Ch. 19

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Spongebob stirred in his bed, tossing around almost like he had a bad dream, "G, grandpa." he murmured under his breath. Spongebob's eyes slowly fluttered open, he groaned before he closed his eyes, it was too bright out, and the light wasn't helping his headache in any way possible. A hand rested on the top of his hand, he squeezed it while getting a gasp from the unknown visitor.

"Spongebob?" her voice rang comfortably though his ears, "I, Ivy?" Spongebob questioned as he turned his head towards her, he could see her even with his eyes closed, that beautiful smile, her hair pulled up in a messy pony tail, her eyes as beautiful as ever.

A tired smile crossed his lips, "H, hey, wh, where've ya been? I, i've missed you." he said in a tired voice, his eyes were heavy, but he could see her smile fade away, "H, hey, what's wrong?" he asked as he reached to hold her hand.

"Spongebob." her voice sounded concerned, tears filled his eyes as he realized who the woman was, "Mom?" he questioned, looking around for Ivy, "Wh, where did she go?" Spongebob asked her, "Who?" Margaret asked as she scooted closer.

"Ivianna, d, did you see her?" he asked, "she was just here, where did she go?" he asked, Margaret looked at her husband that was leaning against the wall by the door, his arms were crossed, Harold stepped up, "She was never here." he said, Spongebob's eyes widened before he turned his head his heavy eyelids sliding back down over half of his eyes.

Spongebob turned his head back towards them, "Grandpa?" he asked, the parents froze, tears fell from his eyes, "Spongebob-" Margaret spoke up before her son interrupted her, "I saw him.. Mama, he's.. Is he?" he questioned, he didn't wait for his parents to say anything, their looks were all he needed, he drew his head down and began to cry.

Margaret climbed onto her son's bed and brought him in a comforting hug, "Oh, sweetie." she said as she brought him in closer, his arms wrapped around her as he cried even more, "Grandpa." he managed to choke out, Margaret looked at her husband and gestured for him to come and comfort their son.

"It's ok son." his father said as he patted his son's back, Spongebob looked up at his father, "Gr, grandma?" he asked him, Harold shook his head, "She's fine, don't worry about her, worry about yourself, how are you feeling?" Harold asked.

"But Grandpa.. Mmph my head." he said as he reached to touch his head, panic filled his head as he felt his head, he didn't recognize the material on his head, "Wh, what's this?" Spongebob asked as he tried pulling at it.

"Spongebob." Margaret said as she pulled his hands away from his head, "be careful, you don't want to take that off until the doctor says." Spongebob said, Spongebob looked at his mother, "Doctor?" Spongebob questioned, "What's wrong with me?" Spongebob asked him mom.

Margaret looked at her husband, "Is there something wrong with me? What happened to me, why am I here?" he asked as he looked around the hospital room, "You had surgery, don't you remember?" his mom asked, Spongebob looked at her.

"No.. what did they do to me?" Spongebob asked, "Wh, what's wrong with my legs, what did they do to my legs!" Spongebob shouted as he pulled the covers off of himself, "You broke them, remember?" she asked, "Broke them?" he asked, "I, I didn't break my legs, did I, I don't.."

"You were in a boat accident, remember?" Spongebob cocked his eyebrow, "An accident?" Spongebob asked, it didn't make any sense to him, "What boat accident? I'd never driven a boat, mom.."

Margaret looked at her husband, "I think we need to contact mister Brandy." Harold suggested.

Restrained in his bed by two other doctors and his parents, Spongebob was forced to lay down in the hospital bed as the doctor shines his light in his eyes, "G, get away.. From me." Spongebob growled as he tried fighting the doctor's off.

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