Opposites attract~Bruce Wayne/Batman x reader

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This was requested by Blue_Lone_Wolf

My apologizes for the lateness.


:::3rd Person POV:::

"S-see you tomorrow Mr. Wayne." Came the small and quiet voice of Bruce's new secretary, (Y/n) (L/n).

He turned and smiled. "You too (Y/n)." he said as he walked out of the building to go home.

It was well into the night hours of Gotham, practically 10 to 10:30, as the secretary filed the last paper before getting up and started packing for home. She had been working overtime like she had during the start of the job 4 months ago.

It honestly didn't bother her as she was generally a nice and generous girl, and it didn't take much for her to do this when she saw how tired Bruce was when she had to wake him up at his desk for a paper he needed to sign.

Thought he tried to stop her she refused to stop and it ended with him very reluctantly agreeing to her doing this, but he did raise her pay more than she thought necessary.

Thought she had doubt's it was just because of her working, many women in the break room have commented on how he spares her a glance whenever she wasn't looking. This obviously perked her interests as to why the Wealthiest man in Gotham would be so interested in a normal girl trying to get by. Though she will deny to her coworkers that the man could be interested in a shy girl like her.

She won't deny, however that she has a strong interest in him.

Though many women do but only for his money or the benefits. (Y/n) saw him as someone else that needed to be treated like an honest man, not a free ticket to a fortune.

Though she's only dismissed them as a fantasy for her, a shy and overly nice girl to be with a man like him, a playboy with his standards probably held high?

Yeah, she didn't think so either.

She sighed and exited the building with her thoughts and a wave to the security and started her trek through the dark streets.

She was walking like always, but this night was sure to be different.

Your POV

Walking down the sidewalk I adjusted my bag on my shoulder as the clicking of my heels could be heard through the echoes of the alleyways. My apartment was only a block away from where I am now. Though that didn't ease my mind as I felt a paranoia creep into the back of my mind.

I continued down the sidewalk my mind dead set on getting home before my heart pounded out of my chest.

'One block, one block, come on!'

Hands grabbed me as I passed a dark alleyway, I screamed but was stopped abruptly as a filthy hand was pulled over my mouth. I struggled as I was pushed against a wall.

The struggling stopped as I caught a glint of silver in the little light before I felt a cool blade against my neck.

"Everything in the purse and other valuables and I don't slit your throat here and now got it?"

I nodded mutely as I shakily started to empty my purse. He still had the blade near my throat but far enough away where I could breath.

Or escape.

As I reached in the purse he kept his eyes locked on my purse.

Bad move on his part.

In a quick swing my purse collided with his face. The heavier objects making contact through the material of my bag to his face.

Bat Boys x Reader fluff/lemons(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now