Taking it up a notch~Tim Drake /Red Robin

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Your Catwomam and Batmans long lost daughter and you've been dating Tim for a while till you took the relationship another level.
Tim: 19
Reader: 18
Dick: 26
Jason: 23
Damian: 16
Bruce: 45
Alfred:He's immortal man don't know what to tell ya.
Also not all these people will be in this so just an FYI.
This was requested by Quiet-But-Not
Your POV
He was supposed to be here and hour ago.
Looking down at my phone another minute passed.
Must have been dad.
Sighing I put it, screen down and sipped at the coffee in my hands.
We were supposed to be on a date but I guess it was cancelled.
A buzz from my phone made me acknowledge it.
Picking it up it was a text from him.
Red Bird- Sorry I had to bail. Bruce grounded me because of a fight with Demon Spawn and Jason. I took his katana in the end but still got grounded.
Laughing I texted back.
Me-I'm going to meet you at the manor. You'd better have a make up for this.
Red Bird- Alright I will. Cya.
Pocketing my phone I drank a little more before leaving it, the total, and tip and walked out.
Walking a distance I turned into an alley.
Disappearing I started running using the short cuts to the manor.
It wasn't far when using the short cuts but it felt like an eternity till I made it to the east wall.
His balcony had his telescope in which we used to sit there and marvel at the stars.
Climbing up the Ivy (cliché much?) I sat on the stone railing before yelling out.
"Red Bird, Red bird let down your hair!!"
I heard a groan and the next thing I knew the glass pane doors opened to reveal a pouting Tim.
"It was an inch longer than usual that week, now stop it."
I giggled before walking up to him and pecking his lips.
"Your still my Red Bird though."
Ushering me inside he closed the doors and used the inner (semi transparent) curtains to dim the room.
"So Tim what were you thinking of doing for a make up date?"
I turned away from him and emptied the pocket of my jacket, of my phone and put it on the night stand.
"I was hoping to bring it up a notch?"
"Whaddya me-nghh!"
I froze as he kissed my neck, his arms wrapped around me as one stayed at my waist and the other trailed up my shirt.
"I think you'll like it~"
3rd person POV
You shivered and moaned quietly as he searched for your sweet spot, his hand that was at your waist was rubbing your side as the other trailed up higher.
You'd never gone this far.
Make out sessions were the most and even those weren't  very heated.
But suddenly having him attack your neck you couldn't help but want more.
Gasping was he kissed a certain spot you could practically feel his smile as he attacked it hungrily.
Moaning slightly louder as he attacked it, his hand slid under your bra and began to play with your breasts.
Your body became hot and your core started getting wet as you felt a bulge on the back of your leg.
Reaching behind you on instinct your rubbed it.
Groaning he paused his attack on your neck.
"F-fuck~ *pant d-damn~"
Rubbing him harder he continued to abuse your next till he bite and sucked it harder than expected making you clench your fist a little.
Groaning he moved away from your neck and pulled away from you and pinned you to the bed next to you.
Hovering over you he got to see the hickeys and love bites on your neck.
He looked at your flushed face, though he doubted he was any different.
Smirking he removed your jacket and shirt throwing it somewhere in his room.
You doing the same for him.
After both tops were gone he trailed his hand up your stomach and to your breasts.
Leaning down he kissed you passionately, you returning it with the same amount.
Sliding underneath your bra he brought his other hand to the back where he swiftly unhooked it, removed it and threw it towards the place the rest of your clothes were.
You gasped as he massaged one of your breasts with his right hand the other was intertwined with your right hand next to your head.
Taking your 'gasp' to his advantage he shot his tongue into your mouth. You moaned into the kiss as you both fought for dominance
Tim eventually winning.
As you pulled away for air and panted you looked at him through half lidded eyes.
The lust in his eyes was evident. And it seemed as if he were holding back.
Before you could open your mouth to speak you he brought his face down to your breast and licked your right bud.
"T-Tim! G-god~! Nah!"
Massaging your left breast he continued to lick and suck on your right.
As he teased you more you brought up your knee and rubbed him through his jeans.
A groan came from him as he pulled away and looked at you smirking.
"Naughty girl~"
As he sat up he removed your (pant/jeans/leggings/etc.) bottoms as well as you underwear in a swift movement.
"Wet already~?"
You watched as he removed his jeans painfully slow making you agitated and impatient.
Finally removing his boxers you stared wide eyed at member.
"W-will that f-fit?"
Leaning back again as he leaned over you he pecked your lips.
"Just tell me when to move."
As he teased your entrance and began slowly pushing in, you gasped and pulled him into a kiss to muffle a scream.
You gripped his shoulders till little crescents were in his skin as tears came down your cheeks.
Pulling away from the kiss be began kissing away the tears.
Leaning down to your ear he whispered.
"Don't worry the pain will go away. Your fine, don't worry your fine."
And such, as he rubbed your sides keeping your mind from the pain.
After a while the pain subsides and you shifted a bit making a wave of pleasure jolt through your body making you moan.
Upon seeing this he began to move slowly.
He kept his pace and slowly increased as your moans got louder.
A part of you worried about someone hearing you two but the pleasure made it hard to think.
"H-harder! N-nghh! F-faster Tim!"
Grunting he complied and thrusted faster.
He stopped for a split second went he put your right leg over his shoulder making him go deeper.
After thrusting in this new position he hit a spot that made you gasp as you practically saw stars.
"R-right there!"
Nodding he aimed at that spot and increased at speed.
A knot was tightening in your stomach as you tilted your head back and drooled.
As the knot tightened you felt his thrusts becoming sloppier.
"T-Tim I'm g-going to c-cum!"
"M-m-me t-too!"
He pace quickened making the knot tighten more.
Is if he couldn't get any faster he started at what you felt was an inhuman pace making you pant louder as the sound of skin slapping against skin, as well as other lewd noises filled the room.
As he slammed into you one final time, you felt warm liquid in your sensitive core as you released on him moaning loudly as you did.
Panting, he slowly pulled out sending small waves of pleasure throughout your body.
Collapsing next to you he pulled the covers over you and him as you cuddled into his chest.
"Best make up date ever."
He chuckled before kissing your head.
"We need to do this more often."
Nodding you cuddled closer.
Things couldn't get bett-
Whipping your attention towards the door your eyes widened.
Looking at the doorway with Tim you saw Damian.
The three of you stared at each other as Damian was a bright red and you and Tim the same way.
"Never mind I'll ask Todd."
Slowly walking away the door shut and the was the sound of sprinting as well as a long line of 'nope's came from the other side.
"Well that was interesting."
Nodding he snuggled back into you and you doing the same.
"I love you (y/n)."
"I love you too Tim."
Smiling you felt happy you two took your relationship to another level.
You couldn't ask for more
"Did you use protection?"
"*sigh* start running."
Before he could start running the door was kicked off its hinges and there stood a furious Bruce and a smirking Selina.
"....I'll say it again, shit."
Oh geez my first lemon on this account "woof"!
Hope to see more request see you guys next time

"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Oh geez my first lemon on this account "woof"!Hope to see more request see you guys next time

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Also this is how Tim had to hide from Bruce.

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