Ch. 22

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Thin black wheels rolled down the white hallway, the wheelchair which held Patrick Star was being pushed by Spongebob himself, they were on their way to their first class they had together. Some of the students in the hallway would stop in their tracks to turn around and watch the two, last time they've seen the two of them was at the football game, and the last time they've heard about them, they heard that they had died in the accident.

The classroom they entered seemed strange, the entire room was lit up in conversation, until they walked into the room and everyone turned to look at them like they were complete strangers. Spongebob turns to the puzzled teacher, "E, excuse me miss, are we in the right room?" Spongebob asked her.

The teacher approached them, "Spongebob, Patrick? Is that really, what are you doing here?" She asked them, Spongebob cocked his eyebrow, glancing at Patrick, "We're here to learn, but, how do you know our names?" he asked her, the teacher glanced at the class, "I'm your teacher, Ms. Briggs, and these are your classmates, this is math." she gestured to the class.

The two look at the classmates, Patrick turns to Spongebob, "They're all staring, Spongebob, why are they all staring, they're scaring me." Patrick began to panic, Spongebob calmed him down, "It's ok Pat, they've never seen such handsome dudes, come on Pat, let's take our seats." he said before he pushed Patrick along sitting in the first row of seats.

Spongebob stared at the work sheet that had been passed out, it was simple math, but none of it came out clear, he knew the numbers but he didn't know where to put them, Spongebob looks at Patrick who is drooling with confusion, "Pst, Pat, do you know what this means?" Spongebob asked him, Patrick snaps out of his daze, "Huh, what?"

Spongebob shake his head, "I think we've been away for too long, I don't know any of this." Spongebob said before raising his hand to get the teacher's attention, she turned around stopping her movements on the chalkboard, "yes, Spongebob?" she asked with a small smile.

"I don't understand this problem, what does this mean?" Spongebob asked as he pointed to his paper, the woman walked over, "Oh, that's a multiplication sign, you multiply this number, by this number." she said as she pointed to each number, "Multiply? Pat, do you know how to multiply?" Spongebob asked, "Yeah, but I don't think that now's the right time for a lesson in reproduction." Patrick shook his head, "Reprodu- ew, no I'm not talking about 'that' I'm talking about this!" Spongebob picked the paper up to show him,

Patrick shrugged, "Looks like a bunch of scribble scrabble to me, I don't even know why we gotta learn this." Patrick said as he crossed his arms, Spongebob turned to the teacher, "Um, Ms. Briggs, I don't know how to multiply." Spongebob spoke up, "How can you not know how to multiply? This is third grade math." she said, Spongebob looked at the paper, "Third Grade?" he cocked his head.

"I can't take this anymore!" a man yelled as he slammed his fists down on a conference table, a group of teachers, including the principal, who also happened to be Mr. Puff, seems like he wanted to move on from elementary to a higher place which was High school. Mr. Puff was standing at a window watching as the rain drops fell from the window while he listened to the other teachers.

"Do you know how many questions that boy had today? Usually it's ok to ask a few questions, but when he asks what every single question is, how am I supposed to teach the rest of the class?" asked Ms. Briggs.

"You say you have Spongebob who asks questions, it's better than teaching his pink friend, that boy doesn't even pay attention, I swear he's retarded, I ask him what his name is and he says Pink!" another woman, his English teacher throws her fins up.

"You're tellin me, that boy will either eat the football, or he'll just stand there with that stupid grin on his face, drooling!" Coach Luis crosses his arms, "Actually, Luis, he can't stand." the English teacher snickered, "Oh, uh, right, so he's useless in any, and everything we do." the coach said as he picked up his clipboard and crossed Patrick off the team.

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