His Flower ~ Male Poison Ivy x Reader [Part 2]

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I saw a blur of green before I slammed my eyes shut at the sound of the GCPD sirens and the shatter of glass.

I felt a rumbling and suddenly the light from the other side of my eyelids disappeared.

And from there I completely blacked out as my body finally shut down.


When I came to. I had a throbbing pain in my head.

Opening my eyes, I only got a blur before I shut my eyes as I got dizzy.

'Sights out. Other senses?'

My fingers twitched and I felt gloves covering my fingers and palm from what was underneath me, my gloves seemed to have a number of holes in them and tear though. Letting me feel a slight prickle under my hand.

It took me a moment to realize I'd felt the gentle prickle of grass. Soft earth and dirt. The air seemed warm, not muggy but more a cozy blanket feel.

I groaned quietly as I felt something reach out and touch my hand that was on the ground.

My hand flinched back as a reflex. But the thin rope like appendage persisted, slowly and gently it began to wrap around my index finger the appendage slinking in and out of the holes in my glove and slowly picked my hand up and wrapped around more of my wrist.

'Uh... Not human. What the hell is this?'

With a grunt I let my eyes flutter open, slowly to adjust little by little.

Glancing around with just my eyes I saw I was in a dimly lit place that seemed to resemble a rain forest.

The place was covered in green, brown, or some exotic color from a flower.

Flowers of all kinds were in full bloom, some of them were the normal garden variety, and the others seemed something straight out of Wonderland.

I huffed and moved more. And after the chore of sitting up I looked around myself.

My head ache subsided quite quickly. I looked around seeing only plant life around me.

My eyes landed on my hand as a felt the rope like thing shift. I picked up my hand to see a little green vine wrapped around my elbow and forearm as well as my fingers. A small pink bud of a flower tucked between my fingers.

I was smooth for the most part but had a fuzz to it.

It wrapped around my forearm and hand and gave it a gentle squeeze before it releasing pressure.

'Plant hug?'

More vines seemed to follow the first ones example and seemed to investigate me. They gently touched my gloves or boots or gave me gentle squeezes.

It left me giggling and squirming as they tickled me and unintentionally loosened some of my muscles. Not that I was complaining.

I smiled and looked around me in a strange calm peace.

The moment was shattered however as I looked forwards as the plants shifted and the ground rumbled a bit.

An arch of plants made a door way and under the gentle rustle of grass a figure with skin of green stepped into the doorway.

He glared at me in anger as I stared at him in the utmost confusion.

"Uh... 'scuse me... But who are you?"


I'd lost track of time here.

But that's okay.

Bat Boys x Reader fluff/lemons(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now