Chapter 4

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I go to the Changing room with all the girls and change into my costume. It's surprisingly more comfortable than it looks, and it gives me all the freedom to move around, it's better than I imagined, I had requested them to make it element resistant so it doesn't get damaged while I use my quirk, I also left an open space at the back of my suit so my Kagune has enough space to form and move freely without tearing my costume, I also had them add a few weaponries to the costume because if I don't have enough energy I will have to resort to using weapons and my other quirks.

(A/N) choose one of the outfits. P.s: These are not my pictures and I have no claim on them.

s: These are not my pictures and I have no claim on them

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As I am done changing I step out of the stall and the room becomes quiet as everyone stares at me

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As I am done changing I step out of the stall and the room becomes quiet as everyone stares at me.


"G-guys what happened? Does it look bad? Oh no," I started questioning my choices but thankfully one of the girls started talking.

"Bad? You think you look bad? Y/N you look so amazing and badass!" said Ashido. "O-oh, uhh thanks a lot Shido!" I reply.

"You all look great too!" I exclaimed, we all complimented each other and head to the grounds.

As I was close to reaching the grounds I was thinking if my costume was too revealing, but I did need the freedom to move around. 'I wonder what Shouto would think..' I thought to myself, 'WAIT NO, what am I thinking about!?'

We reached the ground and as expected all the boys, (Yes, ALL. OF. THEM) stared at us, more specifically, me and Momo.

I heard Mineta say something along the lines of "I wonder... Momo.. Y/N.. Boobs," and that was it. I unleashed my Kagune, encased Mineta in a sphere of water, it was empty in the middle so he could breath, I wasn't planning on killing him....Yet, and threw him far enough for him to get the message.

"The sphere will encase him till I deem his punishment sufficient."

Everyone thought the same thing, 'Never gonna make Y/N mad.'

"Woah Y/N, that was amazing,' said Tsu

We all gathered around All Might and he began telling us what we were supposed to do. "Today, we will be taking two steps ahead and have a battle, Heroes against Villains. Since most intelligent villains lurk in the shadows."

Soon everybody started bombarding him with questions.

"How do we determine who wins and loses?"

"Is it okay if we just blow them away?"

"Is there a threat of expulsion like with Aizawa-Sensei?"

"Doesn't my cape look fabulous?"

"All great questions and I will answer them soon," says All Might, "In this training session, the 'Villains' will be guarding a nuclear weapon. The Heroes must stop them and their scheme before its too late."

"We will decide the teams by drawing lots, this is because when in a situation such as this Pro Heroes will have to join with heroes they don't know very well and will just have to form impromptu teams."


Team A-  Uraraka & Midoriya

Team B- Shoji & Todoroki

Team C- Mineta & Yaoyorozu

Team D- Iida and Bakugou

Team E- Aoyama & Ashido

Team F- Koda  & Sato

Team G- Jiro & Kaminari

Team H- Asui & Tokoyami

Team I- Ojiro & Hagakure

Team J- Sero and Kirishima

As I was the only member that wasn't put in a team, All Might Called me over and whispered, "Draw a lot now and when that team is up you will join their team and help them while the opposition remains oblivious to your presence. Sneak in from the back when you're up okay?" I nod

I drew the lot for Team J.

First was Team A and D, D being villains and A, Heroes. In the end the Hero Team won.

Next was Team B being Heroes and Team I, Villains, the Heroes won by Shouto freezing the whole place.

This went on till it was finally our turn. I joined Kirishima and Sero at the room in which the 'nuclear weapon' was.

"Hey guys," I casually said as  walked up to them. "Oh hey Y/N, you're in our team?" I nod. "well then this'll be a piece of cake.

Me and Kirishima  went searching for Kaminari and Jiro while Sero protected the nuclear weapon.

We walked for a few minutes till we heard chatting, we guessed it was Kaminari and Jiro and we decided we would lure them here and then ambush them.

We made some noise and hid behind the walls, slowly we heard footsteps approaching in our direction, when we decided we were close enough we ambushed them, but I guess they were expecting us as Kaminari immediately tried to jolt us with 1.3 million volts, luckily my reaction time was very fast and I covered me and Kirishima with my Kagune, which now looked like a cocoon, protecting us. I quickly unwrapped my kagune and encased them in a belt of water that I created to hold them in place as kirishima put the tape around their leg.

"VILLAIN TEAM WINS," announces All Might. I remove the water seal from Kaminari and Jiro and  dried them off, retracting the water I created.

As we came back, everybody cheered. "That was so cool Y/N" said Uraraka. "T-thanks.." I replied. All might finished with the lesson and  I started walking away from the commotion, suddenly I felt a cold hand on my shoulder, I looked back and saw Shouto. "Hey, You did really good with the battle," he said, "You did too Shouto," I said blushing. We walked to the mess hall, picked up some Cold Soba and sat down at an empty table, we were talking about our usual  things when, Uraraka, Midoriya an Iida and come and asked us if they could sit down, obviously we agreed, we talked about many things till Uraraka said something leaving me flustered, "Soo..when did you two start dating?" I looked at Shouto and saw him blush at the question too. "I-it's not like that, we're just really good friends, that's all.." I chuckled nervously. "Y-yeah," said Todoroki. We all started laughing at the strange conversation and continued chatting about nonsensical things. Little did I know that at that time, a pair of eyes were glaring at me, following my every move.

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