Ch. 11

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Well guys.. I'm back with another chapter, and what not, well I hope you like this chapter.

Spongebob approached Patrick who had just walked up to the school, he had on his jersey with the number 15, Spongebob smiled, "Wow you really did make it" Spongebob said, Patrick nodded, "Yeah, the coach was really happy too," Patrick said, "He didn't think you'd come huh?" Spongebob questioned, Patrick shook his head, "I wasn't at first but then I was reminded that there would be free food." he shrugged, Spongebob laughed, "You're such a card." Spongebob joked.

Spongebob and Patrick began walking into the high school building, "So I heard you made it on the Varsity Basketball team," Patrick spoke up, Spongebob cocked his head, "I did? Wow.. I didn't think they'd let me play." Spongebob spoke, "Why's that?" Patrick asked, "Well I'm short duh.." Spongebob rolled his eyes, "So what does your height have to do with anything?" Patrick shrugged, "You're pretty fast, faster then me, with you being as athletic as you are, I'm not surprised that you made it, and at the top too." Patrick smiled, Spongebob smiled back, he was right, size wasn't everything.

The two grew quiet as the made their way up the concrete pavement before they turned around after hearing a door slam from behind them, Spongebob stood still as she watched Ivianna step away from her mother's boat and then wave to her before making her way up the building but not before her eyes found the sponge standing with some strange starfish.

Patrick suddenly jabbed Spongebob in his ribs with his elbow, "Look bro, it's that one chick." he said, "I hear you have her in your class." Patrick said, Spongebob's eyes widened, "How do you know that?" Spongebob asked, Patrick laughed, "I didn't, until now… what class is it?" Patrick asked, "Chemistry and Home ec.." Spongebob answered with caution.

Patrick smiled, "What's her name?" he asked, Spongebob opened his mouth, "I, I.. Ivy.." Spongebob answered, "Oh, Ivy… well you should ask her to your game Friday." Patrick said, "My game? But.." "Come on, ladies love them sporty guys, and you're one of them." Patrick said as he nudged him.

Spongebob scratched the side of his face, "Oh.. I don't know, I mean what if she doesn't like sports? She doesn't really seem like that type." Spongebob shook his head, Patrick grinned down at his friend, "There's only one way to find out." Patrick laughed before he turned to the girl who was talking to her friends.

Spongebob's face dropped he wasn't about to do this was he? "Hey you! Hey sponge girl!" Patrick shouted from the other side of the pavement, all three girls turned to the direction the voice came from, "Who me?" asked one of Ivy's friends.

Patrick shook his head and waved his hand as if he were discarding trash, "No not you, I'm talking to the hot chick next to you." Patrick said as he pointed to Ivy, Ivy looked to the other girl next to her, "He's not talking to me, he's talking to you, Ivy." the other girl said before the two girls nudged her forward.

Ivy walked over to the two boys, Spongebob had his back turned and his head in his hands, until he heard that soft voice behind him, he turned his head slightly enough to see her talking to his best friend, Spongebob gasped, he couldn't let Patrick continue speaking, fearing that he would let the snail out of the bag.

Spongebob shoved his hand over Patrick's mouth and glared at him, "Patrick!" he shouted through his teeth before turning his attention to the puzzled Ivy beside him, "Oh hey there, Ivy, s, sorry about him, he doesn't know what he's talking about, do you Pat?" Spongebob questioned, Ivy smiled, "Morning, Spongebob." she greeted him before her shirt was tugged by one of her friends, "Come on Ivy, we gotta get to class before we're late." the girl said as she dragged Ivy away, "Well, gotta go Spongebob, uh see you in class." she waved before turning to walk with her friends.

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