Ch. 23 - The Beginning of The End

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Welcome guys, this is the last chapter of childhood, I know, we are all sad to see him go, but that is life. Note, that in the beginning, the BOLD words come from a song, which you may recognize, I just thought it went good with this... it's called 'Second Chance, by Shinedown' it's a really great song, one of my favorites. Well enjoy, R&R.

The room was dark, only four streaks of light shined against the back wall, the sound of a lock being unlocked could be heard on the other side before it opened. Inside were a few text books, a few binders, a pencil box, and a pair of gym clothes, sat inside, on the door were a few pictures of Spongebob and Patrick, a picture torn in half, where Ivy would have been, but was instead replaced by a Gary sticker.

'My eyes are open wide'

Spongebob sighed as he shoved everything in a cardboard box, turning around, he looked at all his teachers who were smiling, all waiting for the moment to celebrate, Mr. Puff waited by the exit, "Sorry kid, but it had to be done, I hope you can find yourself later on in life." he nodded, Spongebob put on a fake smile, "Thank you, Mr. Puff." he said before he walked down the steps to the waiting boat, his mother waited outside while his father waited in the driver's seat.

Spongebob stared out the window at the tall building, it was all just a memory now, his life could begin, at least on the bright side, he didn't have to worry about getting jumped by Jared and the rest of the jocks, maybe they wouldn't even notice he was gone.

'By the way, I made it through the day'

'I watched the world outside'

A white shirt flashes across the screen, a yellow hand sticks out, clear buttons fasten up the front of the shirt. A flash of red crosses the screen, the white collar of the dress shirt is lifted up as the red tie slips around his neck, gentle hands work to tie the red cloth. A yellow hand runs down the neatly tucked in shirt.

'By the way, Im leaving out today'

Spongebob turns his head to the door, his mother is standing at the door, a handkerchief is pressed against her nose, her lip quivers, "Oh." she enters the room holding her arms out to hug him.

Spongebob laughs, "It's ok mom, I'll be fine." he said, Margaret shakes her head as she adjusts his tie, patting it down his chest, tugging at his collar, "Y, you know you can stay, right? You can stay as long as you want to, you know that." she said, Spongebob smiled, "Thank you." he rubs his cheek against the back of her hand. Margaret shake her head, blowing her nose in the handkerchief, "Oh, please, d, don't go, stay here, with mommy." she said.

"He's a man now, dear." Harold says as he wraps his arm around her, "It's time he went out and explored the world, got himself a job and his own house." he said, Margaret looked up at him, "But he's still my baby."

Harold nodded, wiping his eyes from under his glasses, "I, I know, he's my son too, I just wish we had more time." he said, Spongebob put on a fake smile, "It's ok dad, you did your best, and so did you mom, but it's high time I fly out of this bird nest, I am twenty years old, and this world isn't going to stop for no one, it's time that I go out and find myself." he said, they both nodded, "Oh, you're right." his mother said, Spongebob brought them in a hug, kissing his mother on her cheek and giving a manly handshake to his father.

'Tell my mother, tell my father, I've done the best I can!"

"Welp." he picks up two suitcases full of clothes, looking out the window, "The bus is here, I have to go now." he said as he made his way to the door. Outside he waved to his parents, walking onto the bus, but not before running back off and giving them a final hug, "I'm gonna miss you, I'll call every day, tell you how I've been, i'll visit as often as I can, you guys can come visit me too, I gave you the address, it's on the fridge, I'll make you two proud."

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