Stutters ~ Damian Wayne/Robin

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Readers POV

I walked through the traffic in the hallways ducking under arms and the occasional flying object.

'All this work all to get to class on time' I thought as I sidestepped out of the way of someone running with the traffic.

Making my way to Biology a few minutes early I weaved my way through the small crowd of girls who were nearly cheek to cheek with each other to look at the resident neighboring my table that, The Damian Wayne sat at.

Getting a few glares and growls from a few of the girls I stood by my occupied seat where a brunette was sitting.

I didn't speak for her to move knowing she'd refuse anyways and simply waited. Turning my attention instead to the male getting all this unwanted attention.

At seeing his expression all I could think of to match his look was a cage bird who was forced to sing and wanted to be left alone.

I looked straight ahead to the clock waiting for the class to begin knowing the teacher would take care of this crowd soon enough. However I humored myself and listened to what the girls said and what Damian shot back. They were desperate and try as they might he didn't budge to any of their offers. And I mean try because it was one rejection after another and it took a bit of me not to laugh at how desperate they truly were.

Okay a lot of me but you get the idea.

The bell rang to signal that class had started and that the teacher was going to give a detention to whoever was still standing.

The girls gave Damian there goodbyes, winks, and all that before heading to their own seats. As soon as the brunette moved I plopped down and set my things down with a huff as my arms had gotten tired from the time spent holding it in the halls and just now.

The action wasn't unnoticed by my neighbor as he gave me a sideways glance. I could blushed as I felt his eyes trained on me, but I acted like I could care less, as I looked ahead at the teacher.

Mr. Gomez (random teacher name) came in as per usual with graded work, and the assignment of the day as usual.

Walking down the isles he distributed the papers of last weeks test giving a comment to a few students here and there.

"Well done Ms. (l/n) a perfect score. And to you as well Mr.Wayne." He said as he passed us.

I gave the teacher a small shy smile and collected my test and smiled at it before stowing it away. I got a few dirty looks or comments like, "Lucky" or "Cheater". Where as Damian got the usual praise like, "Smart dude" or "I should study with him".

Damian scoffed at this like it was to be expected. And it was really.

I didn't take the few bad comments to heart. The score was to be expected with me.

My shy natural and lack of friends made it easy for me to go to a library and bury my nose in a book or study for a few hours a day.

It became a normal thing for me to be shy. It also got easy to hide a few things.

Like a crush on Damian Wayne.

Yes you heard me, a crush. It was easy for myself to decipher when I say him the first time. When in the presents of him I get quiet, stuttery, and flustered easily.

Is easier to hide it though when you can just excuse it as you antisocial nature, or your shy behavior.

I've thought it over in my head of ways to gain his attention or confess...

But how does a shy nerd that blends into the crowd a get the attention of the most popular person in the school? Yeah... not that simple.

As all the papers were handed out and everyone's glares and comments of praise or jealousy of one another died away the teacher returned to the front and began explaining what we were to start today.

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