snack and watch anime," I giggle softly.

We continue walking when suddenly a car quickly turns to our lane, heading towards our direction. Shouto quickly pulls me towards himself, enveloping me into his muscular arms. The car runs over a large puddle of water, which ends up spraying all over us. 'He's warm though,' I think to myself as my face heats up. I unconsciously nuzzle my face to his chest.
"Y/N?" Shouto asks. I hum in response. "Are you okay?" He inquires. "Yeah, but we got our clothes wet.." I end up murmuring as I let go of his body. "I would use my quirk to dry us off, but I would have to release my Kagune, which may bring attention to us, seeing as my quirk isn't the most discreet," I say. "It's okay I can just go home like this." He says in his usual monotone voice. "No wait! I have an idea."

I take his hand and pull him towards an alleyway where not many people would pass by. "Okay stand still," I back away from him and release my Kagune.

"Rinkaku," I whisper.
Two, scaled, tentacle like objects erupt from my back. The two tentacles bind together, creating a larger Kagune. The Kagune faces Shouto and turns a deep, blue colour. The water that had soaked into his clothes start to remove themselves in form of droplets. The droplets swirl around Shouto as they move towards the tip of the Kagune, slowly merging into the Kagune. I do the same for myself.

"Beautiful," I hear Shouto say in a low voice. I blush at his words.
"Shit," I murmur, feeling the cold breeze of the wind hit my back, 'I forgot about the rip-your-clothes thing,' I awkwardly chuckle to myself.
I feel a slight weight on my shoulders and turn back to see Shouto putting his coat over my back. "Thank you so much Shouto!" I say giving him a hug. "I should be the one thanking you," he says in a soft tone.
We get out of the alleyway and continue our walk to my home.

                      [[TIME SKIP]]

We get home without any more trouble. "Thanks for dropping me Shouto," I say with a grateful smile. "It was no problem, I'll be off now," he replies. "Get home safe!" I say in a cheery tone as I wave him goodbye.

As I get inside my house, I feel an eery presence. I walk to the dining room. "I'm home!" I shout, looking for my mother. I walk back to the living room when I suddenly get tackled to the couch. "Hey Kiddo!" I hear an extremely familiar voice exclaim.

"Onee-Chan?!" I exclaim. "What are you doing here?! I thought you still had to take care of things back at Aogiri," I ask her in a surprised tone. My sister is a rising Pro Hero. She founded "Aogiri," her very own hero company around 2 years ago. She focuses mainly on rescue missions but also has a powerful quirk. She received my Mother's Quirk, Kagune and gained large resistance to different elements, but she did not receive the ability to manipulate or control the elements. She chose not to join our parents' hero company, wanting to earn her place herself. She plays a huge part in my life and inspired me to move forward in life even after 'that.' "I'm here to witness my baby sister's first ever U.A Sports Festival," She says with a large grin. "I guess you could say I'm on a break, but I'm technically still working. I'll probably be gone for work while you're at school but I'll be present by the time you're home. Never mind that though," she smirks. "Who is that extremely-good-looking-guy-who-is-sadly-too-young-for-me?" Her smirk widens. "Your boyfriend?" If there was a contest for who could mimic Koro-Sensei's smile the most, she'd be 1st place. "Pfft," I chuckle. "First of all, he's not my boyfriend but yes, he is extremely hot, I have to admit. Secondly, that's gross, you're like a 100 years old, dream on, bitch." I flip my hair, only to end up being pushed off the couch by my sister, laughing uncontrollably.

We talk for about an hour, catching up on very important matters, such as the latest anime episodes, how she finally learned how to cook, oh and what happened while she was away.
"I had a dream about that recently," I tell her. "How do you feel? How many times have you had them?" She asks in a worried tone. "It's only occurred once, and I feel fine, I just wanted to tell you," I flash her a quick smile. "Oh by the way did Mom tell you I ended up in the hospital recently?" I tell her in humorous tone. "Yeah she di—Wait what?!" She exclaims. "Obviously she didn't," I roll my eyes. "She always tells me, 'You don't need to make your sister worried and stressed by telling her these things.'" I chuckle. "Gosh that woman worries way too much," my sister sweat drops.

We continue talking till our parents return home. Apparently my sister is going to help me train for the Sports Festival while my parents are away on a trip.
"Don't go easy on me. Okay Onee-Chan?" I say.
"Sure Kiddo, you can't back down now though,"
A/N: Onee-Chan is the Japanese Term for Older Sister. P.S I usually never call my sister by her name I call her Didi(Indian term for sister) but since were in Japan, Onee-Chan it is. If you're not comfortable with calling her Onee-Chan or if you don't have a sister just call her by a name you're comfortable with.

Also! Tournament Arc finally, properly starts next chapter!!! I might make a Reader Profile to give you guys information about Y/N. Y/Ns sister's personality and actions are kinda based off of my own sister's 😅. This was just a filler chapter but meh, more TodoXReader moments yeah?

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