Sacrifice ~ Damian Wayne/Robin [Part 2] {SAD}

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A tear slid down my cheeks as I stood up and looked down at her pale face.

"Just wake up....for me..."

:::Timeskip : 3 months:::

It was Three months since you had slipped into that coma.

The family would visit you from time to time hoping you'd wake up.

But you never did. You condition seemed to get worse as you stayed unconscious.

Everyone was an emotional wreck.

Damian was the worst off.

Everyday he would stay by your bedside for hours on end. Holding your cold hand in his and giving it light squeezes from time to time. Hoping you'd squeeze back.

Today was just like any other.

Damian was at your bedside holding your hand gently as he gazed down at your face.

It was around midnight. But he could care less.

"Come on (Y/n)... Wake up..." he pleaded.

Titus whined as he sensed Damian's distress and nudged the hand Damian held with a cold nose.

But, as always, he was met with silence and not reaction.

With a sighed. He leaned down and pressed his lips against yours.

He felt a tear fall and touch your cheek as he squeezed her hand as delicately as possible.

Sitting down at your side, he leaned forwards and crossed his arms on the bed still holding your hand, he buried his head in his arms. Titus curled up on the floor and like his master, slowly drifting asleep.

Damian didn't know how long he slept, only that he was startled awake by Titus' barking as the monitor let out distressed and quick beeps that turned to one continuous one.

Titus bolted off and out of the room to alert the others leaving Damian to his attempts to revive you.

Her shook your shoulders desperately, holding onto you like it would keep you tethered down to the land of the living...

But no matter the efforts... they lost you that day...

...they lost a sister... a daughter...

...a beloved....

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