Chapter 12

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"Depending on the results of the sports festival they might consider transferring us to the Hero Course. I understand the reverse is also possible. This'll be a perfect chance to knock you off your pedestals. Consider this a declaration of war." Shinsou declares. "I see.. you haven't changed have you Shin?" I chuckle. "Well then.. we accept your challenge. Bring it on!" I turn to our class. "Everyone! Let's do this!"
'We have 2 weeks to prepare for the Sports Festival but I won't be able to rest until I sort these two matters out first...' I think.

A few of the students have already left class to go home and train. I look around trying to find the person I'm looking for, but he is no where to be seen. I run outside the class, looking though the corridors, when suddenly..
THUD (A/N the thud is back bitches and guess who's with it?)
"A-ah, I'm so sorry," I hear a familiar voice groan.
I look up and am met by with a Cinnamon bun with a green wig.
"Oh Midoriya! It's you! Sorry about bumping into you, I was kinda in a rush.." I say as he offers him arm and pulls me off the ground. "It's okay. Are you okay?" He asks. 'Polite as ever I see..' I observe. "Yes.. I was wondering if you've seen Bakugou anywhere..?" I ask him. "Oh yes! I saw him on the way here.. I'm guessing he was leaving for home.." he says in an unsure tone. I thank him and head towards gate. As the entrance of the school comes to view, I see a certain ash blonde male. "Bakugou!" I call him. He turns back with a growl. "What do ya want bitch? I don't have time for your bullshit." 'This fucking bitch did not just– "Bullshit? All right dude. You were the one who kissed me a'ight? This is not just my bullshit no. You're involved in this too." He stiffens up. "I didn't bring this up during the USJ incident just because I wanted everyone to be safe and thankfully nobody got seriously injured." I continue, "but now... now I want you to answer my questions. For one, why did u kiss me in the first place?" I ask him. "I told you before and I'll tell you again, I don't have time for your bullshit." He turns around and starts walking again. I run after him, wanting answers. We have reached the gate but I don't want to go further than that as all my things are at school. I grab his hand to try and stop him for going any further. "Bakugou! Just tell me why and I'll leave you alone—" he pins me to the gate, holding both my hands above my head. 'Oh shit. I prolly shouldn't have done that..' I think. "Why? You ask.." He growls, "is it not obvious that I like you?" He says. I push him off me. "Bakugou.." I give him a blank stare. "Do you really expect me to believe that. Exceptional to the kiss, you treat me like shit, actually you treat everyone like shit but whatever. The main point is.. I can't be in any relationship closer than friendship for personal reasons and I personally don't like to keep bad relations with people... so how about we start off as friends?" I finish with a welcoming smile. "If this is your way of pitying me I don't want it." He scoffs. "Not at all Bakugou. I genuinely wish to become friends with you." He thinks for a while, then he smirks. 'Bakagou I can't read you is that a green card?' I think to myself. "So.. how about it..?" I ask, breaking the silence. "Pfft, whatever bitch, do what you want." He turns around and starts walking, but I don't miss the smirk he has while walking away.
I get home and tell my parents about my day, leaving Bakugou out, and ask them if I can start training with them from tomorrow. They agree so I end up having the day free. I go upstairs to my room to text Shouto.

(A/N imagine this as whatsapp layout or whatever I dunno, right is Y/N and left is Shouto)


Hey Shouto! Are you free rn?
Sent : 4 30 PM

Hello Y/N. I am free at the moment.
Sent : 4 31 PM

That's great! I actually wanted to talk to you about something so I was wondering if we could meet up.
Sent : 4 33 PM

Hmm.. I don't see why not. Where shall we meet?
Sent : 4 34 PM

Why don't we meet at Cloud Café?
Sent : 4 34 PM

Sure. I will see you at 5.
Sent : 4 35 PM

'Okay! That's done.' I think to myself. I go and take a quick shower and get ready.
I arrive 5 minutes late, hoping Shouto wasn't waiting too long. I spot him at a table near the corner of the room. 'Of course he arrives earlier than me,' I sigh. "Hey Shouto! Have you been waiting long?" I ask. "Hello Y/N, I arrived about 5 minutes ago," He answers. "Okay. That's good," I say. We order our food and talk a bit before getting to the awaited topic. "So what did you want to talk to me about?" Shouto brings up. "Ahh yes. I know this may seem silly and I could have just done this over the phone but I wanted to meet you in person and talk to you about it, but anyways, to what I was saying.. Are you okay Shouto? Since the USJ incident, you've been acting oddly. Every time the topic of All Might comes up, you stiffen, and every now and then I see you giving small glares to Midoriya. You don't need to tell me if you don't want to but I just want to know if you're okay." The huge weight that had been put on my shoulders was lifted. Shouto doesn't speak for a while, he seems to be thinking. Suddenly, he looks up. "Have you wondered how I got this scar?" He asks, lifting up the red part of his hair. "I was very curious, but I didn't want to bother you, thinking it was a touchy subject," I answer him. "Y/N.. I'm going to tell you something about me that might surprise you. I'm telling you this because, currently, you are the person I trust most." He says. I nod. He tells me about how he and his siblings were born for the main purpose of surpassing All Might and becoming the #1 Hero, but out of all children, he was the child who possessed both the ability to equally create fire and ice. Due to that, his siblings were allowed a normal childhood, while he, the youngest out of them all, was forced to endure the training and abuse from his father, the #2 Hero, Endeavour. His mother's family was swooned over by Endeavour's riches and title, and she was forced into the relationship. It seemed she was the only one who cared for him, until one day, she broke. She was talking over the phone with someone, talking about how everyday, Shouto grew more and more like Endeavour. When the small boy came to talk to his mother, she said she couldn't bear to see him any longer, and poured boiling water on his left side of the face.
I'm brought back into my senses by Shouto, "Y/N are you okay?" He asks, "Why wouldn't I be?" I ask him instead. "You're... crying." It's not till he says that, that I realise, I am in fact crying. "Oh," I chuckle as I wipe my tears, "I'm sorry." I get up and walk towards Shouto. "Y/N? What are you—" I cut him off with a hug. "I'm sorry, Shouto. You're going to be okay. You are not your father. You are you. You are Shouto Todoroki and you are one of the strongest people I know."

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