Ch. 14

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OK guys, this one takes place a few months later.

"Ok, Spongebob, me and your father are gonna be gone for one week, ok, so don't get any funny ideas while we're gone, you're not allowed to have anyone over, do you understand?" Margaret asked her son, Spongebob smiled, he knew this already, he knew this since he turned 14, every year, around this time, his parents would leave for a week, since it was their anniversary week, they'd go to an expensive resort hotel and stay there and do grown up things, while he stayed home and went to school.

Spongebob and Ivy stood at their Biology table, they had on their white lab coats, and orange safety goggles, "So, Spongebob.. Me and the girls were talking the other day," she paused as she mixed baking soda into citric acid, "Yeah, and what were you guys talking about? Wait I know, how they think you should kiss me.." he said before laughing, Ivy looked at him, "It's a good idea.." she said as she brushed her lips against his but pulled away, "but no.." she said as she picked up a glass of water and poured it into the mixture, causing an instant reaction.

Ivy took her goggles off and looked at the slightly taller male, "There's a party in two days." she said, "A party?" he asked her, "Yeah.. at Jared's" she said, Jared, he rolled his eyes, he wasn't a fan of this 'Jared' guy, alway blowing ugly kisses at Ivy, when he could be kissing Spongebob's pecker.

Ivy wrapped her arms around Spongebob's neck, "I'd love it if you'd come with me." she said as she stared in his eyes, "Well you know, I'm not a 'Party' type of guy." Spongebob said, which was a lie, he loved parties, just not ones that 'Jared' threw, he hated that name, that ugly, good for nothing..

"Please?" she begged him, those pleading eyes of hers killed him, she knew he couldn't say no to her, she was just too good, Spongebob rolled his eyes, "Oh fine.." he said, "Yay!" she said as she kissed his lips, "I knew I could count on you." she said, Spongebob blushed, "You know I'd do anything for you baby." he smiled as he kissed her.

When did he become such a fool? Hah, since the day they started talking, she had him tied tight around her little finger.

Spongebob looked down at Gary, "I'll only be gone for the night, I'm just going to a party with Ivy and her girlfriends, Patrick will be there too, so don't worry about me, and don't let anyone come inside that isn't me, you got that boy? And don't tell my parents, if you do.. You won't get any desert until I'm ungrounded." Spongebob said, "I'll see you when I get back." he said before he slipped out of the door.

Ivy and her friends were waiting for him in their boat, Patrick was also sitting in the back seat, seems that one of Ivy's friends took a liking to the new football star, chicks loved bad boys, but of course, Patrick was never interested, he just needed a ride, "Hey Patrick." Spongebob greeted with a brug (remember bro hug, from Larry's Gym).

"Girl, we're gonna have so much fun a Jareds, I hear that his parents aren't home for the week, and that he has the whole week to himself," 'sounds like me' Spongebob rolled his eyes, "and that his parents left their bar open, so you know what that means." the girl cheered, 'Ok, i may have been wrong.' "Hey Sponge, don't you hate this, Jared dude?" Patrick asked him, Spongebob sighed looking at Ivy before looking at Patrick, "I only came because she wanted me to." Spongebob said as he glared at his best friend, Patrick nodded, "I came for the free food." Patrick shrugged, Spongebob nodded, "Well, at least I'll have someone to talk to." Spongebob scoffed.

Spongebob groaned as he sat down on a sofa next to a couple who were making out, Ivy was over on the other side of the room, talking and dancing with her friends, while Pat was, well, Patrick was making out with some random chick, he was the football star after all, who had many fan girls barking up his chubby leg.

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