Chapter 16

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I wake up to the faces of my f—classmates. I skim through the faces in the front. Midoriya, Uraraka, Kirishima, Kaminari, Yaoyaruzu and... Todoroki. Most of my friends gave me looks of worry, wondering what happened. As I thought they were about to speak, their attempt was cut short by a bottle being held directly in front of my face. I grab the bottle while simultaneously pushing the hand a bit forward to give myself space. My eyes trail up the person's arm only to be met by the face of none other than our very own Class Representative . "Thank you, Iida." I get up, using the help of the wall. "Yaoyaruzu was actually kind enough to quickly make a water bottle for you after you fainted." I bow to her, expressing my gratitude. "I-It's fine L/N," she flails her arms around in an awkward way. "Anyways, what happened to you?" Yaoyaruzu asks in a tone quite different from her last. "Not much really, I just kinda passed out from using too much of energy. But I'm fine now! I just need to have some water," I lift up the bottle and tilt it forward, "and I'll be good to go!" I give them a quick smile. "And a quick change of clothes." The class chuckles as Kirishima indicates his words to my tattered uniform.


"So it's over! Let's finally check the results!" Midnight announces. Midoriya had placed 1st, followed by me in 2nd place, Sh-Todoroki in 3rd place, Bakugo in 4th place and the rest of the students in their respective positions. "The top 42 from this qualifying round will move on!! But for those who placed lower, don't worry! We've got another way for you to show off your skills!"

Midnight states in a cheery tone. "And now, the main selection really begins!! Be sure to give it your all!!" The R-rated Hero encourages. "Now on to the second event," the large screen buzzes. "Dying in suspense? Next up is..." I clench my first in anticipation as the screen rolls up the words. "THIS!!" The screen displays the 2 words in big bold letters: CAVALRY BATTLE. "Cavalry battle huh?" I mumble to Kaminari. "So we're teaming up...but how?" Tsuyu asks.

Midnight explains the rules, stating that the participants will be, on their own, forming teams of two to four members each and get into a horse-rider formation. We'll have to snatch our opponents headbands, which will gain our team points. The point value of our headbands depend on our rankings from the previous event.

"Your individual point values start at five, at the bottom! So the student who took 42nd place is worth 5 points, 41st place is worth 10 points. Get it...?" Midnight grins, "but... our first place participant is worth... TEN MILLION POINTS!"

I take a quick glance around only to find everybody looking at Midoriya, their eyes filled to the brim with greed. "The match will last 15 minutes, each team's points are determined by it's members." The hero begins to explain, flicking her whip around. "The order will be wearing a headband displaying the total number of points! Until the match ends, you'll all be competing to grab each other's points while maintaining the ones you have." I hum in understanding. "Any headbands you grab must be worn around or above your neck. But the more headbands you have, the harder it'll be to manage!"

"Most importantly, even if your headband is taken... and even if your horse formation is broken... it's not over till it's over!" She concludes.

"Hmm, that'd mean we'd be on the field with 10–12 teams scurrying around the whole time," I say, bringing my hand up to my chin.

"So it's okay if your points are temporarily stolen, right?" Mina asks.
"But you can't really tell if you're not paying attention to the minute by minute breakdown." Tsuyu states.

"Quirks are allowed so as expected, it'll be a brutal battle!" Midnight explains. "However... it's still a cavalry battle! Maliciously attacking another team with the intent of making them fall will get you a red card which means you'd be disqualified!!" She continues. "Anyhow, you've got 15 minutes to form your teams! Good luck!" The Pro-Hero finishes.

I look around, wondering who to team up with. 'I can't really team up with the other classes since I don't know their quirks... and I don't think I can team up with Shin..' As I contemplate my choice, I notice someone walking up to me. I look up to see said person. "Hey Shin," I say in a sly tone. "Why, hello Y/N. I see you haven't found a team yet," he turn his head to look behind me. "How about joining mine?" He asks, already knowing the answer. I bring my hands up to form an X in front my face. I turn my head to the side. "Sorry Shin," I give him a closed eye smile. "But after I win, how about we go out, like the old times?" His expression softens. "Sure, why not?" His expression quickly turn to that of a sly one. "That is... if you win," I laugh loudly and start to walk away.

As I turn to look around again I suddenly feel a strong tug on my collar as I begin to be dragged away. "Geez Shin, when did you become so aggre—" I look up to see the person who had hold of my uniform collar. "ssive..." I blankly stared at said person as I complete my sentence. "...BAKUHO?!" He scowls at me as he lets out a rough grunt. "Sorry bitch, I'm not your stupid ass boyfriend." I roll my eyes as I release his hold on my collar. "He is not my boyfriend you stupid asshat." I scoff. "What do you want?" I ask in a monotone voice. As he quickly turned away, I realised what he wanted. "Oh...what is this?" I start in a devious tone. "The Great Katsuki Bakugo... wants little ol' me on his team?" He turns back and gets out a loud growl. "S-SHUT UP YOU STUPID BITCH!" He lets out as a loud bark. "You may be a stupid, no-good bitch but I can't deny that you're strong." I ignore his comment. "Oh, that's new. Didn't know you could be rational. Heh, the more you know I guess," I chuckle. "SHUT UP! I'M ALWAYS RATIONAL!" He shouts. I ignore his shoutings and proceed. "Hmm, I guess I'll join!"

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