Ch. 16

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Chapter 16 is here, and well, I hope you like it, R&R.

Lights flashed in his eyes, he was drifting in and out of it, he couldn't hear anything that was going on around him, nothing but a high pitched ringing throughout his head, he was unable to move as he was rushed into the O.R.

Doctors and nurses surrounded a gurney as they all raced down a crowded hallway, there were six doctors pushing him around, three of them were around his head, one of them was shining a bright light in his eyes, while another was asking him questions, he could see her lips moving but nothing was coming out.

She looked at the man with the flashlight, he must've been the main doctor, the doctor then started snapping around his ears, but nothing could be heard. The doctor looked at the woman and shook his head.

Three lights on the ceiling passed before he started to slip out again.

The green light flashed in his eyes, his foot pressed lightly down on the gas pedal allowing the boat to go a certain speed, "Is it raining?" Spongebob asked as he leaned over the steering wheel and looked up, and sure enough, it was raining, Spongebob glanced at Patrick who was sitting next to him, "Where do you wanna go?" Spongebob asked him, "Hmm, I don't know, anywhere's good." Patrick shrugged, Spongebob nodded, "Well, how about The Krusty Krab?" Spongebob suggested, Patrick nodded.

"They have the best burgers in town, yeah, sounds great." Patrick said as he turned to stare out the passenger window, "That was some game." Spongebob smiled as he patted Pat's back, Pat just shrugged, "It's whatever." he said, "Come on, are you still upset about losing?" Spongebob asked as he glanced at Patrick before looking back at the road, "Pft, We wouldn't have lost if my team didn't suck." Patrick pouted, Spongebob laughed, "Well, it happens, you can't expect win every game, you're gonna lose some and you're gonna win some." Spongebob said as he came to a stop at a stop sign.

Spongebob looked both ways before proceeding, they came to a stop as an ambulance came whizzing by in the other direction, "Wow, they sure are in a hurry, I hope whoever they're going to is ok." Spongebob said as they proceeded, but not long before a boat came smashing into them.

Doctors worked around him, patching him up as much as they could, until one of the nurses in a masked called out to the main doctor, "Sir, he's waking up." she notified before looking down at the sponge.

The doctor walked over to him, "Hi son, I'm doctor Brandy, you're at the hospital, can you tell me your name?" the doctor asked, Spongebob's eyes drooped, "Sp, Sponge.. Huh.. b, bob." he panted, as his eyes fluttered.

The doctor looked at the nurse, "OK, Spongebob, do you know what happened?" the doctor asked, Spongebob continued to pant, the doctor placed a breathing mask over him, "I, I.. accident.. P, Patrick.." he began to drift again.


Panic filled the room as the monitors raced, "Quick we're losing him!" the doctor said as he grabbed a pair of defibrillator paddles, and waited for the nurses to yank his shirt down, "Charge!" the doctor ordered before pressing them against his chest.

"Damn it! Again!" he shouted out at the top of his lungs.

Everything was slown down, Spongebob being jolted forward hitting the steering wheel and then his seat behind him, glass from the driver window flew around him. Patrick was jolted the same way, his head hit the dash board and the seat behind him.

Blood started to drip from both of their foreheads, the boat finally came to a stop in the middle of the road, they both panted trying to catch their breaths, too shocked to cry or do anything, Spongebob just turns to Patrick who is looking at him, their lips quiver as tears trail down their faces, "Patrick." Spongebob croaks, "A, are you ok?" Spongebob asked before his face went blank and a pair of bright lights flashed him in the eyes, Patrick opened his eyes as he heard a loud horn blasting in his ear, but before he could turn his head they were spinning.

Tires screeching as the other vehicle came to a complete stop, but their boat didn't until it spun on the side of the road and hit dead center in the middle of a wooden light pole.

Smoke filled the air around them, the traffic was stopped on the one side of the road, three boats were pulled off to the side of the road, one of which was deep in a muddy ditch. Spongebob had his face planted in the steering wheel before he woke up. He shifted in pain just before he lifted his head up, his nose must've broke or something, blood poured from his head, his mouth was a bloody mess, a string of thick blood hung from his lip, he spit out the disgusting red liquid as he sat back.

He groaned as he tried to breath but found it not so easy, his eyes fluttered open, he stared forward at the broken glass on the dashboard and front of the bent hood which was split in half from the light pole that had broke from the brute force of the boat hitting it, part of the pole laid on top of the boat caving the roof in, water poured in like a waterfall from the rain.

Spongebob shook his head as he turned to Patrick, with one eye open he got a good look of his friend.

"No.. No." he whimpered as he reached one of his hands up to touch him, but he couldn't, he couldn't move, it hurt too much, Spongebob struggled to move but he couldn't, he was stuck, and he wasn't going to get any better, and neither was he.

Patrick was pinned against his seat, blood covered his body, he couldn't even see his face, his face was replaced by a jagged piece of wood from the pole that stuck out of the boat (Think Paul Walker) Spongebob started to cry even louder.

"Get Me out of here!" he screamed out as loud as he could as he tried getting lose, "Oh Neptune, Get me out of here! HELP!" Spongebob screamed, "Help!" he cried as he gave up putting his head back on the the seat.

A light flashed in his eyes, "Hang in there son!" shouted a firemen. There were firemen all around the one boat, "There's two kids in this one!" the man told the others, "Son, can you hear me?" the man asked Spongebob.

Spongebob nodded, "Y, Yeah, I'm stuck, I, I can't move, a, and my friend, Patrick, I, I, I think he's dead." Spongebob said as he looked at Patrick, "Please, you have to help us!" he cried.

"We're doing everything we can, just hang in there tight," the man said before turning back to the other men, he signaled them over.

"Now you said you can't move?" the man asked as he tried to open the door but it was pushed too far in, Spongebob shook his head, "I, I can't even feel my legs." Spongebob cried, the man nodded, "OK kid, cover your ears, this is going to very, loud." the man said, "I, I can't." Spongebob said, the man looked at the sponge, "Then bare with it, we'll get you and your friend out of here soon." the firefighter said as they brought a skill saw over.

Spongebob was placed on a gurney, his legs were broken, bone stuck out from each leg where the boat had crushed him. A breathing mask covered his mouth and nose, "Wh, what about Patrick." he asked, "We're working on him now, don't worry about him, we need you to get to taken care of right now." the fireman said as he handed him off to a paramedic.

Off on the side behind a yellow tape stood Spongebob and Patrick's parents, both mothers were crying, and screaming for their children, while the husbands held their women back, they too cried, Spongebob could hear his mom all the way over here.

The gurney passed right past her, where she clung to him, reaching for one of his hands, he looked at her and put on a weak smile, "H, Hi mom." he softly spoke, "Oh, Spongebob!" she cried, "H, How did this happen?" she cried, "I didn't see him, it, it happened so fast.. A, and, d, dad's gonna… kill me." he said as he shifted as his eyes grew heavy, not if he died first.

"C, can you.. tell him.. I, I'm sorry." he said as he faded in and out, Spongebob' mother shook her head, "Don't worry about the stupid boat Spongebob, don't die, please.. Just don't die" she cried, Spongebob smiled again, blood slipped down his lip "I'll be ok mom… I'll be.. Don't you.. Worry about a…" "Spongebob.. Hey, Spongebob… w, wake up.. N, no, oh dear Neptune, no!" she cried as she shook him.

"Ma'am, we're going to have to ask you to step back." one of the paramedics said as they walked her backwards, "But that's my son! Is he going to be ok? He's not dead is he?" she asked him, the paramedic shook his head, "He's just sleeping, he's been through a lot." he said," he needs his rest." the man explained, "but is he going to be ok?" she asked him, the man sighed, "I don't know ma'am" the man shook his head, "It's a shame." he said before leaving her.

Well, I surely didnt plan on this being short as it is, but I guess we all have to live with it, huh, get on with it, and what not.

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