Ch. 6

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Welcome to chapter six, and I hope that you like this chapter.

Spongebob sat in his bed, crying, holding his pet snail close, "Oh, Gary they did it again," he cried hugging Gary even tighter, "a, and that P, Patrick kid, he didn't do anything, he just watched." He cried.

Spongebob looked down at Gary, "Why does it have to be me? What did I ever do to deserve this treatment? Is being a sponge really a crime?" Spongebob asked, "Mew," Gary shook his head, "Mew mew." Gary mews.

The little sponge smiles down at him, "You know just how to get me to laugh, don't ya?" Spongebob questioned petting Gary's head, or eyes? "I'm just glad, that, you weren't there this time, I mean, I hate it when they hit me, but I'd rather it be me instead of you, I think I'd go crazy if something like that happened to you." Spongebob put on a fake smile.

*knock knock knock*

"Spongebob, honey, dinner's done!" His mother announced behind his door, Spongebob sighed he didn't want to risk going down stairs and having his mother see what those boys had done to him, again, today.

He wanted to stay locked in his room, but, he was hungry, and so was Gary, so he hadn't had much choice. Maybe she wouldn't notice. Surely his father wouldn't.

Spongebob pulled out a chair, sitting down he casted his head down to Gary, "Wow, son you're officially quiet," his dad said, Spongebob glanced up at his dad, who was looking at him, Harold bit his lip. Spongebob quickly looked away, knowing that his dad was going to say something about his face.

Margaret walked over to the table, carrying a round dish to the table and set it in the middle of the table with a few more items. The whole table turned to Harold who had let out a surprisingly big sigh. He looked at his son, who avoided any and all eye contact.

"What happened to you today, son?" He asked, he didn't want to hear the answer, he could see it, Spongebob gritted his teeth, looking at his full plate of food that his mother had prepared. His fingers were tightly curled into the middle of his palms,

Margaret stared at her son and her husband, "Why do you care all of a sudden? It's not like you really…" "Spongebob!" His mother shouted, "Your father cares about you very much, and you know that." His mother said, Spongebob stood up, "And when have you actually cared about me, huh!" Spongebob yelled pointing at his mother.

"If you want to know what happened to me today, well, fine, I got beat up ok! Again, like I do every other day! And now instead of it being every other day, it's everyday! and it's because of you, I told you what would happen and you didn't listen to me, you never do!" Spongebob cried.

His mother sat back, mouth ajar, tears started to well up in her eyes, Spongebob looked to the ground, "I hate that school, I hate the teachers, I hate the students, and I hate the principle, I hate everything there is about that school, I hate that I have no friends, I hate that the teachers banned Gary, I hate that I am the only sponge in that school, in that school it's a crime to be a sponge." Spongebob cried.

"Sp, Spongebob…" His mother quietly said, "Y, you don't mean that." She said, Spongebob looked back at his mother, he shook his head,"I'm not hungry." He said pushing his plate away before he walked up the stairs.

The young sponges parents called out for their son, ordering him to come and sit back down at the table, and talk to them, but he wouldn't listen, not even when they offered take him down to the Krusty Krab, which that was his favorite place to go, but not tonight it wasn't.

Once Spongebob had left the kitchen, Margaret turned to her husband, she started to cry, "How could this happen?" She asked her husband, "I must be the worst mother ever." She cried into him, Harold closed his eyes, why was there always something there tearing them apart? Harold looked at the stairs.

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