Chapter 3

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We had recently finished the Quirk Apprehension Test and I managed to place 1st somehow... Aizawa was lying about the expulsion, which everyone was grateful for.

¦Time Skip brought to you by King Explodo-Kills¦

Before noon we have normal classes, like English, which unfortunately is taught by Present Mic. "All right class! Tell me where the mistake is in the following sentences!" I knew the answer but i just didn't feel like answering right now. "WHO KNOWS THE ANSWER?! EVERYBODY HANDS UP AND RAISE THE UP HIGH!" This continued on till the afternoon with other basic, not to mention boring subjects. 'Thank God! it's over,'  I thought to myself.

Finally it was lunch. I walked up to the famous hero, Lunch Rush. "Thank you," I muttered under my breath as I took some Cold Soba. It is my favourite food of all time. Next was the hard  part, finding a place to sit, thankfully I found an empty table and sat there, quietly eating my food. As I was eating somebodies shadow loomed over me. "May I sit here?" Asked the voice that sends chills down my spine. I look up and find the boy with half-white, half-red hair. "O-of course," I reply. He sits down and places his tray on the table. I start the conversation and we start taking about our likes and dislikes, it was nice, I enjoyed his company, hopefully he enjoyed mine. Before we knew it, the bell had rang and  we  head to class.

¦Todoroki POV¦

I couldn't find a place to sit so I started looking around, I saw that (Y/N) was sitting on one of the tables, alone, so I decided to join her. "May I sit here?" I asked her. "O-of course," she replied with a stutter. I sat down and placed my tray on the table. I noticed she also had gotten Cold Soba, which made me think about what else we might have in common. It was as if she read my mind, she started speaking and we started talking about our likes and dislikes, I enjoyed our chat and her company.

¦(Y/N) POV¦

It was time to go home, I was packing my things when I felt someone tap on my shoulder, it was cold and sent shivers down my spine due to the sudden change of temperature. "Hey L/N," It was Todoroki, "do you mind if we walk home together?" I blushed at the question, though I tried my best to hide it. "Yeah sure, let's go!" I cheered.

As we were were walking down the street, I felt a sharp pain in my back, "T-todoroki," I managed to say as I passed out unconscious, the last things I heard were Todoroki's worried shouts. "L-L/N?"

¦Time Skip brought to you by All Might's Booty¦

You wake up suddenly. You find yourself in a room you've never seen before. Startled by the new environment, you jump, not realising you were on a bed. As you awaited your doom, you realised, nothing happened. You get startled by the sudden warmth around you, you open your eyes and find out that Todoroki had saved you from falling off the bed by grabbing you and wrapping you in his arms. You enjoyed the warmth but soon realised that you would have to go home soon as you didn't want to worry your parents. You got up and said, "T-todoroki I have to go, my parents will get worried," You waited for his answer. "Y/N it's freezing, it's too cold to go home now, you can stay the night and return home tomorrow after school." I blush at his reply. "O-okay but let me at least tell my parents that I'm okay," he nods. I take my phone out and message my parents saying I would stay over at a friend's place tonight. They replied by telling me that they were happy I was safe and to come home as soon as possible tomorrow. "They said it's okay for me to stay over," I thought I saw him smile for a split-second as I said that. "Umm T-todoroki?," I ask. "Yeah?" he replies. "Do u have any clothes I could borrow for the night?" I ask. "Hmm.. I guess you could borrow some clothes from my sister, Fuyumi." I didn't even realise he had siblings. "Her room is the 4th room from the right," he adds.  "Thanks Todo-kun." As I was leaving he grabs my wrists and brings me closer to him, almost in an embrace, "and Y/N," he says, "Y-yeah?" I stutter, "Call me Shouto from now on alright?" I nod and look away, not wanting him to see me blush.

I knock on Fuyumi's door. A girl with white hair opens the door, I notice her hair also has streaks of red in some places. "Hello, I'm Y/N, I'm actually staying the night here and was wondering if you would be kind enough to lend me some clothes," I introduce myself, "Oh of course, I would love to help you out, come in" she says as she beckons me into her room. She starts by giving me some outfits that I would find comfortable, I chose the one I found best and thanked her for help. Before leaving she said "I'm sure Shouto will adore you in that outfit," she slyly says as she smirks. I blush and run back into Shouto's room. I take a shower, put on the clothes and look at myself in the mirror.

 I take a shower, put on the clothes and look at myself in the mirror

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I walk out of the room and see Shouto asleep. I slowly get into the futon that was lain out for me. I softly whisper as I drift off to sleep, "Good night, Shouto."

I wake up and turn to the side. I look up and see Shouto sleeping. 'He looks so adorable when he sleeps— WAIT! Y/N what are you thinking about?!' I mentally facepalm. I get up and go towards the bathroom to take a bath. As I head downstairs in my uniform, I see Shouto and Fuyumi at the dining table having breakfast. I join them and grab a plate of food.  After breakfast me and Shouto proceed to leave. "Have fun!" shouts Fuyumi as we leave the house.

We start our way towards school in silence till Shouto finally says something. "Hey Y/N?" he asks, "Yeah?" I reply with a questioning look. "You never told me why you passed out." He says. "Well you see," I start "It happened because of my Kagune. The thing is that if I don't take care of myself or my energy is low then my Kagune starts acting up, usually causing me pain and on rare occasions, I end up losing control of my quirk. But I don't know why the drawback occurred so late..." I finish. "Oh" he says, "I see." We continue our walk in silence till we finally reach school, we sit in our usual places and await our lessons to come.

We finish off with our basic lessons such as English, featuring Present Mic, AGAIN. 'God that dude is a hassle,' I think and stifle a chuckle. In the after-noon we sit in class and wait for the next teacher.

"I AM COMING THROUGH THE DOOR," says a voice, "LIKE A NORMAL PERSON," the person is non other than All Might, The #1 Pro Hero! 'Not something a normal person would say,' I think, chuckling at my thought.

Murmurs were heard throughout the class,

"I can't believe All Might is actually going to teach us"

"That's so cool!"

"His cos (costume) design is so Silver Age"



(A/N) THANK YOU GUYS FOR BEING SO PATIENT WITH ME. the thing is school started (blah blah excuses blah blah) but I have a holiday tomorrow and i will be writing the next chapter now, so it might be out in the next few hours so keep a look out.  I tried to add  more Shouto x Reader moments but i don't want to fly through their relationship so fast. I also tried to make this chapter longer for making up for the time i wasted doing nothing. HAVE FUN READING! PLUS ULTRA!

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