Ch. 9

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Welcome to a new chapter of Childhood.. shoot I got alot done today with this story that is... well um.. enjoy.. you might want to grab some tissues for the first part of the story, as I needed some while I was writing this... good luck.

Last Chapter, Spongebob had gotten beaten up, pretty bad too, the ones responsible for this tragedy had left the little sponge alone in the park, broken and oozing blood, left to die. Spongebob's pain was so great along with the amount of blood he had lost (remember Spongebob was TINY at this age) he had blacked out, and now.. here is where we are at.

'What, what is this?' he asked, his voice echoed through the darkness, he looked down at himself, he was clean of any cuts, bumps or bruises. He didn't hurt anymore, why?

Spongebob was floating in the middle of nothing, a place where there was no light, Spongebob patted his chest, "Am I.. dead?" he asked his thoughts continued to echo through the darkness.

Spongebob hunched over in pain as his last memories rushed through his mind, he had been beaten, tortured. It was all clear, their fists, their feet, their faces, their smiling faces. He could remember the blood, oozing out of him, he could remember the pain he felt when they did what they did to him.

It must be true.. He must be dead, he couldn't be alive, he didn't hurt anymore, he couldn't feel any pain, there were no marks. Tears ran down his face as the worst came to mind, he was dead.

What made it worse was that he could hear his mother crying in a hospital hallway into her husbands shoulder as the doctor told them the news.

"Why wasn't I there? I should have been there for him! B, but I was too late." she cried into Harold's shoulder, Harold didn't say anything he just removed his glasses to wipe away his tears, 'if only we let him stay home that day' he could hear his father's thoughts.

He could see them as if he was standing in a window.. He was right there, "Mom! Dad! I'm right here!" Spongebob shouted, his voice would echo throughout the dark abyss but they still wouldn't hear him.

Spongebob also noticed that not only were his grandparents there, but another kid, 'is that.. Patrick?' Spongebob questioned, Patrick was sitting alone, as usual, he was looking to the ground, he could tell he was worried, he played with his fingers as he stayed out in the hallway, why was he there?

Spongebob jumped slightly when he noticed that Gary was sitting in his mother's lap, crying, "Oh Gary.. oh no.. I can't be dead… I have to take care of Gary!" Spongebob cried, but knew no one could hear him.

Spongebob then turned to see himself lying in a hospital bed, wrapped in bandages, tubes were stuffed down his throat, and there was the slightest high pitched sound. It was Spongebob's heart monitor, strait as a line, and it could be heard from the hallway.

Spongebob walked next to his pale, bruised body, he was motionless, the doctor was still out in the hallway breaking the news, it seemed as if the world had slowed down as the doctor took forever to tell his parents.

The look on their faces were heartbreaking, they had lost their only son, to a group of kids, why did it have to be him? Spongebob stared through the see through wall, "I'm really dead.." he said to himself.

"Mew.." said a very familiar voice, Spongebob gasped and then looked down to see Gary standing in front of him, he was staring at him, Spongebob bent down to him, "Can you, see me?" Spongebob asked, "Mew!" Gary mewed, Spongebob's heart melted, Gary could see him.

"Gary… Gary what are you doing in here?" Margaret asked as she walked into the room, Gary turned around to look at Spongebob's mom, "Mew, mew, MEW!" Gary mewed, Margaret shook his head and walked over to her son, "I know… I miss him too." she said as she placed her hand on her son's cold dead hand before her head fell on him and she began crying again.

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