Chapter 19

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I chuckle as I stare at the faces of my fellow classmates. "Class A? Why?" Present Mic's voice blares through the speakers.
All the girls, including me, are standing in a line wearing not so modest cheerleader outfits.
"Mineta! Kaminari! You tricked us?!" Yaoyoruzu shouts at said boys. They told us Aizawa sensei had told us to be part of the cheerleader squad after lunch, but if I'm being honest I knew it was a sham. Still, I played along because the outfits were pretty cute.

"Hope everyone enjoys his recreational event! Once that's over we'll go on to the final event. Between the 16 members of the four winning teams... We'll have a formal event!

a series of one-on-one battles!"

"A tournament huh? so we'll be up on the ring like last year?" Kirishima states.

"Was it a tournament last year as well?" Mina asks.

"The format's always different but it's always a kind of head-to-head competition, last year it was foam sword fighting" Sero replies.

Midnight relays the procedure to us, "the matches will be decided by drawing lots and then we will continue the festivities before starting the final activity!" She begins the drawing of lots, but Ojiro interjects. "Um.. excuse me," He raises his hand. "I'd like to.. drop out..."

People swiftly question his decision, asking him why wishes to give up the chance of being scouted by pro heroes. "The cavalry match... I have no memories of anything that happened until the tail end. (is that a pun:/?) It's probably his quirk that did that," He nods his head in a certain direction and I see Midoriya giving Shinso the stank eye. 'Very Shin-esque indeed', I think to myself.

Ojiro and another student who was in the same team end up forfeiting their place and are replaced with Tetsutetsu and Shiozaki. Before the match started I decided to change back into my normal sportswear instead.

I grab my phone and find a quiet place to relax. I found a high tree where no one would be able to find me. (lmao edgelord who) I swing onto the highest branch with my kagune and gently place myself at the top. I spend the rest of the time scrolling through my feed and playing random games on my phone. I was going to catch up on my fav fanfic when I saw something pop up on my recommended. 'Todoroki X Reader.'

'Well isn't that a coincidence,' I smirk to myself. I was going to click on it but my data was low so it wasn't loading. I brushed it off as I heard the announcement.

"The tournament will be starting soon, are you all ready!!?" I hear Present Mic. I can hear the crowd's shouts as I jump down to get back to the arena. I quickly arrive and sit next to my classmates as the first match begins. It's Midoriya against Shinso.

(I'm not going to be writing what happened during the other matches cause i know most of you have already watched the sports festival episodes and also because I want to focus on Y/N mainly and characters like Midoriya are not that important to the story sorry broccoli boi. There will be other characters who are v imp in the future tho)

As the first match ended, I got up and went to find Shinso. I sent him a text message.

As I head to the waiting room, I hear faint voices coming from the coridoor

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As I head to the waiting room, I hear faint voices coming from the coridoor. As I look around the corner I notice Endeavour and Todoroki talking.
"You disgrace me Shoto.." Endeavour says in a low tone. "You could've crushed both the obstacle course and cavalry battle if you'd used your left side." His voice has an undertone of a growl, "Grow up. Stop acting like a petulent child. Remember, your duty is to surpass All Might." I begin to get annoyed at his words. "Understand? You're different than your brothers. You're my greatest creation!"

"Is that all you have to say to me? I'm going to win this with mom's power alone. I'm never going to use your power in battle," Todoroki begins to walk away.
"That may be good enough at school kid, but you'll reach your limit soon."

As Todoroki leaves, I walk towards Endavour. I slow down when I reach him and we make eye contact. He calls me out. "You must be Y/N, M/N and F/N's child." I look him up and down in a way that he notices. "Ah, you must be Enji." The venom of my thoughts urges to leak out into my voice. "It seems your parents have not taught you any manners yet," he says in a gruff voice, presenting and unsatisfied expression.
"Oh you needn't worry," I say with a fake smile. "I'm sure my parents have taught me just the right manners when talking to elders"

My expression turns cold as I look straight into his eyes. "But you see, if there's one thing I learnt, it's that only those who deserve it should be given respect. Unfortunately for trash like you.." I look him up and down once more, "I don't think you deserve anything at all."

His eyebrows quickly furrow at my words. I can sense his anger growing. "'Symbol of Peace? Tch, don't make me laugh," I click my tongue at him. "To me, you're nothing more than an abusive, not to mention selfish father who cares about nothing other than becoming Number One and even going to the extent of using your children as stepping stones!

Nobody in society will accept you as the Symbol of Peace as you are now. Right now, you're more of a villain than anyone else. You disgust me and I pity you for having to use your son just to gain victory.." I grit my teeth, to stop myself from saying more.

'Gosh Y/N control yourself, you can't let this be your breaking point,' I scold myself silently.

"Well then, if you'll excuse me, I have matters to attend," I say as I swiftly head to my original destination.

At the entrance of the UA tournament...

"She's here. Don't worry, she doesn't know yet," ??? smirks as he talks to someone over the phone.


IM SO SORRY I'VE TAKEN SO LONG THINGS ARE V HECTIC OVER HERE. anyywayyss finally things are starting to pick up ;). I wonder who's '???' )

Anyways I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Once again I'm sorry for the extremely late updates, I'll see y'all next chap. Till then, buh-bye and

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