Ch. 21

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Spongebob smiles at his mother who adjusts his red bow tie, she slides her hands down his shoulders, a small tear sets at the edge of her eyes, she smiles, "You're so grown up." she says as she tugs at his jacket.

She stops smiling, "but, are you sure you wanna go? I mean you don't have to." she shook her head, Spongebob holds her hands, "Of course I wanna go, I've only got one prom ya know, I won't get this chance again."

Margaret fakes a smile, "I don't want you going alone, do ya hear?" she said, Spongebob smiled brightly, "Don't worry, Patrick's going, and I just know Ivy'll be there." he informed, Margaret sighed, he was only going to hurt himself, but he was young and needed to know.

"Well, come on then, let's get going." she said as she lead the well dressed sponge out to the boat, "well, come on, are you getting in?" she asked him as she looked at him through the driver's seat, Spongebob looked up at her and then back at the boat, "Come on dear, it's ok, nothing's gonna happen." she said as she patted his spot in the seat.

"Now, remember, to have fun, but not too much fun, you've got an appointment with in six days." she said as they came to a halt in front of the recreation hall, the outside was lined with lights, flower arches lined the walkway up to the building, young teens stood outside the building talking to their friends while the rest walked into the building.

Spongebob let a nervous sigh as his mother drove off. Spongebob looked all around the big room, it was amazing, columns of balloons stood tall, hanging stars, lights and streamers hung from the roof like a starry night. Long tables of food and drinks, a few tables sat in the back corner next to the buffet, while many party goers danced in the middle of the room.

Some fish stopped to stare at the sponge, some of them waved but he knew none of them, as he made his way through the crowd of dancers, maybe he'd find what he was looking for among these fish.

Spongebob stood back, smiling as he caught sight of a lonely sponge, her back faced him, he slowly crept up behind her. Ivy jumped when a pair of thin arms wrapped around her, but she then laughed, "Oh, there you are I- Spongebob?" she questioned as she looked at him.

Spongebob smiled, "Hi Ivy, I made it, c, can you believe it?" he asked her, a small smile crossed her lips, "Th, that's great, but, what are you doing here?" she asked him, Spongebob laughed, "I'm here to dance with you, they released me a few weeks ago." he informed her, Ivy looked at him, "but I have to go back in about a week for my check up, look I still got the stitches." he showed her as he rubbed the stitches on his head.

Ivy glanced up, he had at least four stitches left, "Did you miss me?" he asked her, "Spongebob." she spoke up, Spongebob laughed, bringing her in a hug, "I, I missed you too, I honestly didn't think I'd ever see you again!"

"Spongebob-" Spongebob's eyes filled with tears as he lowered their hands, he looked away, "Wh, why weren't you there?" he asked her, he looked back, squeezing her hands, "I, I called, and texted you, and you never answered me, I needed you but you weren't there." he cried even more, but then he smiled.

"But, I'm sure you have a good reason, right? You must've been grounded or something, and you couldn't talk or see me." he said, "Spongebob, I-" "N, No it's, it's ok, I forgive you, you probably wouldn't have wanted to see me that way anyways, I know I wouldn't, hehe i know, I was in that condition, it was hard, but, I, I did it! I lived, I died, but, I lived! I just wish you were there to help me through it all." Spongebob sniffed.

Tears filled Ivy's eyes, "Spongebob-" "I love you too, I, I love you, and I don't ever wanna be apart from you that long again!" he said as he brought her in a kiss, but he stopped when a familiar voice rang in his ears.

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