Those arent normal Flowers~Damian Wayne /Robin

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Damian: 21
You: 20
In this I think of the boys with reversed ages except Bruce.
3rd person POV
Jumping from roof top to roof top you and Damian were following a lead on Ivy about a new mystery flower she was creating.
"So Robin, anyone special yet?"
A small falter could be seen in his jump making you laugh.
"Shut up! I swear your worse than him!"
Being out in public as Raven and Robin, he wasn't going to simply say Dicks name. But you knew who he meant.
"What?! What am I worse then him about?!"
The smirk on your face was what made him scowl at you.
"Always asking about crushes and teasing people about it."
"Namely you!!"
Your ran ahead as a round of swears came from him.
Catching up he smirked and replied.
"Still staying single?"
A misstep on the landing to your jump made you and him stop on a rooftop.
"Why are you teasing me about that?!"
A smirk was on his face as he spoke.
"You've stayed away from every guy in Gotham eventually you'll  need to settle down."
Crossing your arms you replied back.
"What about you? You've stayed away from every girl in Gotham. Eventually you'll need to settle."
Scoffing he crossed his arms as well.
"Not happening."
Giggling you started running to the Gotham Gardens with him following behind you.
Your POV
On the glass roof of the gardens I opened the window silently and waved Damian in.
Nodding he jumped through followed by me.
Landing in a little clearing we ran into he bushes using them as cover till we reached the center.
"I don't see her. What now?"
Looking at each other I stood up and walked on the path as we explored around, weapons at the ready.
From what Bruce told me she, could pop out of no where in seconds.
Man those talks are like a father lecturing their kid.
Thank god he's not my dad legally or in blood.
Poor Damian.
"It's weird to suddenly have total silence. Villains never are quiet."
He nodded at my response but froze along side me when we heard cackles.
"Well if it isn't the two birds here to play."
Me and Damian locked eyes for a second after we said the same thing but refocused our attention to Ivy.
She was debating something in her mind from the look on her face before smirking.
"This might work."
Raising her hands vines and branches attacked us.
Splitting up we dodged and sliced cutting a way towards Ivy.
She was holding back from what I could tell and it worried me slightly.
Making it towards her I cut another vine with the mini chainsaws on my gloves.
Curtesy of Bruce.
She smirked as we made it to the tree she was perched on before weird glowing flower buds sprouted out of the ground.
"My turn kiddies."
The flowers opened and a glowing yellow dust that looked like pollen came out.
But knowing Ivy this probably wasn't pollen.
Thinking fast from what Bruce had taught me about his encounters with her I had a mask already out and on my face the instant the flowers appeared.
But from the sound of coughing on my left, Damian wasn't as fast.
Damian's POV
"My turn kiddies."
Who does she think are kids?! We sure aren't!
Reaching for a mask on my belt I felt a vine on my hand.
Looking at it it kept me from my gas masks meaning this glowing pollen stuff is going to enter my lungs.
Oh wait, too late.
Dropping to the ground on my hands and knees I started coughing.
A hot sensation started in my lungs and spread through my body making everything feel hot.
Looking up I saw a blur of black attacking Ivy.
Feeling too dizzy to stay awake I collapsed to the ground.
Your POV
Adrenaline rushed through me as I cut through endless amounts of vines.
But it was worth it as I had a bat-a-rang to her throat.
"What did you do to him?"
My voice was serious, threatening, and emotionless.
"If I can't take Gotham because of how much they hate me, I'll make them love me."
She smirked until I held the blade closer.
"Antidote. Where is it?"
"This was a test. The flower was never done and it doesn't look like it had the effect I wanted."
Giggling to herself, I shook her and raised my voice.
Terror was in her eyes as I showed I wasn't kidding anymore.
"I-it was supposed to fabricate a false love to make the user get what they wanted! That's all it was supposed to do I swear!"
Looking at her I chose my words carefully.
"How long."
She hesitated before I got angrier.
"I don't know it was a test I swear I don't have a clue!"
The sirens of cars came closer and I looked up to see a giant plant crashed through the roof of the green house.
She musta done it in the battle.
Looking down I growled and knocked her out with a pressure point in her neck and tied her up.
Running over to Damian I threw a bat-a-rang at the still open flowers cutting them at the stems killing them instantly as they crumbled, wilted and withered away.
Running to his body I slid on my knees and scanned him.
"She wasn't kidding."
Looking at the holographic screen yellow was all around in his body, mostly in the core (what I consider the core of your body is nothing beyond the shoulders and pelvis) of his body and his brain.
"Manors too far."
Looking at the map my eyes widen.
"Jeez I didn't know we were this close to my penthouse."
Dismissing the map I pulled him up on my back and dragged him out as the sirens got closer.
Calling my bike (it's smart and balances on its own) it race towards us from the five blocks it was away from us.
Getting on and putting him on the back I rode as fast as I could to the under ground entrance to my home.
"Come on Damian."
This is the first part there's a second

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