Chapter 7

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(A/N OMG I CANT BELIEVE THIS HAS GOTTEN OVER 300 reads thank you guys so much)

'13' tells us that the sensors might not have alarmed us as there might be a villain with a quirk that  affect the sensors or so. Aizawa-sensei tells Kaminari to try and contact the Pro-Heroes. Suddenly, the man covered by purple mist starts to speak. "You will be scattered," his voice booms throughout the area, "you will be tortured," he continues "AnD YoU WiLl Be SLaIn." As he finishes his 'declaration' of our apparent doom, a portal appears in front me, I look around me and try to grab at the nearest thing, but to no avail, I was sucked into the portal.
I felt the change in atmosphere, I get this sudden feeling in my chest and realise that I'm falling from a height, I unleash my Kagune and let it turn into wings. As my wings catch me in the sky, I look around to see broken buildings surrounding the area. I was in the ruin zone. I fly down to see Bakugou and Ejirou. I'm still confused? And mad at what Bakugou did. Either way I decided to be the better person and help them fight off the villains. "HA, THESE SMALL FRY THINK THEY CAN BEAT US?!" Bakugou shouts, as always. "Nobody needs to hear you boast Bakahoe," I smirk. "What the fuck did you call me bitch?" He steps closer, I see a flicker of movement and jab my Kagune at a certain spot. 'Aha! My suspicion was correct' (A/N we are Smoort ;)) "You gotta pay attention." I warn. A chameleon-like man appears in front of us, he was knocked unconscious due to my Kagune. "W-WHATEVER BITCH, IM GOING TO KILL THAT MISTY BITCH," Bakugou spits out. "Ha! To be an aggressive guy you sure aren't creative with your words," I mock. After our small quarrel I decide on helping the other students while Bakugou and Ejirou decided to attack the Mist dude. Ejirou was convinced by how 'manly' it was. As we headed out of the Ruins Zone, we saw that All Might had arrived! But.. he was being sucked into a portal with the Nomu, their bodies appearing out of several portals. That must hurt a lot. Before I could do anything, the Portal Guy—I think the villains called him Kurogiri?— was knocked to the ground by Bakugou. (A/N honestly I forgot about how this fight happened in the manga or anime so imma just make shit up, please bear with me) "HA! I KNEW IT FUCKTARD, YOU DO HAVE A PHYSICAL BODY," Bakugou shouts from somewhere. The portals closed and All Might and The Nomu managed to separate, as this happened, I froze one of Nomu's arm while Todoroki froze the other arm. His arm was cut off only to then regenerate once more. "Huh? I thought he had shock-absorption." All Might said. "I never said Shock-absorption was his only quirk," the man with blue hair smirked. "Either way, these kids are becoming a nuisance, especially that girl," he points at me. "Nomu, get her." The Nomu may have looked giant but he was in no way slow. He immediately launches himself towards me, I manage to barely dodge his body-slam. He was way too overpowered. He launched himself once again but as I tried to jump away I was caught midair. Suddenly, I felt a stinging pain resonate through my body. "AHHHRGGHHHH."

Heyyyyyy, Asshole-Author Chan is back with a new chapter. Yup I'm a terriibbllleee person and I'm incredibly sorry but we have this exhibition shit at school for our Annual Day and stuff. Anyways again I'm sorry and hope you enjoyed the chapter. Love y'all

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