ch. 4

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The last three days of school for the sponge and snail were a blast, they had made many new friends and the teacher grew to actually like the sponge, of course that's what the little sponge himself thought.

*Screen cuts to a plain white wall a student is shoved against the wall and pinned against it*

"Owe!" Spongebob shouts, he looks up at two students, they must have been at least twice the size of him and in a different grade than he was, and they had him pinned against the wall.

"W, what are you doing!" Spongebob cried, he was scared, never in his life had something like that happened to him. He was a mess, his hair was all ruffled up, his clothes were all untucked, and wrinkled, his bottom lip was swollen purple and red, and surely his eyes were going to turn blue soon.

Tears ran down his face, why were these students doing this to him, what did he do?

Earlier (Start of the day)

"Mommy, Mommy wake up, wake up! It's time for school!" Spongebob shouted jumping on his parent's bed, waking both his mother and father up.

"Ok, Spongebob I'm up, I'm up," his mother laughed.

"Hey, could you stop I'm trying to sleep!" his father barked pulling the sheets over his head.

"Oh dear, you have to get up too, you have to go to work, don't you?" she asked him.

"but I don't want to." he cried

"Oh come on hun, look our son's up and ready, it's not hard." she said

"I'll be down there in a little bit, just call me down when the coffee's done." he groaned, Margaret rolled her eyes, "fine, come on sunshine." she said taking Spongebob's hand and leading him down stairs.

Bubble transition

"Ok dear, here's your lunch, and your bag." Margaret said to Spongebob as she slid his book bag on his shoulders.

"Mommy's got to go to work now, and I don't know when I'll be home, so Grandma's picking you up today, your father would but, you know how that will go." she said rolling her eyes.

"That's ok, I love you mommy, I'll see you when I get home," he hugged her, "Ok Spongebob, bye dear." she waved as he walked away.

Minutes later

"Well, good morning my beautiful class," Ms. Shelly said standing in front of her desk, "Well looks like today will be an interesting day, won't it?" she asked looking all around her class.

Meanwhile while the teacher was speaking some of the students were talking about, whispering to each other, mainly about the new sponge, which again, Spongebob didn't understand, but someone did.

"Mew." Gary mewed looking at Spongebob, "Non-sense Gary, they're probably excited about today too." he said, "Mew." "Why are you scared, I'm here." Spongebob said. "Mew." "Worried for me, why?" he asked, but Gary didn't say anything he just looked past Spongebob and then cowered in the sponge's bag.

"Gary?" Spongebob tilted his head to the right, confused, "What's wrong?" he asked, Spongebob had seen this look on his snail's face before, back when he was at the pet store.

"Heh hem." somebody fakes a cough, catching Spongebob's attention on purpose, when he turned to look he seen his teacher standing over him, fins crossed and tapping her foot.

"Oh hello Ms. Shelly." Spongebob greeted, "well class, I see we have a chatterbox." she announced over the entire class as if to imply something.

"Actually Miss, I'm a sea sponge," Spongebob corrected, "Of course you are." she rolled her eyes, "Ms. Shelly!" shouts a student raising his hand two rows across, "Yes Joe." she smiled.

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