Ch. 12

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I'm back with the next chapter, hot and ready for you to read, this chapter may be a little mature for some readers, but heck, I still think it's a good enough chapter to read, I hope you enjoy it.

Spongebob stood before her parents in their living room, their daughter introducing him, "Mama, papa.. This is my boyfriend.. Spongebob." she said as she clung onto his arm, "BoyFriend? Oh, so this is the young man you've mentioned." her mother said, she looked like an older version of Ivianna, little streaks of grey wore in her brown hair.

Spongebob blushed and giggled, "Nice you meet you, Ivy's mom." he said, Ivy's mother laughs, "Evilan." she said before she looked to her teenage daughter, "Ya know, for a minor, he's pretty cute." she said, "Good job." she winked.

Her father however, wasn't as thrilled as his wife, "Why is he here this late?" he asked, Ivy looked at Spongebob before turning to her dad, "He had nowhere to go tonight, papa." she said, "Nowhere to go? What happened to his parents?" he asked, "Well they sorta, got in an argument." she explained, "An argument? Bout what boy?" he asked Spongebob.

Spongebob rubbed the back of his head, "It was about her.." he said as he glanced at Ivy, "What about her?" he asked him, "They didn't approve of me being with her," he answered, "With respect sir, I really don't want to talk about this right now," Spongebob shook his head, the man nodded.

"Well daddy? Can he stay?" she asked, the man looked at the other male, he sighed, "How could I say no to you? My sweet little plum, of course he can.. He can sleep on the couch." he said as he brought his daughter in a hug, "Oh thank you daddy!" she squealed.

Ivy turned to Spongebob, "Come on, Spongebob, let's get you settled in." she said as she took his hands and lead him to the living room.

On the other side of town, hours later, Margaret is seen knocking at her son's door, Gary is at her feet, "Spongebob, honey, please open up." she said through the door, but got no answer, she looked down at Gary, "Well at least let Gary in." she said, "Meow" but still no answer, she sighed, "You've been in there all morning, you need to eat." she said, "Spongebob, please.." "Son, if you don't open this door, I'm gonna break it down." his father shouted through the door, but got nothing.

It took four hard slams with his shoulder to get the door down, they rushed into the empty room, "He's not here." she raised her voice, worried, his window was wide open with a rope made of sheets waving in the wind.

Margaret turned to Harold, she barely said anything before she rushed past him and outside, hoping that she'd find some clue to where he went. If there had been any tracks he left behind, they all would have been washed away by the rain late last night, when had he left?

Margaret rushed back inside, "We've got to look for em, quick call the police, they'll find em!" Margaret shook her husband's shirt before she reached for the nearest shell phone.

"When was the last time you seen your son, ma'am." an officer asked as another held a pad of paper and a pen, "Last night, after dinner." Spongebob's mother answered, "Let me get this straight, your son ran away last night and you're just now calling for help?" the officer asked, "It's not like that, we just found out, he was mad at us last night and went into his room, and we thought he just stayed there, you know? Like most teenagers." Margaret explained, the officer looked back at his partner.

"What happened at dinner to get your son upset?" the officer said, Margaret looked at her husband before looking back at the officer, "He wanted to go on a date with some girl, but we said no, and he got mad, and.." she looks down, "Maybe we were too strict on the poor guy, but, still I'm worried, he's my baby and I need to know where he is." she said as she clung onto the officer's jacket.

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