Ch. 8

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Thank you guys for waiting so long for this story to update, anyways I hope that you like this chapter.

"What do you mean he kicked you out?" Spongebob's mother asked holding the little sponge by his shoulders, Spongebob sniffled his nose, he'd been crying all night. Spongebob wiped his eyes, "He said that I, I broke his rule, be, because I fought those boys, a, and now I'm banned from using Karate, and from his class, e, even if I didn't start it. I, I tried to tell him that I was only protecting myself, but h, he wouldn't listen." Spongebob shook his head, Margaret pet the top of her son's head, pulling him close to her.

Harold was standing in front of them, his arms were crossed, his wife looked at him from the sofa, "It was probably that principal who told him," Harold said, "So what does that mean that our son can get beat up and those people won't get in trouble? But when my boy learns to fight to protect himself, he gets punished, like is he supposed to be the ocean's punching bag?" Harold questioned, he shook his head, "I'm going to give that karate man a piece of my mind!" Harold huffed while he marched to the door.

Margaret got up from her seat and went after her husband, "Please Dear, don't go looking for trouble." she said grabbing his arm, Harold took his arm back and turned to his wife, "How are we gonna sit back and let this happen, he is our son damn it! And as I said before, I will do anything I can to protect that boy, and if knocking some sense into the karate man gets him some sort of.." "Stop It!" young Spongebob shouted interrupting his father.

His parents both looked down at him, "Just, stop it, it doesn't matter." he said looking to the ground, "It doesn't matter?" Harold questioned.

Of course it mattered, why wouldn't it matter? Joining Karate was one,of,the,beat things that ever happened to him, it meant everything to him, but saying it didn't, that was hard, but he knew that he had to move on.

Spongebob knew he would never get accepted back in that class, even if Kamari knew the truth, he wouldn't allow him to continue his training.

And if the sponge knew the truth, there wasn't a thing in tv's world the kid could do to keep the shack in business, you'd think that with Harold paying for his son to take lessons that it would be enough, but it wasn't nearly enough to part off the debt owed to the city.

It might have been hard to lie and say that he didn't need Karate, but it was what his parents needed to hear. He had never seen his father so angry in all of his years, and he was this way for him, maybe his father did care about him, maybe he cared about him along and didn't notice it.

With Harold always working late, when He would come home tied with aching feet, and an aching back, with his head feeling like it had been bashed against a concrete brick, and it was all for him so that he could live.

Maybe it would have been better, if He had never come along, maybe his father wouldn't have to work so Damn hard.

Harold for the first time Spongebob seen that he was fighting for him.

A tear rolled down the young sponges face as he wrapped his arms around his father's Waite and hugged him, "I, I love you dad." he said, Harold's angry look swept off his face, he just looked down at his son, his baby boy. Harold smiled and wrapped his arms around him, "I, I love you too son," he said, he felt warm, saying , 'I love you' for the first time in so long, and then receiving one from a cold statue was like waking up on a cold winter morning and drinking your first cup of hot coco for that morning, the way the creamy hot chocolate warmed your heart. A larger smile swept across the mother's face as she watched the loves of her life love.


It was finally morning, and the Squarepants were once again sitting at the round white kitchen table enjoying their breakfast.

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