Ch. 5

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Thank you to all that enjoy this story, and well you've just been great, and now let's start with a new chapter.

A.N: This chapter takes place 3 years later, Spongebob is in the second grade.

5:00 Am.

'He'll be in here any minute,' Harold groaned covering his head with a pillow, waiting for his son to wake them up for, 'School', but surprisingly for once, he didn't wake them up, he didn't even bother to come into his parents room.

"Where's Spongebob?" Margaret asked her husband, she too was surprised that her son hasn't woken her up yet, not that it was necessary, "I don't know, he's probably still in bed." Harold answered, "Hmm that's strange, never mind that, I'll go wake him up, let's just hope he's not sick." she said as she got out of her bed.

"Spongebob, dear, it's time to get up." his mother announced from the door, he was still in bed, he drew the blankets over his head, "Oh, come on, I thought that you loved school." she said walking into his room.

"I don't want to go today," he muffled out from his blanket, "Oh come on, are you sick?" she asked, "N, No I just, don't want to go." he said, "and why is that?" she asked him trying to pull the blankets away from him, but he kept pulling them closer to him.

"Please, Spongebob don't make me go get your father." she said putting her hands on her hips, Spongebob shot out of his blanket, "and what's he going to do, huh, besides do what he always does!" Spongebob shouted, tears in his eyes.

Spongebob's mother screamed, "Agh, Spongebob where did you get all those!" she cried kneeling down to him to look at the purple and red bruises all over him. Spongebob laid back down in bed, he didn't bother to cover himself this time, now that she knew.

"Harold!" she screamed from her son's door, "What, what is it!" he shouted in a panic, "Is their a burglar in the house?" he asked hold a baseball bat.

"N, no it's worse," she cried hugging her husband, "What is it woman." he said pulling her off of him, "It's our son." she said going back into Spongebob's room where she grabbed her son and brought him into a hug.

"What about our son, what's, oooh dear Neptune, Boy what happened to you!" he yelled running over to him and taking one of his bruised arms in his hands.

Spongebob looked to the ground, "I, I can't tell you," he said, he was afraid of what would happen if he did.

It was his third year in school, Second Grade, not much has changed for the little sponge and snail through the years, it was the same old boring life, and almost everyday, since that day (Last chapter) it had been the same, everyday, he'd get bullied, and beat up. He'd ride to his grandmother's house with bloodied cuts and scrapes, many bruises.

Which up until now, his parents, mainly his mother, wondered why grandma would keep such things like this from them.

"What happened to you!" Spongebob's mother asked, tear visible in her eyes, "The kids at school," he quietly answered looking at the floor, "W, why didn't you tell me?" she asked, Spongebob shrugged, "because, they said some things," he said, trying to avoid that question, too late.

"What kind of things." Harold demanded, Spongebob looked back up at them, "Can I just please, stay home?" he asked, "I don't think me and Gary can take it anymore," Spongebob cried.

Margaret looked at her husband, "He's afraid to even go to school!" she said to him, "Spongebob, who did this to you." she asked him, Spongebob shook his head, "I, I can't tell you, he'll hurt me even more if I do." Spongebob cried,

"Well son, when things get tough like this, this is where you need to learn to fight." Harold said bawling his fist, "Stand up for yourself," he said making air punches.

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