Ch. 7

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Welcome back guys! Glad you see you too… um well, thanks for reading, sorry if I confused you guys with the name change :/

Months had gone by since the little sponge joined Kamari's Ka-ra-te class, the little sponge had never been happier.

Spongebob loved his new Karate class, he loved the teacher, even if the teacher was a grumpy bug, but all of that would soon change.

It was like any other day in the Squarepants's house, Spongebob would wake mom and dad, mom would make breakfast, dad would get ready for work, Spongebob would feed and water Gary before mom drove him to school for the day.

"Are you ready, Spongebob?" his mother asked while she was standing at the door, she was waiting on her son who was putting on his shoes.

Spongebob walked up to the tall building, it was a new school year, he was now in third grade, he let out a happy sigh, smelling the fresh water, he looked at his mother and waved to her as she started the boat up and drove off.

"Hey look boys, whatcha know, it's that sponge kid again." said a very familiar voice, it was the boys, Spongebob turned around to look at them, he smiled and waved, "Hey guys." Spongebob said, the three boys looked at each other before they looked at the sponge, "Excuse me." Spongebob said trying to get past them but they kept blocking the way.

"Say boys, why don't we give the little twerp and welcome back gift?" one of them suggested, Spongebob shook his head, "Come on guys, do you really want to do this? On the first day?" Spongebob asked, "Heh yeah we do." they nodded before one of them turned to the starfish that was walking by, "Hey uh… pink guy! Patrick!" one of them yelled, Patrick stopped to look at them, "Wanna help us with him?" they asked, Patrick just squinted his eyes, he looked at the little sponge who was looking back, and just turned his way and walked into the school.

"Come on guys, we can work something out, we'll get in trouble!" Spongebob said, they shook their heads, but one spoke, "Not if you don't tell, you know what kid, meet us by the jungle gym during recess, got it?" the leader ordered poking the sponge in his chest before leaving.

You would think that they'd learned their lesson last year, and wonder why would they want to mess with him?


A crowd of kids gathered around the jungle gym, chanting, cheering for the four to fight, three against one, that seemed fair enough, right? Spongebob had his back against the jungle gym, while the boys had their backs against the crowd, this wasn't going to be pretty.

"Come on guys, think about what you are doing, you don't want to get hurt, do you?" Spongebob asked, but no matter how many times he tried talking them out of it they wouldn't listen, and he knew it.

The boys charged at him all at once, Spongebob jumped up and grabbed a bar of the jungle gym and looped around and kicked two of them in the back and landed on top of the one standing, he jumped off of him once he took him to the ground. The sponge stayed his distance waiting for them to get up, he dodges their blows by leaning backwards and leaning left to right, jumping when they kicked or grabbed their foot and yanked them making them fall to the ground again,

With two barely knocked out, Spongebob was on the third one, just about to finish him when the principle pushed through the crowd. He stopped to look at the sight, shaking his head he looked at the sponge who raised a fist but before he could deliver it the principle yanked his arm back and picked him up and forced him to look him in the face.

"What are you doing!" he shouted, "You are in big trouble mister." Mr. Puff said pulling the sponge along with him to his office.

"But you don't understand, sir, they attacked me first! I was only defending myself!" Spongebob shouted, Mr. Puff shook his head, "I don't care what that was, you could have seriously hurt those boys! What you were doing was dangerous! You knocked out three young boys!" Mr. Puff yelled turning away from the window.

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