Ch. 17

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The room was white, the walls were white, the floor was white, the ceiling was white, the shades and curtains, white, his bed was grey, his blankets were white, his pillow, white, everything in the entire room was either white or grey, not a very happy place if you asked him.

Spongebob could hear the slow beeping sound from his monitor, he could see the clear liquid from his IV calmly dripping into a tube. Breathing hoses were shoved in his nose, one of his arms were in a cast, while both of his legs were in white casts rising up to his hips.

Spongebob groaned as he finally woke up, he sat up, wincing in pain, "Oh no, Squarepants, you have to lie down, you don't want to open any wounds do you?" a nurse questioned as she laid him back down.

"Do you want anything?" she asked him, "W, water.." he croaked with a dry throat, "Water, ok, stay right there and I'll be back in a sec, would you like to see your parents and your doctor?" she asked him, "They've been here ever since and they're dying to see you" the nurse said, Spongebob hesitated but nodded.

"Hello Mr. Squarepants, I'm Doctor Brandy, I'm your doctor, how are you feeling?" the doctor asked, Spongebob groaned as he sipped out of a straw, "Wonderful." he sarcastically answered, "Hurts, I know, it'll take some time to heal, do you know what happened to you?" the doctor asked, Spongebob just stared at him, it was just a blur.

"You were in an accident, a pretty bad one, when they brought you in we had to go to surgery right away to fix any damages, that's why you're in those casts, you were very lucky to be alive, and very lucky that we were able to fix your legs, we almost thought you we never going to walk again, but we did it." the man smiled, "but you gave us quite a scare as well, you almost died on the table, but somehow, you pulled though." the man shook his head, "It wouldn't be the first time, would it?" the doctor questioned, "Seems that Ol' Neptune isn't quite done with you yet huh?" the doctor laughed.

"An accident.." he repeated, the doctor nodded, "How long have I been out?" Spongebob asked, "Um, about a week and a half." the doctor nodded, Spongebob blinked his eyes a couple time to keep himself from crying, he looked down at the sheets, "What about Patrick, did he?" Spongebob questioned, the doctor stopped smiling, he looked at Spongebob's parents, "Spongebob.."

"No, no you can't, h, he can't, you're lying." Spongebob shook his head, "He's not dead yet." the doctor said, Spongebob looked at the doctor, "Is he ok?" Spongebob asked, the doctor sighed, "His injuries were so severe, I don't think there is anything else we can do to help him, we sewed his face back together but,"

"But what? Is he going to, die?" Spongebob asked, tears filled his eyes, "W, we can't say that for sure, we just have to see what happens, I mean, he's a starfish, he should be able to grow his brain back, but i, I don't think.." "No, don't say it!" Spongebob shouted.

"Spongebob! You need to stay in bed!" the doctor ordered as Spongebob pulled the covers off of him, "I've got to go see him." Spongebob said before he stopped to look at his legs, he looked away, "Please, take me to him, I, I need to see him." Spongebob said, "Spongebob, I don't think that's a good idea." Margaret said, "I don't care." Spongebob shook his head, "I'm going to see him one way or another." Spongebob said, "Please doctor, he's my best friend, my only friend besides Gary and my girlfriend, he's my bestest friend, we're supposed to grow old together and have our children be friends, Doctor please." Spongebob looked up at the man, "Well, if you lie down, we'll get you a chair and I'll take you to him myself, just, sit still and let us get a chair." the doctor said before calling out to nurse.

Spongebob sat in his wheel chair next to Patricks bed, his entire face was covered with bandages, a breathing tube was in the middle where his mouth should be, the monitor was beeping, Spongebob was brought to tears.

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