Ch. 10 - TeenHood

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Wow.. chapter 10! I can't believe it's finally here… so… i guess I should start by saying… Hello!

Well.. since I got the first part of Spongebob's childhood wrapped up… I think it's time to move on to another part in his life… almost like a new season on your favorite T.V show :)

Well enough of my annoying talking.. I think that it's time to start this bad boy don't you think?

Oh Wait… one more thing… some of you might not know what certain things mean I mean like these for example:

Freshmen: 9th Grade

Sophomores: 10th Grade

Juniors: 11th Grade

Seniors: 12th Grade

Thanks for reading :)

Last chapter:

Spongebob and Patrick's friendship had just started.. And now they had become best of friends… not long after being friends they found that they had a lot of stuff in common.. About stuff they liked.. Stuff they didn't like… anything that they could think of.

Their Best-friendship was mutualism; Spongebob was smart and knew just about every answer on every test, but Patrick was a slow learner, and so whenever Pat needed help on a question, Spongebob would help him to where he understood the answer or he would just give him the answer.

Patrick… he was a strong lad, no one dare to mess with him, and because of that, he was Spongebob's personal bodyguard.. Just as simple as that.

After Spongebob and Patrick became best friends, both of their lives improved, they were the perfect team. The two always stayed together the best that they could, they went to the same schools, they rode the same bus together, they did just about everything together.

Spongebob and Patrick stepped off the school bus, Spongebob stopped in front of their new school, taking a fresh deep breath he let out a shriek of excitement, "Oh Pat! Can you believe it!" Spongebob shouted, Patrick turned to him, "Believe what?" he asked, Spongebob laughed, "Can you believe that it's a whole new year? But instead of being sophomores… we're now Juniors! I mean wow! We're like the 2ed kings of this school." Spongebob stated, "Second Kings? You mean we're the Queens?" Patrick asked, Spongebob shrugged, "Well sorta but.." "But what?" Patrick asked Spongebob just shook his head, "Nothing.." Spongebob shook his head.

Patrick looked up at the tall building, "What's the big deal? I mean it's just another dumb year with even harder classes and…" "It's a chance to show those Seniors who's boss." Spongebob said, Patrick glanced down at his friend, "Like.. how?" Patrick asked, "Well… we apply for things, like, Sports, activities." Spongebob said with pride than needed.

Patrick looked down at his yellow friend, "Whatever.. Let's just go get out schedule's" Patrick said as he began walking towards the gym making Spongebob run to catch up.

Spongebob and Patrick stood at their booths waiting to receive this year's schedules, "Oh I hope I get home ec!" Spongebob said, "Home ec? Why would you want that class? It's so gay!" Patrick said, Spongebob gasped, "It Is Not Gay.. I just love to cook, you know that.. And if I get that class again, it's an easy A+!" Spongebob said, Patrick nodded, "Well I can't really say much, you do know how to work a stove." Patrick shrugged, Spongebob laughed, "Thanks." he said.

Patrick looked around the gym, at all the new and familiar fish that were in the building, until his eyes rested on a particular female starring his way, no.. not his way, Patrick grinned as he turned to his best friend and elbowed him.

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