Chapter 5

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As the day passed I felt a pair of eyes burning right through me, little did I know, a certain ash blonde was glaring at me. As the day ended me and Shouto were at the entrance until I realised I left my wallet back at school, I asked him to wait there as I'd be back in 5 minutes. 'I swear I had it with me before lunch, hmm' I wondered. I let it go as my own carelessness. Once I reached class I rummaged through my desk but to no avail, as I was leaving class a pair of hands grabbed me... I expected it to be Shouto but as I turned around, my once happy grin turned into an expression of confusion. "B-Bakugou! What are you doing?!" I exclaimed. I managed to struggle out of his grasp but as I ran to the door I was shoved to the wall, Bakugou's hand slammed against the wall right above my head, our faces inches apart.
(A/N:Kabe-don..with the wrong person?)
Before I could say anything he slammed his lips against mine, I don't know what this feeling was, but it made me feel guilty and disgusting. I froze him in place to stop him from going any further. "WHAT THE FUCK BAKUGOU?! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!" I shout at him before I run out of the class and head to the entrance, I fix my clothing before meeting with Shouto again. "Did you find your wallet?" He asks me. "No, I might have lost it, but it's okay! I can always get a new one." I try to sound as normal as possible but on the inside I feel sick, like my stomach is being tied into a knot, slowly eating me inside out. "Are you okay?" Shouto asks as we walk home. "Yeah, yeah, just a little bit sick that's all," I reply. He hums in acknowledgement.
We stay quiet the rest of the walk home and with our goodbyes, part ways as we reach our homes.
The next morning I wake up later than I usually do. I don't need to worry about being late to school as I can just fly there but I usually walk to school so I can at least seem "normal" for once in my life. But I mean who cares anyways. Fuck it. I get ready and leave my house, saying goodbye to my parents as I leave. As soon as I leave my house, I get into my stance, one knee bent in front of me, while the other behind. As I release my Kagune, it bursts into blue flames, while slightly changing its appearance as to help me fly better.

(This is what I imagine it to look like, again not my art)I launch myself into the air and manage to reach school in a matter of minutes

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(This is what I imagine it to look like, again not my art)
I launch myself into the air and manage to reach school in a matter of minutes. 'Heh.. maybe I should just fly to school from now on, but then I won't be able to walk to school with Todo— Stop. Thinking. About. That.' I shake the thought from my mind as I reach school just before the entrance to find press crowding around students. As soon as I hear things like,
"Isn't that the girl who got in through recommendations?"
"Isn't that the daughter of (M/H/N) and (F/H/N)"
I turn back knowing they were probably talking about me, as soon as I'm out of sight I use my Kagune to fly over the entrance but I see Midoriya also being crowded by the press with no where to go. I extend another Kagune and grab Midoriya. I let him go after we've escaped the press. "Arigato L/N-chan," he thanks me, "No problem! Oh and call me Y/N please." I answer. "Sure." We walk back to class while talking about random things, but if through talking something interesting came up in the conversation he would start rambling, and I would bring him back to the real world. I sigh as we enter class, a few heads turn but after a few seconds go back to their normal conversation. I sit at my usual seat and wait for our sleeping hog—I mean home room teacher to enter.
(A/N I CANT BELIEVE THIS HAS GOTTEN A HUNDRED READS THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!! On another note, I deeply apologise for taking so long to update this chapter, I just kinda lost inspiration but now I'm back on track, I added a little bit of drama and spice in this chapter ;) hope you guys enjoyed, next chapter USJ Attack!)

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