Ch. 3

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After Harold finally found his son and brought him home, he had told Spongebob he could keep the snail, of course Spongebob had to care for it, why wouldn't he? Spongebob and his family were happy, Spongebob had a real friend, for once, but what happened after that? Well, we are going to find out.

A Year Later

Spongebob ran excitedly through his house, clearly he was excited about something, but, what? Spongebob's mother couldn't help but to laugh a little, Harold on the other hand wasn't all too pleased with his son's behavior.

"Oh dear, won't you look at that, he's excited for tomorrow," Margaret said rubbing his chest, "Oh, our baby boy is finally starting school tomorrow morning, oh, he'll make so many new friends," she said hugging Harold.

Harold just sighed, "Well, shouldn't he be getting to sleep?" he asked

Spongebob stopped in front of his parents, "Mommy, um, dad, guess what!" Spongebob said, Harold sighed, "What is it, son" Harold asked, "I'm going to be going to school tomorrow!" he said hugging his dad's leg, but Harold just kicked him off, not hard, just hard enough to knock him off.

Margret just sighed, he hadn't really changed all too much, sure he didn't come home as drunk as he usually did, but, "That's great honey, but why don't you get some rest, you're going to need it for tomorrow," Margaret said taking Spongebob's hand and leading him up the stairs, and Gary followed after them.

Margaret tucked Spongebob into his bed, "Good night, Spongebob," Margaret said kissing Spongebob's head, "good night, hey what about Gary, you forgot to tuck him in too," Spongebob said.

Margret just smiled and picked the snail up and placed him next to Spongebob and tucked him in, "Don't forget his good night kiss too, I don't want Gary to have bad dreams," Spongebob said, "Ok son," Margaret laughed as she leaned down and kissed Gary, "Goodnight, Spongebob, good night Gary." She said, "Good Night mommy," Spongebob said, "Mew," Gary mewed and fell to sleep.

Early the Next Morning

Spongebob had woken up before his parents, earlier than he normally did, he was just too excited, he couldn't wait any longer. Spongebob's parents woke up moments later, not that they had a choice, Margaret and Harold laid in their bed, "Oh what have we raised," Harold said covering his face, "Why don't you stay in bed, and I'll go down there with our son," she said getting out of the bed, "Hey, that's actually a great idea," Harold said before he fell back to sleep. Margaret rolled her eyes, guess he hadn't really changed, even after what happened last year, which they could all remember, very well.

Spongebob's mother sat Spongebob down at the table for breakfast, "Good morning darling, how was your sleep?" she asked as she cracked two eggs on a skillet.

"It was wonderful, but I was so excited for today I couldn't sleep any longer," Spongebob said, "I see that," she laughed.

"I'm so excited, I'm gonna meet new friends, and get smart, and so will Gary," Spongebob said, "Ok," she laughed as she placed Spongebob's plate in front of him, right at the same time when his father came down stairs.

Spongebob smiled and looked up at his father, "Hi dad," Spongebob greeted from the table, Harold didn't look at him, "Morning, Spongebob" he sighed sitting down at the table, Margaret brought him a mug of coffee and a piece of toast.

Spongebob was still smiling, "Guess what, dad," Spongebob said, "What," Harold said, "I start school today," Spongebob said, "That's great son, at least now you'll get some sort of education," Harold said picking up the morning's paper.

Margaret made a slight coughing sound, obviously not pleased by her husband's behavior, hadn't he learnt anything? "Harold dear, would you like to come with us and drop your son off at school, for his first day?" Margaret asked.

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