Ch. 15

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"Man Pat I can't wait for tonight's game, it's gonna be off the hook!" Spongebob shouted out, "Heh, yeah.." Patrick said, both of the boys were pumped, "Oh, you're gonna squash them turtles!" Spongebob said as he raised his fist, tonight was going to be awesome, as far as the boys could tell, it was going to be one of the greatest football games of all time, their school was going up against their rivals the turtles, a school that was located on the other side of town.

"I can't believe we won twice in a row!" Spongebob said, "Yeah, and after tonight, it will be the third, haha, those chumps won't even know what hit em." Patrick laughed, "oh I don't know Patrick, I heard this year's team is pretty good, better then last years, they got a whole new set of players, I heard that they haven't even lost one game this season." Spongebob shook his head.

"Pft, not after tonight, after tonight, they'll all go running home to their mommies." Patrick said, Spongebob laughed, that's Patrick for ya, those turtles didn't stand a chance against them seagulls, "yeah it's gonna be so cool, and even cooler now that I got my license, I'll be driving to the game, mom and dad just bought me a boat!" Spongebob said as he showed his driver's license.

"So, are you gonna take your old lady?" Patrick asked, "Who you calling old!" shouted Ivy who had ran up behind them, the boys jumped at the sudden outburst, Patrick began to sweat, his face turned red, "O, Oh, I, I didn't mean it like that!" he shook his head before turning to his best friend, "Uh, here take him!" Patrick said as he shoved Spongebob in front of her, "Sorry buddy, it was either you, or me.. I chose you.. Man, your girlfriend is scary." Patrick said before he backed off of him, "Uh, I'll uh, catch you later Spongebob!" he said before he ran off.

Spongebob and Ivy watched as the starfish ran off to the building, Spongebob laughed before turning to his girlfriend, he smiled and hugged her, "Morning, it's so nice to see you, and your as beautiful as ever." Spongebob smiled, Ivy blushes, "Aww, thank you." she said as they linked hands.

"So, uh, are you going to that big game tonight?" Spongebob asked her as they walked up to the building, Ivy smiled, "Well yeah, i can't miss it." she said, Spongebob smiled, "So, you're gonna go with me?" Spongebob asked her, she smiled, "You bet, I wouldn't want to go with anyone else." she giggled, Spongebob blushed, "You're so cute!" he shook his head causing her to blush.

Spongebob stood in front of his bathroom mirror, applying on colored face paint in the school spirit, just as any good supporting student would. The team would need all the cheering they could get if they wanted to win. Black and blue eyeliner under his eyes, and white and blue lines on different sides of his cheeks, perfect school colors.

"Bye mom, bye dad, I'll see you when I get back!" Spongebob shouted as he ran down the stairs, "Okay, drive safe dear! Remember to look both ways, and you're not allowed to stay at your girlfriends after the game, you understand?" Margaret said as she stood at the bottom of the staircase, "I won't, I promise." Spongebob smiled as he grabbed his set of keys for his new boat.

Spongebob pulled up in front of Ivy's house, he honked the horn a few times to let her know he was there. "Bye momma! Bye papa!" she shouted as she ran down to the waiting boat, Spongebob leaned over the seat to unlock the door, "Come on, hop in!" he said as he patted the seat before she hopped in, she reached over the seat and gave him a peck on the lips.

"You look great." Spongebob smiled as he looked over her way of dress, hair put up in it's usual messy ponytail, blue and sliver glitter layered her hair, her eyelids were colored a glittery blue, her cheeks had black heart paint, she was in a blue t-shirt and white pants, "Hehe, thanks, too much you think?" she asked, Spongebob shook his head, "You can never have too much spirit, heh, you look great." he said as he started the boat.

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