Chapter 9

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~~~3RD POV~~~
"I WILL TEACH YOU THE POWER OF...." All Might beckons the Nomu towards himself, "PLUS ULTRA!"
The Nomu launches himself towards All Might. They both continue to throw punches at each other but the Nomu and All Might are of the same level. "HEY VILLAIN! YOU SAID THIS MONSTER WAS MADE TO WITH-STAND MY 100% RIGHT?" All Might says, "THEN I'LL GO ABOVE AND BEYOND 100%!"
He begins punching the Nomu quicker than any normal eye could keep up with. With one final punch, (I've been reading too much smut I almost wrote thrust lmao) the Nomu was sent flying. The large creature slowly faded as it drew further away from USJ. (We're blasting off again!) "I really have become weak, usually I would be able to knock it away with 5 punches, this time it took me a good 300." All-Might said. "Tch." Shigaraki  starts. "You heroes think you're cool huh? Heroes and villains both strive on violence yet we're still categorised."
"You're good."                                                         "You're evil."
"Heh, that's how it is! Symbol of Peace? Hah!! In the end? You're just a tool for violence, made to keep us down, nothing more. Don't you understand? Violence only breeds more violence"
"You've gotten weaker you say? That's nothing but a lie, you cheated" he starts to vigorously scratch his neck. "We couldn't even defeat the final boss."
"It is certain that reinforcements are to make their appearance in mere minutes, but there is still ample chance to murder him if we combine our efforts." Kurogiri suggests. 'All Might will transform back to his weak form soon,' Midoriya thinks to himself. "Above any other consideration, we must avenge Nomu." Kurogiri declares. He begins to expand, making him look even more like Black Fog. Kurogiri and Shigaraki start towards All Might only to be stopped by Midoriya, who in the process broke both his legs. He aims for the metal plates around Kurogiri but ends up slipping through. Shigaraki reaches his hands towards Midoriya. He was merely a few centimetres away, only to be shot by a bullet.
"Sorry Pardners."
"We're regrettably late." Iida appears with various heroes.
"IIDA!" Everybody cheers. "I came back with the people I could scrape together!," Iida announces. "Class 1-A Representative, Iida Tenya. Reporting for duty!" He continues.
"ARGHHH, THEY CAME!! It's game over," Shigaraki complains. "Back to the drawing board, we go—" He And Kurogiri suddenly start getting repeatedly shot at whilst getting pulled into something. "Huh? W-we're getting pulled in!!" Kurogiri says. "That would be my doing!" The Black Hole Hero, #13 declares. "We've failed this time," Shigaraki says in an agitated voice, "but we'll get you soon enough, The Symbol Of Peace, All Might." He says as he blends in with the black mist as he and Kurogiri are teleported far away from USJ.
(A/N: I know I've been gone for over 2 months but I'm back, thank you all for your positive comments, please feel free to correct me on any grammatical errors or more. As always.. Plus Ultra!)

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