Chapter 15

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"It's a race between every member of all eleven classes! The course is a four-kilometre lap around the stadium itself," Midnight announced as the walls unravel, revealing the race track. 

"Our school preaches freedom in all things," Midnight chuckles in a weird way. 'No freedom for flying to school though,' I think to myself in displeasure. "So as long as you don't go off the court anything is fair game." She explains.

"Racers, to your positions," I get into a stance, starting at a crouch position with my front knee over and both hands on the starting line and my back knee on the ground next to my front ankle. The signal on the gate indicating 3 red lights dings once, turning the first light green. 'I can do this!' I encourage myself. The second light turns green. 'I will do this! Not for anybody... but for myself!' As the final light turns green, I release my Rinkaku Type Kagune. Large, scaled, tentacle-like Kagune release at my back around my waist. As I propel myself into the air using my Kagune, Sho—Todoroki freezes the ground below us. 'At the starting gate itself huh? I guess you're not holding back,' I think to myself. I manipulate the air to propel me further. 'I'm not going to hold back either!" I hear the shouts of various students behind me. More and more students from our class managed to escape from Todoroki's ice. "Good going guys!" I shout to them. As I suspected an obstacle soon, I slowed my pace a bit. As I slowed down, I heard Mineta speak. "Good thinking staying two steps behind Todoroki. Now it's my turn! How about a taste of my killer—" he gets cut off as he's suddenly thrown to the side by a...robot?!

"The Faux Villains from the Entrance Exam?!"
I immediately halt as the robots start to arrive in large numbers, trying to think of a efficient strategy.
"Every obstacle course needs obstacles!! Starting with the first barrier, ROBO INFERNO!!" Present Mic begins his commentary of the course in his usual loud tone.
"It's the Zero-pointers from the exam!' I hear someone say.
"So these are the faux villains they used for everyone else's test," Todoroki says.
"Where'd they find the money for these?" I hear Momo say in awe.
"Kinda wish they'd prepare something a little more threatening," Todoroki says as he slightly crouches, his right hand touching the ground. "Especially because dear old dad is watching." His ice spreads through the course, freezing the robots. He quickly runs through the free space.
"He stopped 'em! We can get through!" I hear someone say. "No! Don't do that! They were frozen in unstable positions so they're going to fall. Watch out!" I quickly shout.

"1-A's Todoroki!! Busting through and sabotaging others in one move! This guys cold all right!" Present Mic comments as the robots come crashing down. 'I would be lying if I were to say his move wasn't clever. Think Y/N. Think! I can't use too much energy or I'll go berserk. What can I do to use less energy?' I contemplate my moves. Present Mic continues to commentate the situation.

"The first event is an Obstacle Course Race! It's a lap around this stadium made just for today! According to the rules anything's fair game as long as the contestants stay in bounds! And all the action is brought to you by the camera robots at each location!! He states.
"H-hey there're kids pinned under there!!"
"They've gotta be dead, I didn't know we could be killed during this!!"

Loud bangs are heard from the robots and a few seconds later, Kirishima pops out. Not even moments later, a person who had a very similar quirk to Kirishima punches his way out as well. Present Mic continues his commentary and the students offered to team up to clear a path. As I see Bakugo use his explosions to launch himself into the air, a plan clicks in my head. I retract my Rinkaku Kagune only to release my Bikaku Kagune. A large tail-like figure is released from around my tailbone. "Down low didn't work for 1-A's Katsuki Bakugo so he took the high road! Clever!!" Present Mic announces as Bakugo uses his quirk to propel himself into the air. He wasn't airborne long though. I quickly extend my Bikaku wrapping it around Bakugou as I launch my self forward, pushing him downwards. '2 birds with one stone,' I smirk. "WHAT THE FUCK BITCH?! I'LL KILL YOU!!" Bakugo shouts, "What's that? Sorry couldn't hear you over the sound of my victory. Didn't you hear? All's fair as long as you don't leave bounds," I give him a wide smirk as I strike my tail down, to propel me further. "What's s this?! Class 1-A's Y/N L/N, daughter of M/H/N and F/H/N overtakes Bakugo, crossing the first obstacle along with throwing back a potential opponent! How smart!" Present Mic shouts, louder than ever.

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