Childhood Chapter.2

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Well welcome to the 2ed chapter of Gary, I'm not sure if I'm the only one but, I sometimes get the feeling that Spongebob's dad didn't really pay attention to him, like he didn't even really care about him, I mean he cared, but he didn't show it, I don't know but that's what I think, am I the only one who thinks this? Well I hope you enjoy it.

Spongebob brought his newly adopeted snail into his bedroom, after showing him everywhere else in the house. Spongebob put Gary down on the floor, "This is my room, well our room now, anything that is mine is yours," Spongebob said, Gary looked up at Spongebob, his room was a little messy, clothes and toys laid around the walls. Spongebob's mother walked into Spongebob's room, "How's everything going?" she asked looking down at her son and his new snail, she then looked around the room, he had already cleaned his room so that he could put Gary's stuff in the room as well, Spongebob and Gary were in the middle of the room on a rug playing, "Great mommy," Spongebob said, he got up and ran to hug her, thanking her for everything.

Margret smiled down at her son, "Well, while you guys are playing, I'm going to go make dinner," she said, Spongebob jumped up, "Ooh can I help?" he asked jumping up and down, "Sure some on," she laughed signaled Spongebob to come along, Spongebob looked down at Gary, "Can Gary come?" he asked, "Sure, why not I don't think he'll hurt anything," she said as she walked down the stairs.

For at least an hour and a half Spongebob helped his mother prepare for dinner, and now he and Gary were sitting at the kitchen table eating dinner. Spongebob's dad hadn't gotten off work yet, what's new? After dinner Spongebob and Gary went into the living room and played a few games and watched T.V. "Do you like Mermaid man and Barnacle boy?" Spongebob asked as he help up a few VHS tapes, "Mew?" Gary mewed, Spongebob gasped, "What you've never watched Mermaid man and Barnacle boy? Well it's about time that you do," Spongebob said putting in his favorite VHS tape.

"You're safe now," Spongebob repeated the words that mermaid man said, "Oh thank you mermaid man, however can I thank you for saving my books?" he also copied a little girl, clearly he's seen this before, otherwise why was it his favorite, "Just stay in school, Sally," Spongebob said, then all of a sudden there was a loud slam, like someone slammed the front door, Spongebob and Gary both jumped at that, Spongebob turned around to see his father at the door, his face was red, "Where is he!" Harold shouted, Spongebob's mother walked over to her husband, "Where's who, dear?" she asked, "Oh, you know who I'm talking about, that kid and his new snail of his!" Harold yelled, Margret flinched at his tone, "Harold, you're drunk" she said, Spongebob looked down at Gary, then he picked him up and ran to his room.

Spongebob was in his room, he had shut the lights off and was cowering in the far corner of his bed, shaking while he his Gary behind his knees and arms, "Gary, I'm scared," Spongebob said, "Mew" Gary mewed, he too was scared, from down stairs they could still hear his dad yelling, demanding to know where his son was, Spongebob pulled Gary in closer, he had started to cry. Then he heard heavy footsteps coming up the stairs, he gasped knowing who it was.

Spongebob got out of his bed and waited by the edge of his bed, Gary stood behind him, "I'll protect you," Spongebob said, Gary glanced up at Spongebob, and back at the door, watching as the shadow of feet swept across the floor, and then the door slammed open, creating a loud bang, "Where is it!" Harold yelled at Spongebob, "W, where's what?" Spongebob stuttered, "The snail, where is it?" Harold shouted walking into Spongebob's room, "I, I d, don't know" Spongebob said, "Don't lie to me, son" Harold said, Spongebob's lip quivered, then Gary slithered out a little from behind Spongebob to look at the sponges father, "There it is, give it here" Harold said, Spongebob shook his head, "N, No, I, I won't let you h, hurt Gary" Spongebob said, "Son, if you don't give me that snail you'll be," "Grounded, I, I don't care, I still w, won't let you hurt, m, my Gary" Spongebob said pushing Gary closer to him.

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